Era of Breakdown

Chapter 4 God on behalf of the world?

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

In Yae Sakura's room.

The mansion of the procurator of Xidi District is a Gothic building. Since the new owner came, the architectural style has not changed much, but the layout of the house has changed a lot.

Sakura's room looks similar to the one at the shrine, with a sword stand in the middle and rear, and the 'Red Light' given to her by Yae Ji is placed on it.

Yae Sakura knelt down on the ground, lowered her head and dared not look at her brother, she was still blaming herself for what she said just now.

What if my brother gets angry? Kalian is a very nice person, with a beautiful appearance and a lively personality, and her family background is also a top-notch existence in the Holy See of Destiny. If only these are counted, the older brother married Karen, which is already regarded as high-profile.

But my brother is just as good...

Obviously...Obviously my brother and Karen are a good match, and she can accept it, why is she so uncomfortable in her heart?

"Sakura, what do you think of Kallen today?" Yaeji sat cross-legged across from Sakura, with a small wooden table between them and a tea set on it.

Yae Sakura raised her head, what her brother asked just now was "Karen today", not "Karen".

The little girl thought about it again, it seemed that...there was a big difference from usual.

"Karen seems to be a different person, not as lively as before... She seems to be very dependent on her brother."

After Yae Sakura finished speaking, her gaze naturally shifted from Yae Ji's face to her clothes.

"Oh~" Yazhongji sighed, and said, "This matter has to start from the day I got on the boat..."

Five or six minutes later, Yaeji told Sister Jiang most of the news, except for the sss-level Trial Card of Symphony of the Sixth Night.

The little girl was silent again, thinking of her attitude towards Kallen today, she felt very uncomfortable.

Brother will not lie to her!

This is the fixed thinking in the heads of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

She herself didn't expect Karen to experience so many things in just two days...

"Then I..."

"You can pinch a few rice balls and bring them there tomorrow." Yazhongji said with a smile, "You know, Karen likes your rice balls the most."

The two siblings chatted for a few more words, until Yaeji walked out of the room and Yae Sakura closed the door again...... She vaguely felt that something was wrong.

But what's wrong? She couldn't tell either.

After Yazhongji walked back to his room, after a while, Rin's door slowly opened.

A pair of big eyes looked around cleverly, and after confirming that there was no one, he stepped on his feet and walked towards his sister's room with a cat-like body.


The City District has stabilized for the time being. After the disaster, most of the women and children are left. The remaining knight squad and the Valkyrie squad were quickly integrated, and the order gradually returned to the usual state.

Yaeji and Palmer discussed the matter of Siti's reconstruction, and then went to the Valkyrie alternate training camp in the district.

The giant coffin-shaped machine was well preserved. This time, the Houkai only disturbed the yard of the training camp, and the buildings were not attacked by the tank-level Houkai beast.

Yazhongji tried to find some useful things here, and after searching over and over again, he only got some information about the 'Moth of the Flame' from the previous era.

Doesn't help him much.

After getting permission and entering the "giant coffin", it doesn't matter except finding some fusion fighter information.

Yaeji glanced back and forth at the messages of those soldiers, and couldn't help shaking his head.

What is the use of this thing? Is it possible that fusion fighters are still alive?

What a joke.

Even he who has a "mobile phone" can't guarantee that he can live for tens of thousands of years.

At the top is a handsome man with white hair and blue eyes, who looks like a member of the Kaslana family, named Kenvin. He is the first person in the fusion warrior project, and he is also a super fierce man who directly integrated the gene of the emperor-level Honkai Beast Parvanti into his body!

How should I put it, in Yaeji's view, the experiment was both a success and a failure.

The success is because Kevin gained the power to control frost, combined with the key of destruction "Skyfire Sacred Judgment", he can use "Skyfire Unsheathed" without restriction, and he can be said to be the pinnacle of human beings at that time in terms of combat power.

He even killed Herrscher one after another with his own power!

The reason for the failure is that Parvanti's genes not only brought him strength, but also caused him to have extremely low body temperature all year round. Even those around him may suffer from frostbite, let alone hugging with his lover.

He is alone.

does it worth?

But this is also the object he wants to learn. After Kevin, the technology of the Fusion Warrior project has become more and more mature. Instead of injecting the gene of the Honkai Beast into the experimental body simply and rudely, he chose a method called "Super Transformation". Factor's magic potion.

Although this medicine is safe to inject, there is still an "awakening" procedure.

This procedure is to force oneself to explode in a desperate situation. As for how many people can succeed, there is no specific data to show.

Of course, people are different.

Yaeji didn't want to ask whether Kevin could get involved with the Kaslana family.

Yazhongji only knows that the ready-made artifact is placed in front of him, as long as he can find the gene of Pavanti, make it into a super-variable factor and inject it into his body, he will most likely become the second Kevin.

Still controllable!

This is just one way, the Ice Butterfly Shadow stigmata on "Karen" is as powerful, and it must be a piece of cake for "Kalen" to control the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge.

It's a pity that he doesn't know where to get these miraculous stigmata.

Compared with the past, the old method is more reliable.

Yaeji's eyes moved down to the woman who became a fusion warrior.

"Hua? Hua?" Yazhongji thought to himself, this name is even stranger than Kevin.

The photo on the left side of the file shows a rather young girl with her hair tied behind her head by a tie, very similar to Yaeji's hairstyle at this time.

This made Yaeji have a good impression of her.


Yachongji, who hadn't gained much, returned to the mansion. He couldn't find any manpower, let alone help 'Jane' and the others find their hometown.

He didn't want to ask about the affairs of the Holy See. On the contrary, those archbishops often sent him letters explaining the current strategy of the Holy See, which made Yaeji almost think that he was the Archbishop of the Holy See...

He just watched, didn't interfere at all, and continued to work hard to rebuild Siti.

After things were on the right track, Yaeji handed over the reconstruction to Palmer, greeted Sakura, Rin, and Karen, and found an excuse similar to "retreating to practice", hid in his room, and slowly into dreamland.

task panel.

"Do you want to enter the 'Attack on Titan' copy world?"

Yaeji once again confirmed the time terms, this time the flow rate was still 1:3650.


Current World Difficulty: Easy

The executor can bring followers into the

The two lines of words that appeared on the mission panel aroused Yaeji's interest.


With a question, several avatars are automatically displayed on the panel.

Yaeji looked at it with great interest, but the first photo took him by surprise.

"That's...God Dairishi?!"


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