Era of Disaster

Chapter 1069: Cheap coolie

There was a sudden hustle and bustle on the Internet. After a series of conversations and interrogations, someone was calling the guy who lived near the Baiming Tower, but for a while, there was no response.

‘It should be gone! ’

‘I’m so envious, living near the legendary forces. ’

‘I was talking about playing just now, and you really believe it. Sure enough that guy is a fool. "The nickname Alien Pet Shop No. 1, the guy who lives in the Starry Sky Hanging City spoke again.

‘Why do you say that, did you just lie? ’

‘It’s not a lie, it’s just a simple truth. Capitals of various countries also inhabit many civilians, but does that mean that these people can enter the power center and become politicians, impossible? Not to mention, that kind of legendary force is even more divine. I bet that the ordinary way, even if the real Bai Minglou is in front of us, it is estimated that we can't see it. "Alien Pet Shop No. 1 immediately explained.

‘The pet shop is good or bad, deliberately amusing the guy’s appetite. ’

‘That’s right. ’

‘Where, to be honest, I didn’t expect him to be so excited. By the way, the alien pet shop sells all kinds of alien pets, sells pets, and can become a good combat assistant for the owner. If you want to buy, you can contact me. ’Alien Pet Shop 1 immediately started advertising.

‘Hush, I’m starting to advertise! ’

‘I’m curious, but I’m not in Sifangtian, can I buy it, and how can I send it? ’

‘This, there is no way for now. Although there are courier services, it is usually in the nearby area. "Alien Pet Shop No. 1 said."

The Internet is still very lively, and this youth who connects to the table grabs a bread-like food and browses various information while eating. After a while, he finally found the news he wanted. There are also small-scale deep connection devices. The range is not very large, only covering the area of ​​about one room. Within this range, deep connections can be made directly.

This is implemented by the government to facilitate those areas that are not covered.

This is it!

After seeing the news, the youth immediately looked at the location. In other words, this kind of message originally only needs to ask the simple intelligence in the connected device to know the answer. However, because young people are too involved in the Internet, they didn't think about it at all.

After looking at his wallet, the youth looked at the price again, and his face was bitter. After thinking about some things that I saw before and rising, after a while, the young man ate the meat bread on his hand and made a determination.


The network world of consciousness is a new thing, and new things mean a lot of opportunities. When I first entered the deep connection on the school side, this young man accidentally discovered a place that might be available. Of course, this is just an accidentally rising idea of ​​him, and he is not sure whether he can use it. But what you can know is that even if you try, you should never go outside and try.

After opening his wallet and buying a small deep connection device, the young man returned to his home.

Lying on a somewhat messy bed, the youth suddenly sank into the network of consciousness.

Then, more than half a month passed, and young people were forced out of the consciousness network with red eyes almost every day during these half months. However, this half-month's efforts are not ineffective. After detailed reasoning and testing by his side, he found that the last flash of thought was really a loophole, and it was still a loophole that could be exploited.

Yes, new things are full of opportunities and loopholes, and those who grasp these things can rise quickly!

Another month later, the youth has changed a place of residence, and his body has become brighter. After lingering with a girlfriend he had just delivered, the youth entered the consciousness network world again.

All these changes come from the loopholes discovered by the youth!

At this time, in the Baiming Building, after thorough investigation and calculation of two quantum light brains, it was found that nearly 20 unreasonable places were sorted out. After careful data return, it can basically be determined that in these more than 20 places, some people have discovered a loophole in the consciousness network and then seek private gains from it.

This is like a hacker, a Trojan horse in an electronic network, or a plug-in in an online game. It has never been cut off.

"It's really the same as originally predicted. So soon someone discovered the loophole." Vera came to Bai Yi with these materials and said.

"Well, put it here, she will handle it every night." Bai Yi said. Bai Yi looked at it and was not surprised, or that he was already prepared. Because no matter how powerful Bai Minglou is, how profound the knowledge is, it is impossible to cover everything. An emerging consciousness network world is bound to have loopholes and stability issues. But it doesn't matter. Bai Minglou can't find it. Under the huge base, there must be some people who find these loopholes either accidentally or specifically.

Even, Bai Minglou is waiting for these people to appear.

Only when these people not only find the vulnerabilities, and then fix these vulnerabilities, the consciousness network can be more perfect.

This is a matter of night and night, so Bai Yi did not continue to intervene, and night and night handled the best by himself. Night after night, from the area where the vulnerability appeared, and then identified the candidate. Among the crowds covered by more than 20 loopholes, there are small groups of collectives, individuals with demon qualities, and some real geniuses. Every night, the identity of these people was confirmed, and all their information was turned out.

No one can stop the power of Bai Ming Lou, and the so-called secret area of ​​the secular world is even more impossible.

"This, this, and this, these three people, come in contact with them to see if they can be absorbed into the Baiming Tower." Ye Ye ordered to a puppet maid. From the perspective of their usual style and personality, the three people who came out every night were considered good. Although all three used the loopholes, they were more curious and challenged with new things. Bai Minglou can't stand still, since it has discovered talent, of course it must be absorbed.

"What about other people?"

"It's okay to fix the holes, as for them, pay close attention, but don't disturb them." Ye Ye said with a smile.


The man-in-law maid obviously had a look that he didn't understand.

"What a fool, the human beings are endless. This time, they took advantage of the loopholes to get a lot of benefits. Although they were fixed by us, but they have tasted the sweetness. It is impossible for them to stop there. And we did not go to arrest They, presumably, they will definitely spend their energy again to find the so-called loopholes. Even, I can’t wait for more of this kind of people, and then realize that the online world can be more perfect.” Ye Ye explained to the little maid.

"Yes!" The little maid finally understood.

"So, what will happen to them in the end?" The maid asked again as she was leaving.

"Why, are you curious about this?" suddenly asked every night.

"Huh!" The little maid nodded. This little maid is only loaded with a learning program every night. The maid who learns and grows automatically does not have a fixed intelligent program, so she is curious about everything.

"Probably, part of it will be absorbed into the dark part, while the other part will be ignored." Ye Ye said.

"Why not ignore it?"

"Because, although what they do is a bit illegal, in the final analysis, it's just because we are inadequate. Anyway, their presence has also helped Bai Minglou perfect the network world of consciousness, so Bai Minglou definitely It won't really do anything to them. Moreover, the hard work of such serious work is not easy to find, there is no benefit, and it can't drive them to invest so Of course, what they got by using the vulnerability It doesn’t seem to have much value in Bai Ming Lou, does it?” Ye Ye explained.


After the Baiming Tower started its operations, these emerging loopholes were quickly repaired. At first, this group of people were still trembling, afraid of being checked the water meter. However, after a period of time, when it seemed that there was no movement, the group of people who had tasted the sweetness could not sit still, and once again exhausted, they began to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

For example, the young man before.

At this time, the young man had no mood at all to ignore his new girlfriend, and said that the other party pushed aside, and then with red eyes, he devoted himself to the consciousness of the online world.

Not only him, but also several other teams, like this, even crazier.

Interests drive people to become crazy!

However, they couldn't think of it. In the eyes of Ye Ye, they are the coolies that can't be invited, and the reward they pay is that they are regarded as treasures, but there is nothing valuable in Bai Minglou's eyes.

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