Era of Breakdown

Chapter 35 Mei


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Ya was a little confused. She thought that someone in the unit recognized her through the system and asked her to help. After all, there was a shortage of manpower everywhere in Fojia City at this time. .

He didn't even have time to say goodbye to Ji and Sakura, so he was dragged to the basement of the current hotel by his "colleagues".

The basement was temporarily remodeled into a simple meeting room style. Looking at the middle-aged man in a white shirt with flashing epaulets, Ya straightened up unconsciously.

"Don't be nervous." The man said with a smile, "I've been in the J Bureau of Gushu City for the past few years after graduation..."

Soon, Ya dragged out all the general information she knew, and accepted the benefits promised by the other party, Ya was still in a daze.

She always felt like a "traitor" and sold out her savior like this?

But if she doesn't become this "traitor", isn't she really a traitor?

Ya opened her mouth, but no sound came out, she swallowed the words that had been brewing for a long time.

She really guessed that Ji, Aiyi and the others might be members of Moth Chasing Fire or other organizations, or even members of special departments of the Eastern Ancient Kingdom.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary person grasp that kind of power?

He also opened a dessert shop with his girlfriend?

Is this really the background template for urban abilities?

Ya's brain keeps emptying...

And all of this is under the surveillance of Aiyi and Yazhongji.

"Stupid, she could have gained more benefits." Ai Yi commented.

Yazhongji rolled her eyes, and patted Aiyi's cabbage head, "This is in line with her position, so it's pretty good. Judging by their actions, it's probably the 'dove faction' who took the initiative."

Aiyi covered her little head, and said, "Maybe they just want us to relax our vigilance, lead us to an area with a relatively small number of people, and then launch a Honkai fission bomb to solve everything."

Yaeji: "I see that you are in good health, why don't you go to the construction site with me the next day?"

Aiyi curled her lips, she is no longer the foolish person she used to be, but now she can already distinguish the traps in the boss's words!

In any case, since the "bizarre disappearance" of Herrscher of Death, Foga City, where the concentration of Houkai energy has been continuously weakened, is in a calm state, and the government has invested more manpower and material resources to solve this disaster.

Yaeji and the others could clearly feel the changes in Foga City.

On a certain aircraft carrier in the waters of Sakura State, in the conference room, the video conference has just ended.

One person pulled out the information sent by the intelligence department just now, and fell into deep thought.

"Unexpectedly, the target is related to the one who chased the fire moth."

"What is Dr. Mei doing in Flame Chasing Moth now? Is it still in the quantum field? After several years of research, I haven't seen any results."

"The Ministry of Intelligence shows that she seems to have been secretly transferred to work in another laboratory." The man on the side replied.

"Heh~ moths chasing flames. Without the support of a big country, how could such an organization exist? They still want to snatch talents from us over and over again..."


Ai Yi did not monitor the content of the meeting on the aircraft carrier.

She is still in the "energy-saving mode", without the support of quantum computing, and needs Yaeji to replenish a demon from time to time, and Yaeji intends to control the growth of the other party...

However, the exposure of the "relationship" with Dr. Mei's family was also within the expectations of the two.

With so many "clues" left, if they can't be searched, then people in the intelligence department can commit suicide.

What they are searching for is just the trajectory of "ordinary people" from childhood to adulthood, and the danger is almost reduced to the lowest point.

I also collected information from other organizations, but the main themes still revolved around the two major parts of "destruction" and "peace".

Scattered information can also be collected from the Flaming Moth, and the difference is not very big.

Sakura Dessert Shop has opened in Fuga City, and the interior decoration style has even reached a one-to-one restoration.

The Gushun Middle School on the next street was replaced by Fujia Middle School. Yaeji and Ai didn't intervene in all of this. They only heard that it was compensation from the government.

On the contrary, Sakura admired the mysterious boss even more, and Bell's focus gradually shifted from her sister to her "big brother".

Yae Ji "······"

At this time, he was making desserts in the back kitchen. Ever since the opening of Yinglin Dessert Shop in Foga City, there have been a few special people coming here every day.

I want a cup of coffee, some dessert... Sometimes I can chat with Ai, Sakura and the others.

They can pretend to be all kinds of people, from an eighty-year-old lady to a twelve- or thirteen-year-old elementary school student.

Yae Ji "······"

He could tell at a glance that the primary school girl in sailor uniform and beret was a boy.

God knows what those special departments think.

Later, even Cang, Zhi, and Xiangyi came to Fuga City from other places, relying on their "fatal" friendship with the shop owner, each of them was very diligent.

It's just that sometimes he is not so professional when searching for information, which often makes Yaeji feel "embarrassed".

Aside from those special people, Yaeji seems to have returned to her normal life in the past.

Suddenly, the phone's reminder echoed in my mind.

Side quest Viper gang to join, or eliminate



Thanks to the old iron from the Eastern Ancient Kingdom for the gift, double...

Before the word "mobile phone" was finished, Yaeji automatically blocked its voice.

This incident surprised him. He was completely Buddhist about the side quests. He didn't expect to complete the side quests without doing anything.

Listening to the meaning of "mobile phone", it means that the Eastern Ancient Kingdom is contributing. It seems that Ai Yi once said that the son of the Viper Club president, who has never met, was sent to the next continent.

This... Dong Guguo calmly helped him solve it...

After thinking that those bad things in the past were easy to investigate, Yazhongji was no longer entangled, and kept the favor he owed to the Eastern Ancient Kingdom in his heart.

When he was diverging his thinking to make desserts, he was in a certain research base of the fire moth.

Dr. Mei, known by the outside world as a rare genius once in a century, was standing beside a cultivation cabin to calculate the data.

She wore a pair of wide gold-rimmed glasses on her pretty face. The blocking of the lenses added a bookish look to those beautiful violet eyes. He was dressed in a white research suit, lined with a black shirt, and his long black and purple hair was tied high into a single ponytail and draped over his waist.

Black stockings and small leather boots, holding a tablet in his arms, raising his eyes to record from time to time.

At this time, Dr. Mei's appearance in the institute has remained unchanged for thousands of years. At most, he replaced the black shirt with a dark blue shirt, and replaced the gold-rimmed glasses with black-rimmed glasses.

The thick black-rimmed glasses and the addition of figure make this genius who is not yet 20 years old a little mature.

Pushing the frame that slid down, the look of tiredness could not be concealed in his eyes.

A pair of willow eyebrows frowned, and continued to write and draw on the tablet.

Chi -

The sound of the alloy door opening did not bring the girl back to her senses, which was evident from her concentration.

"Dr. May, we need you."

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