Era of Breakdown

Chapter 931 Idol meeting?

Tellaya Federation, 9:59 a.m. Beijing time.

Mr. Foreign Minister's mood has completely calmed down. He has seen through it. Maybe this is really a humiliation and fraud plan by aliens. The goal is to discredit the federal government and arouse public anger.

As for why the other party did this? No reason is needed.

The aliens have more powerful weapons and more powerful battleships than they do, and they... don't look nearly as good as they appear on the Internet.

The foreign minister then thinks about what words he should use to condemn the aliens in the media, so as to get him out of the whirlpool. If handled properly, he can go further in his political career by coercing public opinion.


Strange fluctuations appeared in the sky above the No. 39 Federal Elementary School, and the noisy scene fell silent in just a few seconds.

Everyone looked up to the sky. Helicopters from the media and the National Defense Academy were hovering over the sudden space crack.

The pitch-black space crack was surrounded by a layer of golden mysterious energy, and the super-strength energy threshold shocked the personnel monitoring the scene in the military base.

A small spaceship with a minimalist shape appeared in the sight of the people of the Talaya Federation. This 'Thunder' aircraft from Destiny turned on the engine directly from the Hyperion's hangar, and Siren opened the space channel. , descending over the Federation of Tellaya.

Fivens, who was sitting on the Thunder aircraft, was extremely confused. He had just sat on the aircraft not long ago and had not even passed through the atmosphere. How could he suddenly be on the ground? Aren't they in the hangar?

"It's this again! It's this shuttle mode again!" Gro said excitedly: "Remember how their battleship suddenly appeared? A halo suddenly appeared in space, and the battleship came out of it!

I didn’t expect that their technology is so mature, even small models are equipped with space jump engines! As long as the Federation has this engine, our dream of Teleya moving to other habitable planets is within reach! "

"Wake up, Gro," Fivince said coldly: "Are you sure your dream of moving to a habitable planet is not from the last century? The gentlemen in the parliament prefer to build cities under the sea."

"That's because they didn't see the possibility of success!" Groda said, "Now, maybe it's here!"

Ground, military observation station.

"Report, no alien battleships have been observed flying out of small spacecrafts. It is suspected that they are using large jump instruments. It is also possible that their technology is very advanced and the research on small jump engines has been successful."

"Hmph!" A general at the scene said with a serious face, "Isn't this just showing off our strength? These small spacecraft are equipped with jump engines, so they..."

The foreign minister listened to the noisy sound in the headset and couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Didn't that Miss Aiyi say that their engines need to be cooled?"

"The battleship's engine needs cooling, right? The small spacecraft's jump engine cannot jump to their destination?"

"Sir, we have detected a brand-new energy, which is suspected to be the energy that builds space wormholes."

"Can it be collected?"

"They escape into the air, and our helicopter can fly around with a high-power air pump to collect them."

"Pay attention to your diplomatic image!" the foreign minister couldn't help but remind him, "Please transfer me to the staff team. You should also pay attention to what you say in private."

"Understood, Mr. Foreign Minister, we will collect the energy source that escapes after the opponent's spacecraft lands, and have transferred it to the staff for you."

"Dip - Mr. Foreign Minister, this is the staff group. Please go to the waiting area on time and wait. The deputy speaker will be here soon."


The Thundercraft landed steadily on the temporary parking lot of the playground, the hatch opened, and the honor guard of the Talaya Federation began to play music.

"Hello, viewers, this is the official TV station." The host occupied an excellent spot and was able to successfully photograph the hatch and honor guard of the Thunder aircraft. "We saw that the alien friend's spacecraft has landed at 30 At the airport on the 9th, our General Cohen and the Foreign Minister have gone to greet the young men of the honor guard..."

Compared with the formality of official media, other media do not need to be so formal.

What various jokes say about flying is that the camera is firmly focused on the opening door of the Thunder aircraft.

"...We are about to see the first alien friend who comes to the Talaya Federation in person. Is it our national idol Miss Aiyi? To be honest, this hatch is a little too much for Miss Aiyi. Yes, we can also look forward to other alien friends.

By the way, we also got news that the two heroes from the Federation Space Station will also follow this ship back to the Federation, so stay tuned! "

The helicopter carrying the evacuation pump couldn't wait to take off, collecting the special energy that escaped, and scattering a large number of petals from the sky.

The two pilots performed aerobatics based on the energy map provided by the observatory. At the same time, they did not forget to chat: "You said that alien friends came to our Tellaya Federation. Do you want to do some microbial testing or something like that? I was there a few years ago. According to those popular science books, if people like us traveled back in time to ancient times, the bacteria and other things carried on our bodies would bring plagues to that era."

"You can think of alien friends who are much more advanced than us, but you can't think of them? Watch the correct flight path!"

At this time, Yaeji had already walked out of the cabin, nodding to the crowd around him and receiving waves of cheers.

"Dear viewers, the first person to step out of the spaceship is the captain of the alien battleship Hyperion. She looks surprisingly young!"

(looking at the year

Light, maybe they are older than you! )

(What? The captain’s sister is so sassy! She looks so in line with the aesthetics of us Tellaya people!)

(Oh my god, Miss Captain’s hair color is so amazing! I announce that I jumped from Miss Aiyi’s support group to Miss Captain!)

(Military uniform! What does the medal on her chest mean? Someone come and explain!)

(Wow wow wow! Miss Aiyi is here too! Hahaha, her head is too Q!)

(I want to use my clothes as a pillow)

The barrages in the live broadcast rolled by, and the officials tried their best to block out negative news to avoid giving a bad impression to alien friends.

When Xilin walked out, the barrage erupted into another climax.

(Are all the Hyperion girls cute, pretty and sassy? No need to poke!)

(In order to establish diplomatic relations between the two stars, I volunteered to marry the young lady on the Hyperion!)


Grotto and Fivins walked out, and the cheers reached the top.

The last time Yaeji saw such a lively scene was when he became the governor of France.

"This is too exaggerated," Yaeji whispered to Aiyi: "The diplomatic visit from the Talaya Federation is more like a super idol meeting."

Ai Yi: "Hey hey hey~" (pretending to be stupid)


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