Era of Breakdown

Chapter 91: Secondary School Girls Who Hate the World

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"What's wrong?"

Yazhongji stopped, turned around and looked at Hua who was lying on the ground, already collapsed, "won't you get up?"

Hua is very speechless, you can never guess what the teacher will say in the next sentence. .

"I want to ask, will we still have a chance to meet after the training camp?"

Yazhongji was puzzled and said, "Do you still want to exercise your muscles and bones?"

Hua: "...I'm just afraid of making mistakes when cultivating consciousness in the future."

"Then just send me a message." Yazhongji said, "In reality, as long as you live, we will meet sooner or later."

"Alive..." Hua murmured, eyes empty, looking at the ceiling above the training room. .

"I'll let Fei come in to help you later." Yazhongji said, and walked out the door on his own.

. . .

The training camp is over, but according to the usual practice, everyone still gathers in the early morning, waiting for some big bosses to review.

However, there is Yazhongji here, and most of the people who come here for a cutscene are middle-level managers in the fire moth.

"Until now, I haven't seen a big shot, nor have I received any news."

"The news from my side said that there were many big bosses who agreed to come to watch the ceremony before, but they suddenly had something to do near the date, so they just let the secretary come over."

"Our part... still doesn't seem to be taken seriously."

"Well, let me tell you, if those people don't come, it's not because they don't want to come, but because they don't dare to come!" The student who spoke lowered his voice, "The teacher's consciousness shock is too terrifying. Those who attend the occasion, I am afraid that those people will not attend."

"Then shall we also be guarded in the future?" One person was worried.

"Come on!" Another person sneered and said, "How well do you know how to practice swordsmanship, can you not count AC in your heart?"

"I'm just assuming, assuming..."

The man quickly defended, the students laughed in a low voice, and there was a cheerful breath in the air again.

Except for a few people who can grab the places in the first batch of swordsmanship training, the others are in the field of swordsmanship, and there are not many people of the same age who can be compared with them.

Naturally, the brain is not stupid.

Everyone has smelled the unusual atmosphere in the organization recently. Ever since someone single-handedly used a cold weapon to kill Herrscher, the plan for cold weapon warfare has been put on the date, and various research institutes and laboratories have blossomed everywhere.

This group of people is destined to be reused, especially those who have learned the swordsmanship of consciousness!

Everyone has a bright future, as long as they don't fall halfway, they may be able to climb to the top of the strategy department in a few years.

At that time, there will be a lot of classmates around, shouldn't it be necessary to help each other?

And the teacher...

Everyone has an account in their hearts, and the small calculations are slapping.

It's a pity that even if they have gone through hardships on the way, survived the years on the battlefield without sacrifice, and have not yet sat in a high position to command others... the Herrscher of the Last Yan should come.

Humanity perishes, and the era restarts.

When they look back and imagine their "original intention", they will find that it is so stupid.

No matter what, there is still a dream, what if it comes true?

Yaeji didn't really like this kind of activity where the form was greater than the meaning. In the end, the thirty students said goodbye one by one...


After buckling the suitcase, Hua followed the captain and walked all the way to the helicopter.

The propeller whipped up a strong wind, and Hua's long gray hair danced with it.

Put on the earphones, wait for the personnel to arrive, and after receiving the order, the helicopter takes off.

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