Era of Breakdown

Chapter 112: Model Worker and His Mother

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The sound of howling wind slowly disappeared with the departure of the helicopter, and Yaeji set his sights on the low mountains not far away. .

The low mountains are covered with a thick layer of snow, which exudes a familiar atmosphere.

It's familiar, but it's actually quite unfamiliar. I had this feeling when I injected the super-variable factor a long time ago. The illusion of the cold feeling went straight to the soul, which is deeply memorable.

Yaeji put on the winter hat unique to the snow combat uniform, covering up his dazzling pink hair, completely blending into the snow.

The snow on this ground is abnormally thick. Every time you take a step, your shoes and your calves will be inserted into the snow.

Yae Ji: ""

The fusion cells in the body release a trace of ice element, and a pair of ice skateboards emerge on the soles of the feet


Two shallow long marks appeared in the snow, rushing towards the low mountains.

The closer you get, the lower the temperature becomes, and the sense of familiarity becomes stronger and stronger.

My hypervariable factor seems to be made with Parvanti's genes too.

When thinking of Pavanti, Yachongji thinks of Ganesha in the copy of "Dream Comes", the pig, oh no, the little elephant, has been with him from "simple" to "difficult", and finally to "purgatory" ".

Yazhongji waved the condensed ice crystal staff back and forth in his hand, as if he was looking for the feeling of killing a pig.

The dreamland dungeon will produce ether crystals and soul crystals every day. Unfortunately, they cannot enter in the dungeon world, otherwise he can practice with Ganesha in advance. .

Prohibition of nesting dolls

Yae Ji: ""

"Take you monkey."

Yaeji felt comfortable.

In the mythology of Curry Kingdom, Ganesha is the "Elephant God", which symbolizes "wealth" and has the nature of "God of Wealth".

And Parvanti is the mother of Ganesha, the "Goddess of the Snow Mountain", who gave birth to this child with Lord Shiva.

Is there an emperor-level Honkai beast codenamed by Lord Shiva? Yaeji thought.

there will be

Why? Yaeji was curious about the mobile phone.

Because a family just wants to be tidy

Yae Ji: ""

"I'm flustered when you say that. I beat the younger ones and then went to trouble the older ones. They will have a relative or something at that time."

Pavanti has a relative named Avanti

Yazhongji was taken aback, with a stiff sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Do you know who Ganesha's relatives are?"


"It's Shakyamuni."


"Acceptance, apology, you talk a lot today."

hold back

Yaeji slowly typed a "?" in his mind.

Ignoring the "mobile phone", Yae Ji turned his waist, and the ice skis stopped horizontally at the foot of the low mountain.

It's extremely cold here, if it wasn't for a model specially designed to deal with extreme cold weather, the Power Armor would still suffer from minor problems if it was active in this area for a long time. .

"Aiyi, I'll leave the satellite in the sky to you."


After being guaranteed by Aiyi, Ya Chongji walked towards the place with the strongest atmosphere, and the white snow covering the mountains melted automatically when facing Ya Chong Ji.

Pieces of ice crystals froze on it, forming a giant hole deep into the mountain.

Do elephants also hibernate?

God cannot be measured by human thoughts

After thinking about it, the word "mobile phone" is correct, but there is something wrong.

Wearing a cold gloved right hand, the 3r holy relic emerges from the void, and the Houkai in the body can be quickly injected into it, activating the core operation of the imitator.

Rely on the energy accumulated by combos to rise up?

Who would do that?

An electric snake as thick as a little finger danced on the blade, and the energy halo on the 3r holy relic gradually became the only light source in the deep cave.

Here, every breath takes away the heat from the body, Yae Ji still feels nothing at all.

Opening his mouth to exhale white mist, his eyebrows and eyelashes were already covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and his bright eyes of crumbling colors observed everything in the darkness.

He could vaguely sense the huge monster deep in the mountains.

If nothing else, the emperor-level Honkai beast code-named "Pavanti" is exactly the same as Ganesha in terms of size and appearance.

body color only

Ganesha lives up to its title of "God of Wealth" and has brought Yaeji a lot of benefits. Since he is the God of Wealth, isn't he

"I have come into contact with the emperor-level Honkai Beast codenamed Pavanti."

The message set in advance is sent out.

The major research institutes want Pavanti's gene, preferably **, which is a bit difficult.

Yachongji stood thirty meters away from Pavanti, thinking about how to beat him up and take him home.

It definitely won't work in a cave. If the mountain is collapsed, it will be troublesome to dig it out.

Lead outside?

It can only be like this.

At this time, Pavanti who was sleeping slowly woke up.

With a body like a land tank, several times larger than a tank, it swept over with the icy breath of blizzard

The ice crystals on the top of the frozen cave had residues falling down, and Yaeji was standing on one side with a knife.

So far, humans have no record of taming the Houkai Beast.

There are really "gods" in the collapse, so the possibility of taming them is undoubtedly zero.

But the "God" that the Herrscher of Flame spoke of hasn't come to him until now.

Is God not paying attention? Still can't help?

Yaeji was thinking about other things in his mind, but he exposed the breath of ice element and fused cells.

At this time, Pavanti, whose brain capacity is not considered large, was stunned.

What's going on?

Why is the breath on the human body so familiar?

Me in human form?

Great creation?

Pavanti was stunned, the legs of the elephant that had just stood up remained motionless, and even the blizzard that fell due to waking up showed signs of stopping.

It sensed the breath on my body, but it didn't attack me immediately. It's ok, and its intelligence is not bad.

Yazhongji thought for a while, waved his hand to condense an ice crystal several meters long, and threw it out suddenly.


The ice crystal exploded into powder, leaving an insignificant white spot on Pavanti's body.

Yaeji slipped away.


The roar of the ice pig resounded, and the entire cave swayed back and forth. The ice crystals condensed on the top of the head and on the sides exploded into powder one by one, and the cracks of the ice under the feet continued to the outside of the mountain.

In Yaeji's mind, there was even an image of the monster raising its head and roaring to release its phantom.

"Oh my god, it's really exactly the same as Ganesha's roar"

Yachongji slipped hundreds of meters out of the mountain, turned around and looked behind him.

The white snow avalanches covering the mountains shuddered and merged into a ball, and small avalanches continued one after another.

These are secondary.

Yaeji could feel that the ground under his feet had already been cracked by this roar.

"Is the emperor-level Honkai beast so fierce?"

"Boss, that's because the ground has been frozen long enough." Ai Yi's voice came.

"oh oh."

Just as Ya Chongji was about to say a few words, he found that the shaking ground had stopped.

Except for the small snow slope that slides down from time to time, there is no sound.


The vibration suddenly rose, and the person who appeared in front of Yaeji's eyes

See a lot of high-quality goods ranking search

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