Era of Breakdown

Chapter 95: What Wishes Have Not Been Fulfilled?

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The intensity of the instant explosion of the collapse reaches more than 1000, and new herrschers may be born in the surrounding area. .

The central computer of the Fire Moth Research Department calculates that the intensity of the collapse that is about to break out in the Australian continent will start at 1300, plus one year, the critical point for the birth of the Herrscher

Sneaking a glance at Ji, the fiery red sword was wielding in her hand, and each move was swung again with the help of the inertia of the previous move, coupled with the power endowed by the power armor, this level of combat power would be enough to fight against a battle that was tens of meters high. The car grade is not timid at all.

The opponent has a very high probability of transforming into the Seventh Herrscher in this large-scale collapse.

Except for worrying that some of the hawks in the Moth of the Flame would mobilize fission bombs to clean up the land, Yaeji didn't think too much about other aspects.

He also wanted to observe the process of Herrscher's birth up close.

In the last era of civilization, some researchers called "Herserscher" a higher-level evolutionary body of human beings, and dead warriors, Houkai beasts, etc. are often the product of evolutionary failure.

If human beings can really control Honkai, it will be possible to usher in a national evolution.

But Honkai becomes stronger with the development of civilization, which seems to be an endless loop?

Just as Yaeji was thinking about how to observe the scene of Herrscher's birth up close, the headquarters also received news from the Strategy Department.

After the commander-in-chief read the news, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Now the officers who are entitled to the news fell into silence. .


turning point of the year

It's almost like saying Herrschers will be born around

Once the lawyer is born

"Let the flight formation take off, enter the area and carry out bombing, and the follow-up troops will withdraw from the front line as planned"

Just as the commander was hesitating, the man next to him stepped forward and whispered something in his ear.

The commander nodded from time to time, and then said: "Let the sharp knife team enter an emergency state to prevent the arrival of the Herrscher, and be ready to execute the beheading plan at any time."

The Australian military officer who was "supervising the battle" at the headquarters next to him was confused. What is this all about? Is it possible

"What happened?" He stood up and said seriously: "I think I have the right to know everything"

The commander-in-chief glanced at him, "No, Mr. Bu Dexian, this involves confidentiality."

"Is the Herrscher going to be born? He's still on the territory of Australia?" Bude was a little excited.

Then he received news from his superiors, and after some communication, his nerves immediately tensed up to the extreme.

"Flamemoth troops are temporarily unable to evacuate the population in our city has not had enough time to evacuate"

"Mr. Budd, we have sent flying troops to bomb, and I think the time will be almost there."

The commander-in-chief didn't speak, but the younger adjutant beside him answered. .

"That's a city with a population of a modern city. Neither the United States nor the Eastern Ancient Kingdom can complete the evacuation." The major general walked quickly to the commander-in-chief, but was stopped by the young officer beside him.

"Your Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, and Army are already gathering. In fact, the Army should evacuate the population, and the rest should be handed over to the Air Force and Navy to be more realistic. You know, the area where the Houkai broke out is not suitable for human survival."

The commander-in-chief said a series of words, and left first under the protection of his adjutant and a group of soldiers.

"Where are you going? The war against the beast horde is not over yet." The emotional Bude asked an idiotic question.

"Of course it's an aircraft carrier." The commander-in-chief turned sideways, "Do you want to come together?"

When a series of terms such as "Honkai", "Beast Tide", "Herserscher", "Army", and "Aircraft Carrier" appeared in Bud's mind, he suddenly calmed down.

That's right, I'm the officer in charge of supervising the Flaming Moths, how can I leave their headquarters?

"Together, my duty is to supervise and command." Bud strode towards the door with a cold face.

"Aren't you worried about the evacuation of the city's population?" The adjutant meant something, and there was a taste of sarcasm in the exit.

"That has to be arranged by professionals." Bude said righteously: "If non-professionals intervene, it will interfere with the process. I believe in the professionalism of our experts."

The adjutant smiled, followed the commander-in-chief, and prepared to leave this ghost place by helicopter

The frontline troops also received the news, just to let them know that air support will arrive soon, and they can retreat after this wave.

No specific reason was given.

The recruits were still foolishly shooting with their guns, and some naughty veterans, through their keen sense of smell, smelled out the unusualness of this incident.

In the private video of the Sharp Knife Squad, a member directly said: "This time there will be a large-scale collapse, and the probability of the birth of the Seventh Herrscher is very high."

"So the boy asked us to stay, and perform some beheading missions? We're just here to experiment with weapons."

"What are you afraid of? Didn't our captain single-handedly overthrow the Sixth Herrscher?"

"Hahaha, yes, if we can succeed this time, we can still use the captain's halo and add a touch to our resume."

The tone in the private video is relaxed, but everyone is not stupid.

Everyone knows that Herrscher of Death was killed by the captain after he had survived several Honkai fission bombs.

The captain is strong, but to what extent, can they compete with the Herrscher level?

I still can't figure it out.

Neither Hua nor Ji spoke in the private video.

Hua's temperament is inherently cold, he doesn't like to talk, and the communication is normal, but Ji didn't talk in the private video, which is very abnormal.

The shadows of several fighter planes loomed in the sky in the distance, and the Sharp Knife Squad had retreated from the front line to adjust their status.

Yazhongji first sent a private message to Hua.

Ji: How do you feel?

Hua: I'm a little nervous, but it's okay.

Yaeji thought of the information transcribed by those missionary priests.

According to legend, the relationship between Kevin and Hua, who are both the "first" fusion fighters, is actually not good.

The reason is that Kevin killed the Seventh Herrscher, and the predecessor of the Seventh Herrscher was Hua's captain.

I don't know if Hua will collapse after Ji transforms into Herrscher

Send Ji a private message again.

The private messages sent to Ji will eventually be erased by Ai Yi to prevent people from seeing her flaws.

Ji: Why don't you chat with your teammates? not like your style

Ji: Before I came to Australia, my right eyelid kept twitching. Isn't there a saying in mainland China that "the left eye jumps for money, and the right eye jumps for disaster"?

Ji: Those are all feudal superstitions.

Ji: Really? I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Ji: Really?

Ji: Why did I lie to you?

Ji: Then what wish do you have? When the time comes, I will help you finish it.

Ji:? ? ?

Ji: Well, you bastard actually cursed me for sacrificing, I don’t have that desire

Ji: Just kidding, hahaha.

Ji: Bah, bah, bah, don't say such unlucky things.

In the private video, the two were silent.

After a while, Ji suddenly sent a message

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