Era of Disaster

Chapter 1117: Death ripple

What Xiao嘁 replied to was the command set in their bodies. In fact, their mission was only one in the final analysis: after the fissures in space, to ensure the inheritance of the knowledge of the earth! Now, of course, they are the first choice of those new generations selected by Baiming Tower, but many times, no one knows what will happen to the specific process. Apex novel -o-m. If there is no predetermined goal, then as long as the intelligent creature with the blood of the earth is enough.

"Go back and rest." Mei Weisi glanced at Alice and said.

"I can still hold on."

"Your body must be in perfect condition, because this kind of thing can not be persisted, the loss caused by any negligence is difficult to estimate." Mei Weisi shook his head.

Alice heard Mei Weisi say this, hesitated, then nodded. And Mei Weisi looked at the unfinished puppets in the shadow, and then shook his head. Although he already had this technology, he relied more on some special abilities. If you want to make puppets as fast as the assembly line of a modern factory, you still can't do it.

After seeing Alice go to rest, Mayvis could not help but look out.

It’s time to fight!

The Baiming Tower is really free. Even for these little puppets, there is only one priority list that is screened out, and there are no more restrictions. It is up to them to decide and choose what to do and what to do first. The intelligent program only gives them an instruction at the initial stage. After the soul gradually improves and its own consciousness becomes more flexible, there is no specific instruction for everything.

So, Little Fia is just passing by here, not intending to join the battle here. Regardless of whether Shapi and Vera can resist so many enemies, no one else will.


Sharpei threw fiercely from the air and suddenly opened an lf position above the ground. Like a transparent light curtain, it blocks all attacks from the outside. The surrounding space continued to oscillate and shatter, and under the protection of Cao Ruijie, Ding Ding and Yadif below were preparing for their own power blow.

"Isn't it okay!" Cao Ruijie shouted loudly, the blood on his face kept dripping.

"Okay!" Ding Ding and Yadiv answered at the same time. At this time, Yadiff squatted on Ding Ding's shoulder, the devil's shadow was restrained, implying the ultimate killing intention. And Ding Ding's body also showed a strong and tragic breath. The battle is gradually escalating, and everyone is forced to exert real power. At this time, there can be no slight retention, if they keep their hands, then they will die.

The lf force field above opened suddenly, and Ding Ding suddenly rushed into the sky

Knowledge blessing!

When Cao Ruijie slid down, he landed on Ding Ding's other shoulder, and then put his hands up. In a short time, a power of consciousness blessed the two people, and the two felt a more active and powerful incentive at the same time, one left and one right, one black and one red, and two rays of light instantly penetrated towards Shapi .

Faced with the pinch of the two, Shapi did not retreat, but split his fangs.

Netherland guard dog!

Shapi didn't think that the title of goalkeeper would lower his identity. He was willing to give Momo a guard against the underworld. At this time, Shapi's outbreak of power shocked everyone. Several powerful rays crossed the sky, and Cao Ruijie united with each other, and the powerful blow was completely dispelled by Shapi. Either Ding Ding or Yadif were hit hard and flew far away.

With a few crashing sounds, all the masters who knew the sea in the center of the battlefield spouted blood and flew out. Even Ding Ding was not spared. It is better to say that it was because of Ding Ding's indelible jade silicon body that became the focus of Shapi's care. Almost the entire body was torn to pieces. If it is not that the outside body is not the body, it is estimated that it will die long ago.

After falling to the ground, Cao Ruijie spouted a sip of blood, then looked at Shapi in shock.

how is this possible!

This three-headed dog is actually more powerful than Becky and Alodia who appeared before.

Shapi also landed on the ground, his mouth wide open, the breath of the underworld continuously spurting outwards, the deep and depressed breath, and the atmosphere of death, so that everyone's heart could not help shrinking.


"Go!" Qing Shiyu suddenly saw Shapi when she saw it.

"what happened?"

Qing Shiyu did not answer, but immediately took the following people towards the outside. And Qing Shiyu's movements also made those who watched the battle between Marcus and Little Fiya recover. Among them, the smarter hesitated for a moment, and then began to recede. However, not everyone is so smart, and some people have no signs of action at all, just looking at the group of people who have left.

Qing Shiyu's movements were quick, almost immediately when she saw Shapi's appearance start to change. Xie Fei made it very clear that she should not speculate on Bai Minglou's practice, especially Bai Yi.

Ning Xue understands Bai Yi more clearly. Bai Yi is good enough in many cases, but if he makes a decision, he will stick to it no matter what he needs to pay. The previous Betsy and Alottia have already proved that this time, Bai Ming Lou will not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Those standing on the battlefield will be the enemy. So, if they think they are safe enough to stand here, they are wrong.


Sharpei was originally a creature that had evolved close to perfection, and it was not necessarily much worse than Bai Yi. It's just that Shapi's form is indeed different from that of human beings, and he didn't do it several times in the underworld. At this time, Vera and Shapi merged together, and the soul's amplification ability was fully displayed.

Shapi raised his head towards the sky, slowly, the breath of his body gradually released, just standing on the ground, the huge around the body, the ground continued to crack. Around Shapi, the gravity field was disturbed, and the ground continuously flew towards the sky. However, these broken rocks and mud were still in the air, and gradually disappeared.


The three heads suddenly screamed toward the sky, and suddenly the breath around Shapi's body sank suddenly.

Death ripple!

In an instant, it seemed that something was sweeping through the air. All creatures below lv2 basically died directly; and creatures of lv3, although not directly dying, felt extremely disgusting, feeling that life seemed not to belong to themselves. Only those who reach the lv4 consciousness of the sea have a certain resistance to this wave of death. Moreover, this is the first time, under the roar of Shapi, this ripple is constantly strengthening.

The spread of this death ripple is not limited to the center of the battlefield, but spreads rapidly towards the surroundings, and the entire Underworld Island is enveloped.

People who didn't leave just now were all uncomfortable and wanted to vomit blood. At this time, they only reflected why Qing Shiyu had left.

They forgot the purpose of Bai Ming Lou!

What Bai Minglou wanted was not to kill a certain person, but to slaughter life arbitrarily. Therefore, all the people in the area of ​​Netherworld Island were all objects of slaughter. Even if they had some interactions with Baiminglou before, but this time, these are not enough to justify their lives. The entire Underworld Island is violently fluctuating, and everyone's soul seems to be shaking.


Those who watched the movie suddenly fled towards the outside, fearing that they would not be able to get away if they ran slower. But it is indeed the case. Starting from people with low strength, people continue to fall. This feeling of being directly drawn into death is more painful than death in the usual sense. It was shocking how these people finally grabbed their hearts.

Cao Ruijie, who was shocked by Shapi's previous attack, was awkwardly supported.

However, just when they were just about to escape, a figure suddenly rose from the ruins. The creature, which only maintained a three-pointed humanoid figure, suddenly rushed up, the four arms changed quickly, and then suddenly pressed on the top of Shapi's head. A string of unusually complex light suddenly spread towards the outside, and Shapi's death ripple suddenly stopped like a partition. Those who are struggling on the verge of death all feel that they suddenly entered heaven from hell. They are extremely relaxed and relaxed. They do not want to stand up, and their bodies are very soft.

The people who were about to escape all looked at the sudden figure, but found that no one knew. It's just obvious that this figure is not a human form, but a real blood.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and suddenly, Shapi's other two big mouths suddenly bit down towards the middle. The figure suddenly bounced out between bursts and stopped on the ground.

Slowly Vera sunk into the top of Shapi's head emerged, and then opened his eyes.

"Bai Ming Lou helped you to perfect the seal style, which was actually used against us, ha ha ha ha." With a low and hoarse voice, Vera slowly raised her head and smiled slightly crazy. As Vera spoke, the others finally recognized who the figure was. It was Joanna who had just been cut into pieces by Vera. No, it was cut into pieces of flesh just now. At this time, it actually changed into the form of a real blood spirit. Your mother's vitality is too strong.

"I can't agree with your approach, so I will have my perseverance. Even if I use the power that Bai Minglou has helped me perfect." Joanna stood on the ground, her four arms pinching strange seals, Open to the outside. At this time, a strange pattern flashed on the surface of Joanna's body. The whole person's body shape did not change much, but it was unusually mysterious. In particular, a special halo automatically swims around Joanna's body.

"Do you insist on yourself!" Vera laughed. Everyone else thought that Vera's mood became agitated, but no one guessed Vera's true thoughts.

"So, only fighting, isn't it!" Vera lowered her head after laughing, staring at the opposite Joanna.

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