Era of Breakdown

Chapter 15: Temporarily Ranked Fourth

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Yaeji became interested.

The same things and even creatures cannot exist in the same time period, which can be seen from the time travel clause of the "mobile phone".

If the Sixth Herrscher "Herrscher of Death" is killed and its core is made into the God's Key "Heiyuan White Flower", then the Heiyuan White Flower in his hand will naturally be rejected by this time and space.

Whether it is Heiyuan Baihua or the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire, even creatures are no exception.

Even now, Yazhongji is worried, afraid that one day Aiyi will disappear by his side.

And Feiyuwan, or Ling, is a variable.

From the perspective of life form, Higokumaru obviously cannot be classified as human beings. Her body contains the souls of Suzu and Higokumaru.

This special form did not appear in the last civilization era, which means that the future bell can observe the current bell at the same time.


Even more unbelievable is that there is some kind of mysterious connection between Hiyumaru and Suzuki.

"Tell me."

Yaeji folded his hands on his chest, leaning his back against the wall, and there was a certain thirst for knowledge hidden in his eyes.


Hiyumaru was scratching his ears and cheeks aside, while the four fox tails behind him were also wagging uneasily.

"I, I'm not very clear about this feeling, as if, as if I can influence her."

Yaeji "Influence? Not direct control? But subjectively and indirectly?"

Hiyumaru stretched out her little hand and scratched her cheek again, "That's about it, I can feel the little girl twisting the towel, there is still blood on the towel, and I can even feel the water"

"Can you directly control her behavior?" Yaeji asked curiously.

"This... shouldn't be possible, it can only be influenced secretly! Oops! I can't explain the feeling, I will demonstrate it when she comes out!"

After finishing speaking, Hiyumaru flicked his tail and hid in the dark again.

For the time being, Yaeji couldn't think of the usefulness of this kind of research. After all, Feiyuwan is very special, and the time travel of the "mobile phone" is even more rare.

Soon, Ling helped Sakura, who had changed into a black sportswear, out of the room.

As if she has not yet adapted to the pain, Sakura can only touch the ground with one leg at this time, and it is very difficult to walk.

Yaeji stretched out his hand, and circled around Sakura's left armpit, supporting his back with his shoulders.


Not only Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, but so did Suzu.

At this time, Ling subconsciously looked at the messy living room.

The hideous dead bodies and the black sticky blood splashed on the walls, including the smell in the house, can make the stomachs of ordinary people churn.

Bell is no exception.

His eyes narrowed, his small hands hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, and he was about to turn around and support the wall to vomit.

However... Ling turned around again, forcing herself to look at the two extremely disgusting corpses.

'Is Fei Yuwan affecting? '

Yaeji thought about it, and continued to observe the bell.

The girl in her teens was not frightened when she saw this kind of scene, which is already considered a strong willpower.

"Uh~ vomit—"

"Bell?" Yingqiao had a look of impatience on her face, she tried her best to bend down halfway, and patted her sister's back with her hands.


Fortunately, after a night of digestion, the little girl didn't vomit anything, it was mostly stomach acid and bile mixed with saliva.

"Don't worry, just get used to it." Yaeji helped Sakura to sit on the clean sofa beside her, then went to the bathroom to get a towel, soaked it and wiped it for the little girl.

"Thank you, big brother."

Bell was breathless.

"It's okay to go to the bedroom to rest first, and then eat something, and so does Sakura, we'll leave later."

Sakura insisted on packing some supplies, and Yaeji carried Sakura on his back, letting Ling follow behind, and the journey was smooth. Most of the dead men who had changed on this floor were locked in the house, and the anti-theft door locks in the old-fashioned community were comparable to the quality of the wooden doors in Yae Village. Good too much.


A red afterimage flashed across the corridor, and as soon as Yachong Ji's woolen coat became hot, it was known that Fei Yuwan had slipped in.

Sakura rubbed her eyes, always feeling that something flashed by just now.

"Ling, you stand in front and let your sister sit in the back."

"Yeah." Bell nodded obediently.

Yaeji took out Ai's helmet and put it on for her. It was a little too big, and sometimes it would affect her vision.

He put on his helmet for Sakura again.

First fix the car, support Sakura to sit in the back, Yae Ji sits in front, and then make way for Ling to stand in front.

The gasoline-electric pedal scooter drove away without a sound.

Fortunately, the wrestler in Gu Shun City is not going to work today.

This scene was seen by a surviving family in front of them.

"My God! They're crazy! How many dead men are there on the streets! How dare they—"

"Didn't you see clearly? None of their family seems to be infected, maybe they don't know."

"How is it possible?! Such a loud sound in the middle of the night..."

There was also someone who stayed in the bedroom without making a sound. He had seen the scooter parked there before.

Does this mean that the disaster outside is not as serious as imagined?

Yaeji rode a scooter, speeding across the street at an average speed of 30.

He didn't know how many innocent children his actions would harm, and even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

Otherwise, he would have already let Ai Yi invade a special department of the Federation, and hyped that Gu Shun City would be affected by the Honkai outbreak, which would always play a role.

However... why do you want to do this?

"Sakura." Yaeji said, "Take out the long knife on my left waist."

"Huh? Oh!"

The movement was uncomfortable, and it took nearly two minutes to hold the handle of the knife in his hand.

Sakura swallowed, and asked, "What shall I do next?"

"There is a dead man three hundred meters ahead, with the blade facing down slightly, cutting from the neck, and can kill with one blow."

Yaeji said it quite plainly, but Sakura's heart is not like that.

'I must never hold my boss back, I must never hold my boss back!'

After thinking silently twice, Sakura poked her head out to look to the side, and sure enough, she saw a figure at a distance of more than two hundred meters.

The long knife is a bit heavy for Sakura, and after trying to control the direction, Sakura held her breath.

"Speed ​​up."

Yae Ji said, the pedal accelerated to 60 yards, Sakura flashed back!


Before Sakura could react, the extremely sharp blade brushed against the dead man's neck, and a head shot up into the sky. The dead man in a suit swayed twice on the side of the street before being carried to the ground.

"well done."

Yae Ji praised, slowed down the pedal speed, and Sakura, whose center of gravity could not be stabilized, stuck to her back all of a sudden.

Yaeji did not fluctuate, and even made a comparison.

Jindai Leese \u003e Karen \u003e Yae Sakura \u003e Sakura \u003e Yuya \u003e Rin \u003e Suzu

As time goes on, Kallen may jump to the top spot.

Yachongji thought silently, mourning for a second of silence for the dead man who was suspected of being a social animal just now, and the small pedal continued to drive towards the city center.

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