Era of Breakdown

Chapter 69 The truth comes out and the diamond necklace (two in one)

"Shocking Reversal!" The whole process of the lakeside case is exposed! 》

"Hello everyone, I am the owner of a lakeside community and an amateur photographer. That day I was shooting a morning, noon and evening video by the lake. When I was shooting at noon, I went home to eat and put the camera on the In the woods, I unexpectedly captured the footage of two children falling into the water, and the footage of little Thea Xin rescuing others. Below is the video link."


"Fuck! This stupid teacher has assigned so many homeworks, doesn't he want people to rest?" The little fat man's voice can be vaguely heard in the video.

"Rick, didn't you say there are fish here? Are there any shrimps or crabs on the shore?"

"I don't know either." Rick's voice came, "It rained yesterday and the ground here is too slippery. Can we come back another day?"

"You know nothing! My fishing uncle said that you can only get good things on rainy days! Hold my school bag while I catch a fish."

"Stop, Frey, it's too dangerous..."

"Coward! I'm not letting you go down!"

"No, I heard others say that the lake here used to be a fish pond, and the shore is also very deep. If you fall..."

"Bah, bah, bah! You stinker, stop nagging." Frey was very impatient, threw his schoolbag aside, knelt on the shore and dug his hands down.

"Don't get caught by crabs..."

"You fart!" Frey suddenly said in surprise: "I seem to have touched something! Slippery, long...ah! Why is there a snake here!"

Frey stood up quickly. When he stepped back, his feet slipped and the back of his head hit the shore. Stars flashed across Frey's eyes.


"Quick! Pull me up! There's a snake! There's a snake!" Frey said anxiously.

"It's coming, it's coming!" Rick was so panicked that he hurriedly lay on the shore and stretched out his hand to pull it.

"Ah!" Frey screamed again, "This thing got into my clothes! Ah!"


Frey nervously exerted force, and the skinny Rick was dragged directly into the lake.

"There are snakes, there are snakes, there are snakes!"

"Quick! Hit it!"

"You can't hit it! Let it swim away!"

"...It, it's swimming over!"

"Ahhhh! Help! Help!"


The two children splashed in the lake for a long time. The slippery moss on the shore prevented them from finding a point of strength. They slowly ran out of energy and could only cry for help in the water.

At this time, a dark figure running towards him appeared in his sight, and he could vaguely recognize it as Siasin from his profile.

The little girl first looked for a long branch, then called to the two men to grab the branch, and finally used all her strength to pull the two men up.

"If nothing happens, go home quickly. It's best to go to the hospital for a check-up. You have a legitimate reason to ask for leave this afternoon."

The girl's sweet voice came... After the girl left, Frei kept complaining until finally...

Frey: "When you get back, tell me that Siasin pushed us down!"


"What? Do you want to be scolded? I remember that your old and ugly stepmother didn't scold you. If you come back like this, don't say I'll beat you! That fool Siasin is sick to begin with. She's sick. Everyone in the school saw it, she must have pushed us down when she was sick! Remember!"

The camera was placed not far away, and the conversation between Frey and Rick could be vaguely heard. At the end of the picture, Frey kicked his schoolbag into the lake...

"The video ends here. I didn't know this happened when I got the camera that night. I didn't find out until I was editing the video. What I originally wanted to do was send a few copies of the video to little Thea Xin's school and home for her to Get the commendation you deserve, and let those two naughty kids get the punishment they deserve, but...

I really didn’t expect that this incident would become such a big deal, and that it would be posted online by Rick’s mother. At the same time, a large group of netizens on the Internet who did not understand the cause and consequences of the incident have been criticizing Thea Xin. I hope that after the video is released, they can express their gratitude to Thea Sheen Jr. apologizes.

Finally, let me make a digression. Little Siasin is very well-behaved and cute. She has an extremely rare disease. It is said that there are less than 20 people in the entire federation who have this disease. When they get sick, they will forget themselves and stand there stupidly. , will not have any impact on the outside world.

Xiao Siasin's family spent a lot of time, energy and money on medical treatment. Fortunately, his family's financial situation is still good and they can maintain it until now. Recently, little Thea Xin's condition has just improved, and something like this happened, alas..."

The comments below the video exploded! This shocking reversal caught most people off guard!

(I don’t think those two little chics, Frey and Rick, look like toys. The truth has been exposed! Let’s see what those who say they want to punish little Thea Sheen should do!)

(It is recommended that the Theasian family sue Frey and Rick!)

(Little Thea Xin is so cute, she could have debuted just from her profile! Her voice is so sweet! Her character design is super cool!)

(Entertaining the dog to climb!)

(Is Poirot so disgusting? He calls the black ones white, and the white ones black? And the media, publish it without investigating clearly? Can you bear the consequences of misleading the public?!)

(Reversed, it was posted by an intern!)

(Anonymous, I am from that neighborhood. Frey, Rick and little Thea Sheen are all quite famous. Frey’s family is a nouveau riche and they have always wanted to squeeze in. Rick is famous because of his stepmother. As for little Thea Sheen , which adult doesn’t like the cute, cute, smart and obedient little Siasin?)

(The comments below about Poirot’s previous video are all trollish)

(Can’t these two be considered naughty children? They are typical uneducated people! If they are ignored, they may kill and set fire to others in the future!)

(Such a young child has really sinister thoughts. Human nature is indeed evil!)

(Click the link below to watch the video of my collision~??)

(The oatmeal dog crawls for me!)

At this time, Poirot's face was so pale in the hospital that he could not even hold his cell phone steady.

She used to dream of being famous, but she never expected to be famous as the "evil stepmother".

As her fame grew, many things she had done in the past were discovered, including embezzling her ex-husband's property, working as a mistress, abusing her stepson, being a Neptune before, and working as a mistress in an entertainment venue... .

Bang bang bang~

Poirot, who looked pale, turned to the door and said, "Please, please come in."


Two uniformed policemen came in and looked at Poirot indifferently.

"I say! I say! I say everything!" Poirot said excitedly: "It was Frey's mother, it was his mother who asked me to do it! He also gave me two hundred thousand federal coins as a start-up capital! It's not that I want to discredit him. It’s Siasin! You must believe me!”

The leading policeman looked strange, "Miss Poirot, we are temporarily arresting you on charges of child abuse."

"What?" Poirot was incredulous, "I treat Rick like my own biological son! How could I possibly abuse him! If you don't believe me, ask Rick!"

Poirot ran to Rick's bedside, "Rick, Rick! Wake up! Wake up! Help mother explain! Help mother explain! Mother has never abused you!"

Rick kept his eyes closed and said nothing.

"Okay!" The leading police officer frowned and pulled Poirot up. "Come with us first. Someone will help take care of Rick."

"No! No! You must want to join forces to trap me!"

. . .

The Freys.

Hus, the upstart who inherited the inheritance from a distant relative, sat on a chair and looked at the mother and son gloomily.

"Tell me what's going on?!" Hus threw the newspaper and mobile phone in front of the two of them and roared: "I'll feed you and drink! I want you to have a good relationship with those rich ladies. You've done it." You spend all day hanging out with those little sisters you used to have, don’t think I don’t know what you did with my money!”

After scolding the fat woman, Hus pointed at his son Frey, "And you! Send you to the best school in the community and let you make more friends. Why do you hang out with those second-rate people all day long?! Like Siasin! If you don’t make friends, why would you make friends like Rick?! His family is a problem! Siasin’s family is the elite of society!”

"Then tell me what to do!" The fat woman said impatiently: "The video is like this. You are a useless man who knows how to scold his wife and children. You have the ability to solve the problem! What kind of ability is it to point at your wife and children and scold them?! I was really blind to marry someone like you!"

"And you little brat!" The fat woman pointed at Frey, "You have the same virtue as your father! He just knows how to lie! It's just that you're not grateful for saving your life, and you beat him up! What happened after this happened? Where can I put this face! I’m so angry!”

The fat woman was so excited that she kicked Frey to the ground!

Frey felt extremely wronged, but he did not dare to argue with the two angry men. He just wanted to avoid being scolded after getting his clothes wet. How could things end up like this?!

‘It’s all Rick’s fault! ’ Frey secretly hated him, “If it weren’t for that stepmother of his!*! Go back and beat him up to relieve his anger!”

. . .

The Theasin Family.

After the truth was revealed, Siasin finally had a smile on her face again, and her appetite improved a lot. She quietly listened to her parents' discussion at the dining table.

"I really have to thank the neighbor who posted the video content, otherwise things would have been too complicated." Susnay said: "Dear, do you remember who in our community likes to take pictures?"

"Well..." Garland thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Kevin, who is across from our house, seems to like playing with these things. He often has a camera in his hand, and he even took free photos of little Siasin and little Dongkat. Lots of photos.”

"Yeah! Uncle Kevin is super nice!" Dongkat said first: "Every time we meet, Uncle Kevin always gives me candies from his pocket!"

"Oh~" Susne then realized that his understanding of the neighbor across the street was actually not as deep as his own son's.

"So what exactly does Mr. Kevin do? Should we visit him another day?"

"When I listened to the ladies over there chatting, they said that Mr. Kevin once founded an Internet company in Cocos State, which was later acquired by a giant and achieved financial freedom ahead of schedule."

"You didn't introduce such a powerful person to me earlier." Susne complained jokingly.

"I'm not familiar with him either. We mostly just nodded to each other when we met," Garland said.

"I'm familiar with Uncle Kevin! I'm familiar with Uncle Kevin!" Dong Kate quickly raised her hand, "My sister is also familiar with Uncle Kevin! The kids nearby like to go to Uncle Kevin's house to play! Uncle Kevin's house has So many toys! It’s a pity that he is often not at home..."

Susne and Garland looked at each other, vaguely feeling that something was not quite right about this Kevin.

‘This Kevin doesn’t make copper, does he? ’

The couple was very nervous and asked hurriedly: "Did Uncle Kevin ask you to do anything?"

"Yes! He asked us to pose for pictures!"


Uncle Kevin has won photography awards. Siasin, who was silent for a long time, said, "It's just to take pictures of the awards that children get." "

The couple did not let down their guard. After all, it seemed strange for a man with free financial resources to roam around with a camera all day long and not have a family. He took pictures of children everywhere.

"Let's send a thank you note to the account that exposed this first!" Garland clapped his hands: "First, make sure he is Mr. Kevin, and then we can prepare gifts."

Susne nodded, "Then let's say this first."

Ding ding ding~

The doorbell rang like a wind chime.

Susnet and Garland looked at each other.

"I'll open the door." Susne stood up.

When Susne opened the door, he found that it was the Frey family standing at the door.

As the head of the family, Hus was fat, with a slightly flattering smile on his fat face, and the big gold tooth on his front teeth was shining.

"Hello, hello, you must be Mr. Susner."

Susne saw Hus holding his hand with both hands. The expression on his face remained unchanged. He held it for a few times and then took it out.

Before the Siasin incident, his impression of Hus was good or bad. This upstart just wanted to integrate into the center circle of the community. Apart from his tendency to show off his wealth everywhere and his slightly vulgar taste, there was nothing else he disliked. The place.

"Mr. Hus, what are you..." Susnay asked knowingly.

"Ouch," Hus said hurriedly, "I've been away from home for a few days. I didn't expect the old ladies and naughty kids at home to bring such a big trouble to Mr. Susnay! I'm here to apologize. I'm really sorry. , causing you so much trouble."

"Frey!" Hus turned his head, with a stern face, and said angrily: "Why don't you get over here!"

Fatty Frey walked over obediently with his head lowered, not daring to look into Susne's eyes.

"Uncle Susne, I'm really sorry! This whole thing is all my fault! It's my fault! I want to personally apologize to Siasin. It's really my fault. Please give me a chance to apologize to Siasin." Xin’s chance to apologize! Woohoo~”

The little fat man said while crying, the expression on Susne's face remained unchanged.

"And you!" Hus shouted to the fat woman: "Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Susner!"

The wrinkles on the fat woman's face were almost squeezed together, "Mr. Susner, it is indeed my fault in this matter. I should not have indulged Frey. I will definitely teach Frey a lesson! This is my sincerity. I see this If you put this gadget on little Siasin, it will definitely become more beautiful!”

Susne saw the fat woman take out an exquisite packaging box with the logo of a luxury brand printed on it from her bag. When she opened it, there was a beautiful diamond necklace inside.

From Susne's perspective, the value of this necklace is at least around 350,000 federal dollars. The basic sincerity is still there, but... Little Thea Xin will let Little Thea Xin handle it by herself.


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