Era of Breakdown

Chapter 143 Gods

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

The black and purple fox with multiple tails is being sealed in the folder prepared by the mobile phone. The purple and black strange flames are sprayed out from the big mouth, but a layer of black frost forms on the attack point, trying to destroy the strange monster that imprisoned it. place.

But no matter what the fox did, the folder was still there. No matter whether it was erosion or attack, it did not cause the slightest damage to the folder.

It's like something in two dimensions!

Yachong Ji understands the truth, but why is Eroding Herrscher a purple-black fox!

And this fox... looks quite familiar.

The girl covered in black mist floated on the edge of Yazhongji's consciousness, as if seeing Yazhongji's doubts, she explained: "That's my sister's power, which was snatched by her in the end."

"Is your sister a fusion fighter?" Yaeji asked.

"Hmm." The girl nodded.

Erosion Herrscher is extracted energy by Yaeji every day, coupled with strict care, all the girls who invested before were all ruined.

This time... Erosion was just a desperate gamble, even if you knew there was a trap ahead, you had to take it.

The girl looked at the distinctive "seal" curiously, not quite understanding why that thing could trap Herrscher.

At this time, Yaeji also began to roughly compare the images of the purple and black foxes, and found that...

Born in Yae Village, he believes in the fox god. Although he has never seen what the fox god looks like in real life, he can roughly outline the fox god's appearance in the messy records in the books.

The main color of the hair is white, and the forehead, fox ears, calves, etc., all have the kind of red that gradually eroded by flames.

It is rumored that there are mysterious lines in the shape of red jade on the forehead, and there are multiple tails behind it, which can call the wind and rain, and bless the village with good weather.

Judging from Yaeji's current knowledge, there is no doubt that the 'Fox God' is a Honkai beast infected by Honkai energy, and the degree of mutation is extremely high.

As for being able to call the wind and call the rain...he is really not very clear about this, he is still more inclined to the fox god, the Honkai beast that can drive the fire element.

As for the Corrosion Herrscher, who was in charge of sealing in the folder, his form at this time was similar to the rumored Fox God.

In chatting with Ling these days, Yaeji learned that her sister is a fusion warrior of the Moth of the Fire, and after being injected with the super-mutating factor, her body mutated, her ears disappeared, and transformed into two fox ears shaped like rabbit ears.

Bell's elder sister has the ability to control ice elements, and her name is - Sakura!

Yaeji asked Otto to draw a portrait of the current Yae Sakura, and then filled in two fox ears by herself... As a result, Ling pointed to the portrait, and she was absolutely sure that it was her sister!

It hurts.

He seems to spy on the truth of the world.

The 'God's Clothes Don't Forget' on the character panel, isn't it the fusion warrior named "Sakura" in the last civilization era, not his sister?

Are the 'Sixth Night Symphony' and the 'Chi Ling' obtained from contacting Chiyuan Shangxian in the future? Or in the past?

Yaeji is not very entangled in this, but... quite puzzled.

Since "Sakura" can control the ice element after injecting the super-changing factor, then the Honkai beast whose dna is made into the super-changing factor must also be able to control the ice element.

The fox god who is suspected to be of the same kind in the village is also a master at controlling ice elements?

'Am I wrong about it? '

Yaeji thought in his heart.

"Brother." Bell on the side said, "Can you find out where the dormant ruins are? My sister...maybe there."

"There are many relics. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the geographical location has changed slightly. With the development of this generation, it is temporarily impossible to conduct large-scale searches."

"Oh, thank you." Ling was silent again.

She also chatted with Yazhongji many times these days, "brother" has "amnesia" as he said, and can't remember everything before, which makes Ling feel very lonely.

"Can you mobilize the power of Eroding Herrscher?"

Yaeji asked suddenly.

"Yes." Ling glanced at Yaeji, "But only a very small part can be mobilized, and it can't erode everything like before."

Yaeji can also see this point, even the Corrosion Herrscher has to rely on evil thoughts to attach to other people, the previous ultimate virus seems to have consumed a lot of energy by the black box, and can't do whatever it wants like before.

Erosion Herrscher's ability to erode all things for his own use made Yaeji "tsk tsk" in his heart, and he was also amazed at the girl beside him.

If everything is true, then this "bell" can actually affect Herrscher's personality at a critical moment, and take away part of the ability to erode Herrscher.

If this power is revived... Yaeji has always thought that surviving the disaster of the Twelfth Herrscher in the last civilization era is simply shit luck!

Yaeji: "She is trapped here and cannot use energy. Can you control the power of Corrosion Herrscher? I mean restore the heyday."

Ling shook her head and said: "I only heard from my sister that the final fate of the Herrscher is to be made into the God's Key, because the special nature of the Herrscher has been eroded, the God's Key has not been made until now.

You can think of the black box as a processing plant prepared solely for Corrosion Herrscher, because she has no real core existence in the virus state, and those

God's key needs Herrscher's core to activate.

She has become so weak, except for the daily wear and tear, she has been half-processed into the God's Key by the black box, and there should already be a prototype in the black box. "

Ling pursed her lips, and said, "She is sealed here, and I can make the God's Key take shape..."

Yaeji focused on her, ignoring the howling purple-black fox in the folder.

"What do I need to do?"

"Can, can you give me a physical body?" Ling asked expectantly.

As if realizing her mistake, the girl quickly added: "You don't need a human body, some Honkai beasts with flesh and blood are also fine."


Up to now, Yazhongji still retains a trace of vigilance, but the "mobile phone" can seal the Corrosion Herrscher, and even the semi-finished God's Key is in his hands, so there seems to be nothing to worry about.

Yazhongji pondered for a while, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then he pointed to the purple-black fox in the folder, "How about that type of Houkai Beast?"

"Of course!" Ling was very pleasantly surprised, and then whispered: "I hope to be able to possess a female body."

"After being possessed, can you fully grasp it?" Yae Ji pointed to the folder, "I mean the ability to fully use it."

Bell nodded, and said firmly: "If the erosion goes well, I can completely control everything about it."

Yaeji nodded, then woke up from reality.

A black mist also drifted towards the black box again.

Yazhongji took a look and said, "You stay in my body, so you don't have to go back here."


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