Era of Breakdown

Chapter 933 Honkai Leak and Entertainment Interview

Federal Defense Academy.

"The energy radiation level is II. Please enter the laboratory in accordance with safety regulations."

Brutus took the energy analysis data and looked at it. Only he, a senior energy scientist, was involved in this military experiment for the time being. Others would participate after the aliens left.

"It is indeed an energy source that can stabilize small wormholes. We cannot understand the structure of energy." Brutus, whose whole body was extremely tight, picked up the test tube filled with special energy. The pink-purple Honkai energy was like mist in the test tube. Slowly surging inside.

"It's such an intoxicating color."

"Corey!" Brutus called to his assistant, "Let's start with the biological experiment, using the mice in the A1 box!"

"Okay, Professor!"

Half an hour later, Brutus was surprised to find that this mysterious energy could be cultivated in living organisms! Those mice became vicious and aggressive one by one, and some of them even grew white carapace!

It was originally just an experiment to measure radiation damage, but I didn't expect to get such surprising results!


Cracks were created in the tempered glass, and Brutus shouted quickly: "Cory, stop the energy injection and inject the anesthetic mist!"

...After half a day of biological experiments, Brutus even forgot that he was just an energy scientist. He discovered that this type of energy can be used in a wide range of applications. Some seriously ill mice will recover after being injected with an appropriate amount of pink and purple energy. Health and vitality are tenacious to an incredible extent! The side effect of injecting pink and purple energy is that he loses his ability to think calmly and becomes extremely irritable.

"Professor! Professor!"

"What's wrong Corey?" Brutus came back to his senses from the data sheet in his hand.

"Our superiors asked us to stop the experiment, seal all data, destroy all experimental materials, and hand over all pink and purple energy."

"What?" Brutus frowned, "They don't know that this energy can change the Talaya Federation! Who gave the order? Groot? I want to talk to him! Call the National Defense Academy for me!"

"Hello? I'm Brutus, calling Groot!"

"Groot! You don't know how wonderful this energy is! It will definitely promote the progress of the Talaya Federation, and it is the spark that ignites the next industrial revolution and technological explosion!"

"Okay, okay," the male voice on the other end of the phone advised: "Brutus, I know, I know everything, but this energy is extremely dangerous. The Speaker ordered us to suspend the experiment and block all data."

"Speaker?! He knows about hammer power!"

"Brutus, just pretend you didn't hear this. Destroy it quickly. I'll have a special team come over to get the purified energy from the tube."

"No, at least tell me what's going on?" Brutus said excitedly: "It's those aliens, right? It must be those aliens!"

"That's our alien friend, Brutus, watch your words."

Brutus argued again and hung up the phone reluctantly.


"I shouldn't be allowed to participate in this experiment!" Brutus cursed in a low voice and looked at the unconscious mutant mice, "Corey, destroy them."

Brutus walked silently towards the sterilization room of the laboratory, and suddenly turned to look at Corey, "I remember today seems to be a date for couples?"

"Ah?" Corey was stunned, "Yes, professor."

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Haha~" Corey cheered up, "I asked her to have dinner."

"Then when you get rid of these little things, it's time to miss the appointment." Brutus turned back, "Go away, kid, go find your girlfriend, I will do the destruction work."

"Ah?" Corey didn't expect such a surprise, "Good professor! Thank you so much!"

Brutus skillfully controlled the machine, destroyed the anesthetized mice, waved his hand and said, "Get out of here."

After Cory thanked him several times, only Brutus was left in the laboratory, and the body was about to be burned to coke in the incinerator.

Brutus drew a breath from the black smoke sealed above...

After finishing everything, Brutus returned home and entered the room after being disinfected several times again.

"Hey~ my little angel, how are you doing today?"

"Yes, Dad! The teacher taught me a lot, but I miss Dad more!"

Brutus picked up the girl who was sitting on the carpet and looked to be no more than six or seven years old. The girl was all white, even more exaggerated than Brutus, who was Caucasian, and was so fair that it was close to paper.

Brutus, who had a son at an old age, cherished his daughter very much. However, when his daughter was born, she contracted a strange genetic disease. Her immunity was extremely low, and a small cold could kill her.


After putting his daughter to sleep, Brutus entered the small laboratory built in the basement, borrowed instruments to purify the black mist, and finally purified an imperceptible pink-purple mist.

"Don't worry, my little angel, daddy will cure you. One day you will be like other children, standing on the green lawn breathing fresh air and running under the sun..."

. . .

"Boss, just give me some face and accept an interview with someone else~ I promised them~"

In the extremely high-standard guest room, Ai Yi's rough treatment made Yae Ji extremely speechless.

"You must have been blown away by others! Then you agreed without thinking!"

"Hehehe~" Ai Yi giggled, "Just this time

, Just this time~ OK, boss~"

Yaeji had goosebumps all over his body, and his snoring sounds matched the Q version of Aiyi's big head, which gave him an indescribable weird feeling.

"Okay, okay! Tell them to pay attention and stop talking about sharp issues like aliens and the Talea Federation. I've never been very good at politics."

"Don't worry!" Aiyi said, "They are an entertainment-oriented newspaper and they won't ask you such serious questions!"

Yaeji had a bad feeling in his heart, "There won't be any tricks, right?"

"No, no, no, no!"

With Zai Aiyi's repeated assurances, the entertainment media company from Talaya Federation Super Idol Popeyes quickly set up an interview platform for Yae Ji.

What Yaeji didn't expect was that the host interviewing him turned out to be the super idol Popeyes.

At this time, Popeyes had dyed fairy-like pink hair and was playing with the disobedient bangs on her forehead in front of the mirror.

"Ah, Captain Yae! Hello, hello, hello!" Popeyes' attitude was very low. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in our interview. We will try our best to shorten the interview time!"

"It doesn't matter, I promised Ai Yi, you don't have to do this..."

"Okay Captain Yae, please sit over there."

While Popeyes was arranging seats, he was also observing his alien friend.

There are no pores visible on the delicate skin! With her many years of experience, she can naturally tell that this alien captain goes into battle without makeup...

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