Era of Breakdown

Chapter 94: Defeat Siasin

"Music Restaurant? It's actually a concert!" 》

The cover above the video title is the profile of her face when she was playing the piano yesterday. After clicking on the video, the dense barrage even overwhelmed Siasin's consciousness.

(The lady is so beautiful!)


(sounds so good)

(Friendly reminder, remember to wear headphones)


(Which restaurant?)

Siasin was flattered by the millions of clicks and plays.

"Where's the restaurant?" Siasin asked.

Theo was slightly stunned. Anyone else would have been excited about his popularity, but Siasin immediately asked him if his restaurant had been on fire.

'Oh, what a treasure girl. It would be great if she was not valued by Emily. ’

Theo thought to himself for a moment and pointed in the direction of the hall, "Look, these are the regular customers who came yesterday, and there are also some people who came here because of their reputation. Today is the first day for the video to ferment, and the effects are still early."

"You mean...the restaurant is also popular?" Siasin was a little confused.

"Sooner or later!" Theo patted Siasin on the back of the shoulder, "Today's salary and share will still be credited to your card?"

"Yeah, please."

"No trouble, no trouble, I have to thank you."

In the next few days, people often greeted Siasin on campus and praised her for her good piano playing.


The group of girls were huddled together, and the girl in the middle was playing something on her cell phone. The girl playing the piano in the video was particularly elegant, completely different from Siasin, who was sitting by the window and was as quiet as a white flower.

"Is it her? Is it really her?"

Someone questioned in a low voice, "They look quite similar, but..."

"I don't think it looks like her either, but everyone says it's Siasin."

"Hey, if you work part-time in a music restaurant, how can you get higher up? It's just a promotion for the restaurant. I took the opportunity to cheer her up, and the gray-headed chicken flew up the branches. Do you really think you have turned into a phoenix?"

"I feel like she plays really well..."

"Maybe it's the music playing, who knows."

"Her family doesn't know what they think. Is it a shame to let her do part-time work?"

"Okay, okay, calm down. If Miss Emily finds out, you will all be punished!"

Siasin heard clearly what everyone was talking about behind their backs. Now, except for being with Emily during recess at school, she spends all her time studying.

Take teaching courses, learn piano, learn other skills...

‘When I have time during the day on weekends, I will use the money I earn to treat Emily to a big meal. ’ Siasin decided silently in her heart.

After school.

Emily and Kevin entered the music restaurant in disguise, and immediately saw a girl playing the piano with her eyes closed on the stage.

In a daze, Kevin vaguely felt that his consciousness was flowing with the beautiful sound...

"This little girl is really amazing." Kevin whispered: "There has been another improvement in the field of consciousness."

Emily was startled and broke away from her mental comfort. She turned to look around and found that every guest was listening to Siasin's playing. The waiters even wore earplugs so that they would not be disturbed.

"That's too exaggerated!" Emily whispered: "Manipulating consciousness and coercing other people's consciousness will cause mental damage to these people."

"Probably not," Kevin thought for a while and said, "I listened to it for a while and felt that it was relaxing and soothing. It can relieve fatigue very well."

Emily looked at the girl on the stage again and felt that she was a large wet nurse.

"She can live a good life in the Talaya Federation on her own," Emily's mood was slightly wrong. "I really hope she is not the target of our experiment."

"What are you thinking? She is Ji! Siasin is Yae Ji! Sooner or later we have to wake him up." Kevin emphasized.

"But... isn't the soul born from a blank consciousness a new life entity? Don't you know what Ji is like? In my opinion, Siasin is the collection of all the beauty in the world!

Gentle, kind, and strong, you can find many shining points in her. It is really... really..."

Kevin was quite speechless. Why didn't he realize that Bianca was an indecisive Valkyrie? Or was she infected by Siasin?

"It's just an experiment, fake!" Kevin had to enlighten Emily, "After seizing the power of the Herrscher, Siasin will still be Siasin. Then we can let Mei separate her consciousness from Ji's. "

"Will Thea Sin forgive us?"

"Look, it's about to change. No, it's Xilin who has become a homebody. Isn't that the best example?"

Emily thought back to Siren deep in her memory, and a black line appeared on her forehead. She didn't look like the Herrscher of the Sky who destroyed the world.

"Emily," Kevin said again: "We really don't have much time. I need you to abandon Siasin immediately, right away, now, abandon all emotions, and face this experiment with an absolutely rational attitude. .”

Emily ignored Kevin and looked up at the girl who paused her music to take a break and drink some water.

The girl's aura is all based on a strong backing. Once the backing is gone, the dazzling halo above her head is like a fragile and fragrant cream cake. Everyone wants to come and take a bite until the girl is swallowed up.

Devour them all.

"I understand." Emily lowered her head, "I will spread bad news about Siasin in the small circle, and it is expected that she will lose all support in a week. By then...your company may also encounter a third party revenge."

"I don't care," Kevin finally smiled, "The purpose of building that thing is to get close to Siasin, make me miserable, and inspire Siasin's sympathy.

She would be ostracized by her classmates when she went to school, and there was no good place to go to work. When she came home, she had to take care of her life-saving uncle. The water and electricity in the house, rice, oil and salt were enough to squeeze Siasin's nerves. In the end, her mother and brother... , as well as the disgusting Gatovin and Rick, use them all if you can.

She can't be crushed and turned into a Herrscher, and then use your connections to conduct a Honkai experiment. "

"Is it possible?" Emily doubted: "Siasin is very strong."

"Emily, no matter how strong a person is, there will be times when she is overwhelmed and collapses. The longer she remains silent, the more powerful she will explode."

“If you don’t break out in silence, you will perish in silence?”

"That's what it means. You understand it well." Kevin praised.

"I just read the works of a famous writer. Rita asked me to read them." Emily crossed her arms and seemed to be recalling the past.


The girl on the stage was playing a new piece of music, and Emily no longer persisted, letting her consciousness sink in and wash away the mental exhaustion from conspiring with Kevin.

The girl on the stage also noticed the two people arriving and smiled at them.


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