Era of Breakdown

Chapter 4 Pick up

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Yaeji is speechless, isn't it the promised mysterious black shop? Didn't it say good luck finding it?

Why did two people come to the door in one night?

The invisible spirit swept over again, and what appeared at the door was an ordinary oriental woman in her twenties, dressed in casual clothes, she was no different from ordinary people in appearance, but the fighting energy fluctuations in her body were enough to rank in the "level" according to the rating of the Middle Ages. ", becoming the captain of the elite Valkyrie squad. Yaeji quickly cleaned the venue, and opened the store door with heart.

The woman who walked in glanced around in a very subtle manner, and then bowed to Yazhongji.

Yaeji pretended to have the same expression, her pupils were dull and her face was sluggish.

"My lord." The woman said straight to the point: "Recently, we have gradually subdivided the fight against Honkai, and hope to get your organization's assistance in drawing single-element artificial stigmata."

After the woman finished speaking, she stood there motionless, as if waiting.

It wasn't until Yaeji nodded that the woman breathed a sigh of relief.

Leaning slightly, he said, "The destiny is with you."

After finishing speaking, the woman left

Looking at Yedao, Yazhongji was silent.

Things are more complicated than he imagined, is Tianming and Mei mixed together? Or is destiny directing and acting on its own? Or are there other organizations?

Forget it, let's contact Rin and Ai first. Yaeji will be released, walk out of the shop, and set foot on the descendants more than five hundred years later.

The alley is deserted, and there are only dim street lights shining from a long distance, and the bluestone bricks on the ground seem to tell history.

Yazhongji looked up to the sky, the moonlight was half covered, and the stars were not visible, but he always had a feeling of being watched.

This feeling has been lingering in his heart since he just walked out of the shop.

There is no living body around, let alone monitoring facilities, there is a high probability that it is a monitoring satellite.

Ignoring it, Yazhongji walked out of the alley.

There are many tall buildings and traffic, and the flashing neon lights show the vitality of the city, which is in stark contrast to the alleys behind Yachongji.

Relying on Li Fu's memory, Ya Zhongji found an Internet cafe, and relying on simple hypnosis, without money or identity, he easily let the network manager turn on a machine.

At the same time, the destiny headquarters.

The pictures taken by the satellite have already appeared in a secret room.

The blond woman wearing the God's Eye mask has twinkling eyes under the mask.

But in just a short while, the monitoring of various regions appeared on the screen, and there is one thing in common in the monitoring, that is Yachong Ji

Streets, traffic lights, Internet cafes

Leanna, who was originally trapped in the seat, was getting closer and closer to the projection until she stuck to the face of the person on the enlarged monitor.

It's him? How could he walk out of that place after more than five hundred years? Could it be that they released clones again? No, the space has not fluctuated yet, and it is impossible for them to launch

In just a split second, dozens of thoughts appeared in Rhianna's mind. On the projection, it was the pink-haired face that Leanna was staring at, and it was those nimble Honkai eyes.

Leanna thought for a while, the projection changed, and the name of "Lovely Hubrian" was displayed in the center of the call interface.

Yaeji knew that he had been noticed by some organization, most likely Tianming.

Although the start this time was a bit confused, it also saved him a lot of effort, otherwise he would have to spend time looking for the man of destiny.

But now, he randomly chooses a social software on the computer, which saves even the registration steps, and he logs in when he clicks on it, and there is only one contact person.

Ai Huberian

Aiyi: Password

The chat box vibrated, Yaeji finally had a smile on his face.

The two used codes interspersedly, from daily trivial matters to puzzle-solving games in the last era of civilization. After more than a dozen codes were correct, it was finally over.

Aiyi: Confirm the identity of the boss. After fifteen minutes, there will be a taxi with a license plate at the door.

Afterwards, the chat information was deleted, as if it had never appeared before.

Yaeji glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen, controlled the mouse and clicked on a game at will.

Aiyi said it was fifteen minutes, so it must be fifteen minutes.

Across a row of machines, several teenagers who looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old pushed and shouted at each other, muttering something in their mouths.

"Go, Haozi, didn't you catch him at a glance? Why did you have no courage at all?"

"No." With a cup of milk tea in his hand, the boy with yellow hair wanted to back up, but was pushed forward by his brothers.

Haozi said bitterly: "That girl even has pink hair, she can't be a foreign friend, right? My language learning is like shit, it's not like you don't know it"

"Go, go, don't make excuses, people will definitely understand you just now bragging with us, the bragging you've done yourself, you have to do it with tears in your eyes"

"I bought all the milk tea for you, and you still don't want it?" The other person seemed to be more anxious than Haozi, "I glanced at it when I went to the front desk to buy milk tea, and it looked really pretty. Shu Yunlian from the next class People are not worthy of carrying shoes”

"Is it so exaggerated? Then I have to go ahead and have a look."

"Farewell, send Haozi there first"

A group of people pushed and shouted, chattering and chattering, but it also attracted a lot of attention, most of them were just passing by. After all, watching a few old men, how can the game on the screen be fun?

internet cafe

The middle voice was messy, and Yaeji automatically blocked the surrounding voices, leaving only the most basic danger perception.

Sensing that someone was walking this way, Yaeji didn't make any moves. For Internet cafes, the flow of people is normal.

until a cup of unopened milk tea was placed on the right side of his keyboard

"Oh my little sister, you also play Sword Realm, I am a warrior in the Jade Blood area, and I was in the top 1000 in the sword master group in the last martial arts competition."

A slightly exaggerated voice sounded in my ears, and Yaeji, who was pinching people on the game interface, suddenly stopped moving the mouse

Turning his head to look at Huang Mao who had already sat down beside him, that Huang Mao was also taken aback

"How about playing together? I'll take you soon." Huang Mao's voice became lower and lower, as if he had no confidence at all, and he didn't dare to look at Yaeji's face.

There are no blemishes on the face, as delicate as porcelain, and the skin is as smooth and perfect as the pinched person in the game.

What's more important is that inexplicable temperament, just looking at him makes Haozi feel uncomfortable.

Yachongji, who was disturbed by others, did not have the intention to play games, and his heart was shocked, making the memories of those people blurred during this period.

Out of the Internet cafe, related to the monitoring and operation of Yachongji, etc., were immediately deleted by Aiyi

After waiting at the door for a while, he didn't care about people's intentional or unintentional gazes, but some people were too enthusiastic, so that Yaeji used his invisible heart to deliberately reduce his sense of existence.

Soon, the taxi Aiyi had mentioned arrived, and Yaeji got into the car. The driver pressed the dial, turned around and left without saying a word.

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