Era of Breakdown

Chapter 62 Hua (Happy New Year's Day!)


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Rick's eyelids twitched as soon as he woke up today. He is not from the Eastern Ancient Kingdom, so he doesn't understand the meaning, but he just feels very uncomfortable. .

Under the examination of a private doctor, it was determined that it was only caused by not having a good rest last night.

After a simple head massage, the beating of the eyelids has subsided, and Rick started today's work.

After a brief review, his eyelids began to twitch again. Recalling the conversation with those two old guys last night, Rick felt even more depressed.

I went to the bathroom. I am middle-aged and old, and all the functions of my body are degraded. I have to go to the bathroom every half an hour on average, which has become Rick's heart disease.

"I won't be your weapon against that monster! Damn old man, isn't his qualifications just a little older than mine? Isn't the level the same? I'm the most promising person!"

After standing in front of the mirror for some self-hypnosis, Rick returned to the office and started working.


After eating and taking a brief rest, Rick looked at the time and walked towards the meeting room accompanied by guards.

At 2:25 p.m., there was no one in the meeting room.

Rick frowned, cursing inwardly that the shelves of those two old things were bigger than the other!

Sit in your seat, close your eyes and meditate.

At half o'clock, Rick opened his eyes and glanced at his watch, feeling a little unhappy.

Normally, he would not wait for others in the meeting room!

Thirty-five, forty.

The unhappiness in his heart was already written on his face.

Fifty. .

Rick got up with a gloomy face, and when he walked to the door of the meeting room, he had suppressed the anger in his heart.

'Those two old bastards want to set me up? Or other reasons? '

Feeling uneasy in his heart, Rick half opened the door of the meeting room, and saw the guard standing upright at the door.

"Tell Warren to call Mr. Coase and ask him if there's any delay."


Back indoors, I scanned the empty meeting room. After the wooden door was closed tightly, it was eerily quiet inside.

The uneasiness in Rick's heart gradually expanded.

blah blah ~

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the wooden floor made the owner very impatient.

bang bang~

"Please come in." Rick stopped and said to the people outside the wooden door.

A fairly young man walked in with a mobile phone, and after closing the wooden door, he said, "My lord, Mr. Cos's phone is not available."

Rick's thick gray and white eyebrows were frowned, and the squeezed gap between the brows seemed to be a precursor to anger.

The man named Warren stood obediently, restrained, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

"Call Mr. Boyo."


"right here!"

The man stopped and quickly operated his phone.

A busy tone—

Couldn't get through in the end.

The uneasiness in Rick's heart reached its peak. .

"Entry is not allowed here for the time being!"

"Get out of the way! We are from the Investigation Bureau of the General Planning Department! Give you three seconds, or we will arrest you for obstructing official duties."

"No, you can't do that, but inside..."


The vague noise outside lasted only for a while before the door was violently knocked open!

A team of fully armed soldiers with the words "Investigation Bureau of the General Planning Department" hanging on the left chest under the "Flame Chasing Moth" seal broke in.

Power armor stamped the wooden floor in deep outlines, guns pointed at Rick and Warren.

Wo Lun wanted to step forward to defend himself, but was subdued by a soldier in power armor with one hand.

"Mr. Rick, I believe you should know what you have committed? Come with us!"

Rick frowned, the cloudy and uncertain expression on his face had long since disappeared, and instead he looked majestic.

"Let's go."

. . .

In the fierce competition of Moths Chasing Flame, half a month later, Rick was prosecuted for more than a dozen crimes. Rick refused to accept the organization's sentence and asked to return to his country.

However, the domestic political opponents did not know where they got a lot of black material...

During the same period, a total of several people stepped down, and most of them had a common characteristic, that is, they all participated in the "control plan".

The "control plan" is to restrict Boss Ji's activities, and radicals even proposed human anatomy!

Not all the participants in the "control plan" went in, that was too obvious, and Yae Ji just picked a few lucky viewers at random.

The high-level executives with dirty hands and feet were in danger. After searching through multiple channels, they found out that it was done by a hacker organization that did not belong to any force.

The name of the organization is "Black Love Force".

The high-level executives who caught a clue immediately organized a manual investigation, but they were still unable to find out where the 'black love force' was located.

Also teased by the other party...

People in the organization are more inclined to believe that the "black love force" is an organization of the United States, or where other countries have dug up the quantum supercomputer left by the last or last civilization era, or the relationship with aliens y transactions occurred during...

However, none of the speculations could be confirmed.

Yae is quite happy

Ji, gave Aiyi a bonus of 500 federal coins. Aiyi was grateful and said that he would work hard in the future... Then he put 500 federal coins into the game.

If the big powers know about it, the "black love forces" that make them so jealous actually make such a big noise for five hundred yuan, I don't know if they will vomit blood in anger


Layers of sword bones are connected together to form a long knife, and the hilt is held in Yaeji's hand.

The chain blade feels great to use, and after completing several missions, Yaeji spent all his military skills on upgrading the chain blade weapon.

Mies and the others think this teammate is crazy, shouldn't the military exploits be used to upgrade the Power Armor first? After thinking about it, this guy might be doing some secret experiments just like Lacey, so they didn't say much.

The rank is still 'Lieutenant Colonel' and there is no movement, and Yaeji doesn't care, he signed another contract with Flame Chasing Moth.

Same as Fifteen Bureau, swordsmanship advisor!

Classes are taught quarterly, with 30 students each time.

As for how the forces in Chasing Fire Moth divide up these quotas, it has nothing to do with Yachongji.

. . .

A certain small island near Sakura State, this is the stronghold of the Flaming Moth closest to Sakura State.

The bathroom is filled with white mist, and the water vapor clings to the frosted glass, condensing into little drops of water.

"Master, you have new news."

The electronic sound of the machine sounded, and the sound of water flowing from the rain shower stopped.


The voice was cold, and the woman's wet gray hair could be faintly seen in the mist.

"Captain Ji has a new message."

"Hua? Are you there? The last application has been completed! Come to me as soon as you settle the matter!"

In the obviously mature and stable female voice, it gives people a sense of inconsistency and contradiction.

'Apply? What application? '

Hua in the mist was stunned.

In the bathroom, apart from the white mist rising and water droplets rolling down, there was no other sound for a while.

"No way?"

Hua suddenly thought of the application form that the captain forced to fill out a few days ago...


Fingertips like bamboo shoots protruded from the mist, followed by thin wrists like white lotus roots, and the towel was pulled off, causing the mist to surge.


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