Era of Breakdown

Chapter 936 Quantum high-dimensional abyss and Bianca’s questions

Quantum high-dimensional abyss, artificial world bubble.

Two girls wearing Fire Chasing Moth uniforms shuttled through this small world bubble, conducting regular daily patrols.

Looking at the world bubble dominated by gray and black, a girl on patrol was obviously depressed.

"Resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Even the simulated lawn in the square has been demolished. Even the organization logos placed on the lawn have been dismantled and turned into resources." The girl murmured: "I'm really afraid that one day I will suddenly receive a message and go to sleep. The command of the cabin, once you lie down in it, you will never have the chance to wake up..."

"What are you talking about that is depressing?" A teammate on the side encouraged: "Didn't Dr. Mei say that someone is conducting rescue operations from outside? I heard that it was Admiral Ji who participated in several Herrscher conquests! Otherwise, we would do it every once in a while. Why just send a message to the outside world? Just wait, they should be here after a while."

"Will it really come? I heard my aunt in the scientific research department say that trying to break through the barrier and come here is tantamount to fantasy. At least it requires an explosion of double the zero rated power of the Thousand Realms Key of Eternal Calamity. Open the barrier. Where will Admiral Ji find the two Thousand Realms One Riders?"

"Since Dr. Mei said someone will come to the rescue, then someone must come to the rescue!" The girl believed this very much. As a human being who had recently awakened from the old era, she had full trust in Dr. Mei, who saved the fate of mankind, and was far from being like a teammate. This kind of newborn baby born in the quantum high-dimensional abyss can be compared.


Weird and strange fluctuations resounded throughout the space. The two looked at each other and ran quickly towards the center of the sound!

By the time the two arrived at their destination, there were already many high-level combat forces from the Fire Chasing Moth surrounding the space ripples.

"Hurry up!" The girl running from a distance shouted: "Maybe outside rescuers are here. Dr. Mei wants you to move the space resonator! Hurry!"

Those high-level combat forces disappeared in a flash and went to the warehouse at an extremely fast speed to move out a space resonator similar to a giant horn.


The resonator operates and soon forms a resonance with the ripples in space. With the help of both parties, the space is like a piece of living water, and the amplitude of the ripples is getting bigger and bigger and more intense!


A golden energy containing the aura of Honkai penetrated the space barrier and locked into a circle around the ripples. The boiling space ripples instantly shattered, and the dark space cracks spread out. The aura from the quantum sea made everyone cheer!

The streamlined bow of the Hyperion passed through the crack, followed by the hull that was stained red by the high-temperature collapse energy. The engine furnace was opened for the first time, just to propel the warship forward for a moment.


The moment the Hyperion completed its crossing, the pitch-black cracks disappeared. The barrier clip clipped the battleship's tail flame and closed it tightly. Several space resonators burned out. The battleship's body emitted steaming heat. The Qianjie One fixed on the deck The fixed alloy was burned and rolled down from the side, turning a corner of the square into a magma zone.

The engine of the Hyperion was extinguished after falling to the ground, and the mist emitted by the rising temperature turned the place into a fairyland.


"Hoo~ho~ho~" Su gasped for air, looked at the scene outside, and said in surprise: "Succeeded! We succeeded!"

Lying on the ground, Siren rolled her eyes. This was the first time she was so tired. Sending this behemoth into the quantum high-dimensional abyss almost drained her dry.

Bianca was very excited. Even though the outside was shrouded in steam and she couldn't see any view of the quantum higher-dimensional abyss, her headache was finally solved!

Kevin and Yaeji were in better condition. They used ice elements to suppress the high temperature emitted by the battleship when it shuttled through space, otherwise there would not be a lot of steam coming out.


Yaeji and Su were the first to notice, and then Kevin also stared at that direction.

Several consciousnesses swept across the Hyperion, and the strength of some consciousness even surprised Yae Ji secretly.

"Boss, the hatch is welded shut by the high temperature!" Q version Aiyi flew over, "Should we wait for it to cool down before opening it? Or open it violently? Or..."

Yae Ji stretched out his hand and the mist from the outside instantly destroyed the hatch lock core and forced the hatch open! When you hold it with your hand, the water vapor rising in the air swirls and gathers like a spiral, eventually forming a giant water ball.

Bianca stared at the giant water balloon with wide eyes, "Wow! Yae, you and Kevin have so much water!"

"?" Yae Ji looked embarrassed, and the water polo in the air shattered with a "pop" and scattered around the battleship.

Kevin turned his face away, his expression a little ugly.

"What's wrong? Isn't it? You just..."

Aiyi immediately flew to Bianca and motioned for her to shut up.

This made Bianca even more puzzled, "Is it taboo to praise someone for being awesome?"

"Uh..." A drop of sweat appeared on Q version Ai Yi's big head, "No matter in a certain sense, it is very powerful, but... forget it, you should go back and ask Rita! She will definitely be right Your doubts are answered!”

"Eh?! Aiyi, don't leave!" Bianca was helpless, and then looked at Yaeji and Kevin, who had their backs to her.

In the past few days of getting along, Bianca thought she got along well with these people, whether it was Yae Ji who had adventures together, or Kevin and Su who had taught her these past few days.

But now...asking two uncomfortable-looking parties questions is obviously not a good choice, so...

A chill rose up from Su's back, and a strong sense told him that he had been locked by Bianca.

"Ouch~ Ouch~ My head hurts so much. Kevin, please come over and help me. Help me.

Let’s go to the crew room and have a rest, ouch~ouch~”

Kevin didn't care about his past with Su at this time, and simply supported Su and helped him out of the bridge.

"Ji! Remember to say hello to your old friend for me first. I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Yaeji's face turned dark, and he could already feel Bianca's eyes moving to him again.

It would be a real punishment to help a twelve-year-old girl explain this kind of problem. He didn't want to be the kind of big brother who could be beaten, otherwise his life would become more and more judgmental.

This is not the Middle Ages!

"Bianca, be serious!" Yaeji struck first, "Outside is the largest organization that fought against Honkai in the last civilization era - the Fire Chasing Moth."

"Oh." Bianca felt strange, but she arranged her clothes and followed Yaeji without asking this question again.

Currently, her personal terminal cannot connect to Tianming's network, and she can't even ask people online. After much thought, she decided to first meet the humans of the previous civilization. These days, she has also learned some of the language of the Fire Chaser Moth. , enough for daily use.

Yae Ji nodded to Bianca and jumped out of the hatch, instantly! More than ten strands of consciousness focused on him!

"It's General Ji!"

"It's really General Ji!"




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