Era of Breakdown

Chapter 904 Mother and Daughter


Karen turned her head and looked at Yaeji with a puzzled face.

Yaeji shook his head, "The problems of the modern Kaslana family are quite complicated, and they are right."

"That means the Kaslana family has fallen!" The anger on Kallen's little face grew stronger. The oppressive feeling of the S-rank Valkyrie made the passers-by who were shopping around feel uncomfortable, and they all avoided the two of them.

"It can't be said that. After more than five hundred years of development, the Kaslana family has become very large, so huge that it is bloated. In fact, other families are almost like this. Many members of the Kaslana family live all over the world. In order to avoid harassment, some people even changed their surnames, and those who can stay in the logistics department of the Tianming headquarters as an official are very few, and there will be in every era."

Karen remained silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I didn't do this when I was the patriarch! At that time, the Kaslana family..."

"Karen... That's because the information was blocked at that time," Yaeji tried to explain, "Even if there was such a person, others would not dare to report it. Now it is much better, at least it is more transparent. If you don't believe me, you can ask your father-in-law , he understands more thoroughly than you.

Karen, don't forget that our ultimate goal is to eliminate the Honkai, these small things are harmless to Tianming. "

"A Ji, you've changed." Karen whispered.

"...No wonder it takes a while for every member of the secret society to study before being approved to enter the modern society. The times are different." Yaeji rubbed Kallen's little head, "When tomorrow starts, I will let Leanna Arrange for you and your father-in-law to study together, five hundred years of development and changes, you have half a month to learn and adapt."

"Okay..." Karen was listless, like an eggplant beaten by frost. Everything here was so strange that she was afraid of it. Even her lover was helping others to speak, which made her feel very wronged.

Yaeji clenched Karen's little hand tightly and said nothing. When Karen finished her transitional studies, she would look at the world with a new perspective.

Passing by the cake shop, Yazhongji bought a few small cakes for Karen to feed.

Passing by a pizzeria, ordering a pizza... Passing by a fruit shop...

The two of them had nothing in their hands, and Karen's mood improved a lot. She pulled Yazhongji and observed the new world with curious eyes.

"I know that!" Kallen pointed to the public single-seater tram, "It's the steam locomotive you invented, A Ji! I can't imagine that those big things can be so small!"

Karen stepped forward to look at the delicate and compact public single-person tram, and wondered for a while: "Where is its steam engine installed?"

"Haha~" Yazhongji lightly touched the terminal on his bracelet, and the car unlocked automatically, "It uses electricity, let's go back with this."

"Oh!" Karen, who didn't quite understand, nodded her head, and then pointed to the skateboard-style machine on the other side, "Aji, what is that?"

Yaeji glanced at it, "It seems to be a single-person skateboard with magnetic levitation, which is faster than this, but the technology may not be mature enough. Future Destiny has created a few anti-gravity ones, and that will be fun."


Seeing Kallen's eyes fixed on, Yaeji smiled and waved to the magnetic levitation skateboard. The absolute authority of the personal terminal made the vehicle with a beautiful arc come and stop quietly in front of Kallen, three centimeters off the ground. suspended.

"Go up."

Kallen jumped up, and suddenly felt a suction force fixed her on the longboard.

"Go to Bishop Leanna's residence, adjust the kinetic energy to the maximum value of A-level blood knights." Yaeji smirked.

"Permission passed, destination confirmed."


The blue light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a blue dot amid Karen's exclamation.

When Yaeji arrived at Leanna's residence, Kallen had been waiting there for a long time.

"Aji! This is fun, can it be faster? It's much faster than a horse! This is the means of transportation that you guys used on the battlefield... um...?"

"That's not true, this thing can only be played on the island for the time being. In theory, it can be faster, but it needs special venue support." Yazhongji jumped up and hugged Kalian's waist, and said: "The kinetic energy is adjusted to S level. The maximum value of the blood knight."

"The current maximum value in the area is Level A."

Hearing the electronic sound feedback, Yaeji spread his hands helplessly.

"Then let's play again!" Karen simply sat on the board, patted the seat behind her, and signaled Yaeji to sit down too.

Just when Yaeji just sat down and was about to start...


Chi Xiaoyou, who was concentrating on licking lollipops, appeared outside the door, looking at the two of them with big eyes.

Looking at the lollipops, and then at his father, Chi Xiaoyou suddenly felt that the loafs were no longer fragrant.

"Wow yeah medicine yesterday!"

With a bang! Chi Xiaoyou had already come into Yachongji's arms, and pushed Karen to the front position. The sonic boom and the engulfing air flow followed closely, making the clothes of the three of them rattle.

Karen: "?"

"Abaka~" Chi Xiaoyou ate a lollipop that was as big as her small face in one gulp, and looked at Karen who was staring at her, suddenly feeling bad!

This person actually looks similar to her! And full of pressure!

Kallen: "Little-yo-?"

The father and daughter nodded together, and the synchronization rate was extremely high.

Karen stood up, pointed to the ground, "Come down!"

The father and daughter are in sync again, looking at each other at the same time.

Chi Xiaoyou

For the first time since she was born, she felt what is called "oppression", like the suppression from the blood, so she had to listen to the words of this person who looked like her.

In Xiaoyou’s brain circuit: (I \u003cbaba\u003c a white-haired girl who looks very similar to me, so, I \u003cwhite-haired girl)

Caroline narrowed her eyes to hide her doubts.

Without him, this child is too much like her!

Except that the color of the eyes is like her father, everything else is exactly the same as when I was a child!

And hairstyles! Other than that, there is no difference at all!

Karen glanced at Yaeji with questioning eyes.

‘Is this child really a Pseudo-Herserscher? Honkai Beast? Not our children? ’——This is what Yazhongji translated from Karen’s eyes.

"En!" Yazhongji nodded heavily, patted his daughter's head, and motioned: "Xiaoyou, come and give your mother a hard time."

Chi Xiaoyou scratched his head, looked up at his father in confusion.

"You won't be fierce?"

Chi Xiaoyou suddenly realized, grinned his small mouth, showing the sharp little teeth on both sides, put his hands on the side of his face like claws, and then growled: "Ah~ ah~"

Yae Ji: "..."

Kallen: 'It's so cute I'm dying. '

Chi Xiaoyou paused, then glanced at his father's face, and continued to growl: "Ah~"

"It's so cute!" Kalian picked up Chi Xiaoyou, "Go, Mama will take you to buy cakes!"

Under Yaeji's confused eyes, the two disappeared into the living area following the blue light.


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