Era of Breakdown

Chapter 194 Thunder Queen, Wind Spirit...Terrible Mei!

Yazhongji wasn't kidding. With Mei's state, it was still easy to suppress more than five hundred Herrscher individuals. .o The reason why the Herald of Thousands can bring extraordinary damage to human civilization is mainly due to the number of people.

As long as they don't mobilize their abilities and don't have machines that specifically detect Honkai's abilities, not many people in the world can recognize them as Thousand-Ren Lawers at a glance.

There are a total of one thousand Herrschers, and each individual's ability comes from the tiny branch of the top nine Herrschers.

For example, the individual code-named 001, the ability to become transparent comes from a small branch of the power of the Herrscher of Wind.

Manipulate the refraction of light in the air to make yourself invisible.

Don't look at how easy it is for Yaeji to deal with her, who is Yaeji?

It is no exaggeration to say that he is considered to be one of the two strongest people in human civilization.

And that individual only obtained the ability to change the light to become invisible, but its combat power was extremely weak.

If it is combined with an individual who can control airflow, it must be an extremely powerful killer combination.

Other individuals who have gained the power to control the elements are more powerful, and they need to send out the elite of human beings to barely deal with it.

However, it takes time to mobilize the elites. The Lawrence of Thousands of People will move from one place to another, and will also use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain. In terms of IQ alone, it is much better than those predecessors.

Human society also has economic, political, mobilization, collapse events and other reasons, so they can cause such great trauma to human society. .o Gather together like this, even if these individuals can gather the strength of one or two true herrschers, they are not one

A slight mistake, isn't it being hanged and beaten by the "real Herrscher"?

The former Zilei decomposed more than a dozen individuals into molecules, and the surrounding area was scorched black. The instruments on the mechanical table sputtered sparks from time to time, and a scorched black hole appeared on the soul steel alloy wall, completely connecting with the corridor.

The corridor was crowded with people, and the densely packed figures took precautions against each other, but they didn't take a step forward at all.

At this time, Mei was wrapped in a light wind, and every time the broken green moth's wings shook lightly, an invisible wind blade would be brought up.

Yaeji swallowed secretly. The core essence of the Herrscher of Thunder is the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields, and Mei only used a small part of it.

Lei Lu's ability is the greatest disaster for humans on the technological side.

Controlling electromagnetic fields, humanoid

No, no, Leilu is better than that kind of gadget.

Just talking about the law of thunder and the law of wind, Yaeji is actually more afraid of the law of wind.

It is too b to create an ideal fluid

Fortunately, the host of the Herrscher of the Wind was a little girl who didn't even go to junior high school, otherwise

To tell the truth, if Mei wanted to have a solo show with him at this time, Yaeji had only two options. .o One is to attack violently at the beginning, instantly fatal

The second is to keep running and running until Mei's strength is exhausted.

The Herrscher of Wind's offensive ability is abnormal, and its defense is as fragile as a piece of paper, but since it is all Wind Law, its ability to run is absolutely top-notch.

Mei in front of her is a real Herrscher of Wind.

Her father is a well-known physicist in the world, and Mei needless to say, without her, the time of human extinction would have to be pushed back a few years.

Will the chief scientist of the fire moth not move fluid mechanics?

Suddenly, Yachongji's cold hair stood upside down

He could vaguely perceive that a terrifying existence was born in the small space where Mei was.

Create ideal fluids out of thin air

Soul Steel is not even considered a younger brother in front of it.

"Your left, my right?"

Mei spoke suddenly.


With a flash of Yazhong Ji's figure, Jizo Yuhun drew his sword out of its sheath, and slashed it more than a hundred times in an instant

The knife drawing technique is adapted from the big move Hantian Kuangwu of Yushenzhuang Don't Forget. It doesn't need energy to charge and can slash more than a hundred times in the blink of an eye. It is also a very good physical attack.

The three individuals who control the elements in front of them were divided into thousands of pieces before they could react.

The Ksitigarbha Imperial Soul Black Blade has never seen blood, but there is an inexplicable aura that scrolls the remaining Houkai energy in the dead individual and absorbs it into the Black Blade.

Why fight with Jizo Yuhun?

When Yaeji just woke up today, he found that his holy relic was also excluded from the current time and space, and it was presumably created by the weapons department.

When this battle is over, he has to go get a few.

o It doesn't matter if there is no Houkai energy in the body to warm up. Dozens of hundreds of slashes in an instant with the sword drawing technique can activate the core energy operation.

Mei's side is even more exaggerated, when the invisible wind blows, there will be more or less parts missing from those individuals, and the cut surface is as smooth as a mirror, and blood can't even come out for a while.

Whether it is an ice wall or a rock wall, even if it is wrapped in soul steel armor, the gravitational force will be activated again to resemble a black hole, and ideal fluids can easily penetrate it.


Ideal fluids are everywhere, and what they attack is just the air, and they can only hit Mei and the office through the air.

Mei, who controls the power of the wind, is like a spirit of the wind. Avoiding attacks is more like dancing lightly, and the sporadic things splashed by the explosion around her are not touched by the slightest.

Yachongji holding a long knife is more comfortable, Shunbu, Xiliuzhan, Three-stage Sword Qi, Void Shadow Step, Crow Feather Flying Shuttle, Lightless Tide

Without the bondage of the "heavy" God's key like Heiyuan Baihua, Yachongji was as smooth as a loach, scurrying about in the muddy pit of the Thousand Lawrence.

For a while, surrounded by cherry blossoms, or shuttled by crow feathers, sleeping for a period of time, Yae Ji, who was in fairly good spirits, repeatedly killed individuals.

The Jizo Yuhun in his hand is extremely sharp, but it is harder than forging from non-soul steel.


The walls of the soul steel core corridor in the laboratory shattered, and a large number of individuals rushed into the sea area. There were individuals manipulating ice elements superimposed, borrowing sea water, and trying to create an ice wall tens of meters thick, which seemed to be used to block Mei invisible attack.

As expected of a Herrscher, he was as brainless as ever.

Yaeji praised, then threw the black blade in his hand

In an instant, the tip of the black blade touched the wall, and the whole body turned into nothingness, and when it penetrated the ice wall, it became solid again.

Without waiting for the individual ice element to react, it penetrated many individuals and knocked their cores out of the body.

The kinetic energy disappeared, and before the black blade fell to the surface of the sea, it turned into a force of erosion and returned to Yazhongji's hands again.

Using the power of erosion as the holy sword of physics, in fact, there is no difference between me and those tough and law-abiding ones.

Yaeji sighed with emotion.

At this time, Mei seemed to be tired of playing, and once again showed "exhaustion of physical strength". After removing the core of the Herrscher of Wind, she picked up the black abyss and white flowers beside her.

The black and white airflow rises, and giant vines suddenly protrude from the seabed

Under the night, it looks like the tentacles stretched out by a giant octopus sea monster, binding the prey tightly.

"What the hell is that?"

Someone in Kevin's team in the distance exclaimed.

At this time, the vines turned black, and Heiyuan's disintegrating power disintegrated them into nothingness.

Yazhongji glanced at Jizo Yuhun, and suddenly came up with an idea.

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