Era of Breakdown

Chapter 93: War in Australia

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When I saw Kevin again, it was on a cleaning mission in the Australian mainland. .

His originally fair skin turned copper-colored, and his whole body has become a lot more vicissitudes. Looking at the epaulettes on his chest and the brand-new power armor after upgrading, it proves that he has become a member of the Scavengers team.

However, entering the Scavengers, the trial has only just begun.

Although the death rate of the Scavenger army is not as exaggerated as that of the Forerunner army, it is not much different. It is just that the number of the Forerunner army is large, and once the data appears, people will subconsciously widen the gap.

Especially for those first promoted to the Scavengers, the death rate remains high

Australia is sparsely populated and surrounded by the sea. It is the only country in the world whose territory covers an entire continent, so the continent is also called the Australian continent.

Before the Honkai disaster, the Australian continent had many unique animals and plants and even natural landscapes. Australia in the dream world is a paradise for animals and plants

Although their life was not easy during this time.

In Australia, the living area of ​​human beings is far less than that of animals and plants. Some animals often appear in human-inhabited areas. Some naughty little cuties may sneak into your house while you are at work.

Living in this environment was originally a relatively good thing, but since the frequent outbreaks of Honkai disasters,

As the intensity of the Honkai outbreak increases, more and more animals are infected with Honkai beasts that have not been fully infected, similar to the "monsters" in the main world. .

Large-scale Honkai events occasionally spawn Honkai beasts, but they are relatively rare, and the Australian government can deal with them occasionally.

It's just that the mutated beast tide is a headache.

To deal with this kind of creature, throwing a fission bomb down, although it is not like using an anti-aircraft gun to hit mosquitoes, it will have a greater impact on the surrounding environment, especially in areas close to human habitation, it is even more impossible to use shock-awe weapons.

Special machine guns combined with power armor can form a unit to clean up. Slowly, the major powers found that this is a good place for military training, so the Australian authorities can only use it as a political bargaining chip in the end.

This is actually a process of mutual benefit. Australia lost some, and indirectly guaranteed the safety of the people.

With their abilities, they couldn't stop the invasion of the beast horde without using fission bombs in a large-scale collapse event.

Obviously, this is another large-scale Honkai outbreak.

Yazhongji has faced the beast hordes countless times, but this is the first time he has wiped out the beast hordes in the technology camp.

His task is very clear, responsible for killing those mutant dead soldiers who can use "teleportation" to penetrate the defense, and assisting in combat.

There is also a "sharp knife squad" behind him, all of which use special refrigeration weapons. .

Mechanical trenches have already been built, and super-large Gatling machine guns are fixed behind the trenches.

The whole body is painted in black, and the height is about 2.3 meters. The lower tripod is designed to be firmly supported, and the rear is full of special ammunition. The barrel made of new alloy can quickly cool down.

It is convenient for the personnel to operate after sitting. When cleaning the battlefield, this thing is undoubtedly a killing weapon.

There will be grenade troops and radar troops in the follow-up. The fighter planes have been prepared at the airport. If there is a slight change in the battlefield, the rear troops will take the momentum to destroy them.

"Tsk tsk."

Yaeji in the power armor smacked his lips, if the main timeline encountered a beast horde of this scale, it would be a bone-crushing injury.

Fire Chasing Moth's side is extravagantly used as a training place, and it can still control the whole situation.

This is the confidence that comes with caliber and range


Yaeji glanced at the tasks displayed on the projection screen. The commander thought the first wave of fish was not fat enough, so he didn't touch the previous trap, and prepared to shoot a wave normally.

According to the information from the headquarters, Yaeji activated the power armor.

With a click, the weapon locked on the back slipped into his hand.

A heavy weapon with a black barrel, blue paintwork, and a white border.

With the addition of power armor, ordinary people can easily control it.

It is a heavy machine gun. It is not loaded with special bullets yet, and traditional ammunition is enough to deal with it.


The ground shook like an earthquake.

Yaeji, who has had a lot of experience, knows what it is, and even misses this special feeling a little bit.

"Attention the frontline units, once the target enters the area, the machine gunner can attack and repeat, the target"

The power armor has a built-in real-time translation function. No matter what country the commander is from, or what country the comrades are from, as long as you wear the power armor, we are half-brothers

The scene of thousands of beasts galloping once again appeared in front of Yaeji's eyes, and all kinds of strange-looking infected people opened his eyes.

In the main timeline, most of them are wolves, wild dogs and other messy monsters.

How can there be biodiversity in Australia?

Scarlet-eyed deer covered with pink crystals, ferocious bear demon, mutated kangaroo


da da da da da da

Not knowing who fired first, the tense front-line soldiers immediately pulled the trigger.

Yaeji was no exception, the heavy machine gun in his hand spewed out flames, the powerful recoil even the hand armor of the power armor was not stopping.


The power armor automatically minimizes the external sound, otherwise


A wonderful melody rose, and Yaeji turned his head to see that the super-large Gatling machine gun next door was running slowly, and the barrel rotated faster.

The dazzling fire snakes spewed out, and there was a one-sided mowing scene in the front position

da da da da

The bullet pierced through the monster, and when the flowers of flesh and blood bloomed, the trees enough to hug one person were smashed into sieves, and big trees fell one after another, igniting the flames of war.

The wet grass was plowed again by the bullets with strong penetrating power, and the grass clippings and dirt flew away.

call out

The super-heavy Gatling stopped rotating, and the special-made gun barrel couldn't withstand long-term shooting, and the tip of the gun had already turned into a molten color.

The fixed tripod supporting the weight of the machine sank slightly, continuing to grab the ground.

Yaeji felt his heart burning when he saw it.

Even without relying on the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, he can do such an attack, even several times stronger

But there is only one Yaeji, and troops like this can be found everywhere in all major countries.

Not to mention that there are grenades, missiles and other weapons in the rear. The fighter plane has not yet taken off, and the fission bomb has not yet appeared.

If it's just a simple wave of mutant beasts, I believe that the major countries can solve it very well, and the large-scale bombing will be over.

But the Herrschers born in each Great Crash are the real combat power to destroy civilization.

Killing them is infinitely more difficult than cleaning up the beast tide.

At this moment, Yachongji's communication rang.

"Lieutenant Colonel Ji, I still have two experimenting with cold weapons, why don't you bring them?"

When Yaeji saw the personnel information, his face darkened slightly.

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