Era of Disaster

Chapter 1157: Recycle station


Bai Yi and others did not pay any attention to what happened outside, but put all their energy on Ye Ye. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d The brain beast recovered from the empty ovary has been bred and reformed by Bai Yi. And has been combined with Ye Ye's new body. These are the initial preparations, and there will be no problems before proceeding to the next step. At this time, Bai Ming Lou is taking an important step.

Blend the conscious virtual brain of the World Eye Network with this virtual beast brain.

This is not arbitrarily absorbed. When Bai Yi performed the deduction, he had already confirmed 36,000 major cardinal points, and there were one million major virtual neural veins. There must be no mistakes.

When the conscious virtual brain and the virtual animal brain start to connect, they immediately start to combine from the first base point. The virtual nerve veins are like tentacles, overlapping the corresponding parts of the virtual animal brain. Bai Yi's sense of consciousness is completely open, even if there is no wind, his hair floats slightly towards the sky. At this time, Bai Yi's breath was almost terrifyingly powerful. Even Bai Bailou, who was waiting here, had many people feel Bai Yi's full release for the first time.

The virtual animal's brain has been completely virtualized, and the conscious virtual brain is also a void. Except Bai Yi, other people can't see the fusion situation at all, and can't help any. As a matter of fact, if the degree of understanding is worse, it is impossible to know whether two things of nothingness really exist.

Starting from the first base point, and then quickly spread to the second, the third, Bai Yi uses his own sense to comprehensively **** every night.

Bai Yi's sense of consciousness was consumed extremely fast at this time, and it was even worse than during the deduction. However, every time Bai Yi's power is consumed, it is immediately replenished from the body.

Bai Yi chose the way of silk nest grabbing to recover, not only for recovery, but also for this time. A large amount of energy and nutrients are present in the body in an absolutely compressed manner, just to ensure that the power at this stage is always full and cope with any unexpected situation.

Bai Yi does not allow any unexpected situations.

Don't say anything like a blessing or something, Bai Yike doesn't believe that luck. This is no joke. Bai Yi can't afford to gamble, nor will he gamble with the presence of Ye Ye.

The whole Baiming Building was suffocating quietly. Everyone knew when this was, and they were waiting quietly.

It wasn't until seven days later that Bai Yi showed the same kind of tiredness of overdraft before he recovered his sense of consciousness. Mo Mo saw Bai Yi like this, and suddenly came over to help Bai Yi.

"It's okay!" Bai Yi shook his head.

"How is it every night?"

"It has been fully integrated according to the pre-calculation." Bai Yi said calmly.

"Huh!" Mo Mo nodded.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, other people's hearts were not calm at all. According to the pre-calculation, complete integration, although Bai Yi is just a sentence, but they can know what this represents. Thirty-six thousand basis points and one million nerve veins are just the most important. The whole knowledge brain, according to Bai Yi's previous explanation, is no less than a real world formed by the brain, and the neural veins in it are simply complicated.

And Bai Yi actually did it so that Yeye could be integrated in accordance with the previous calculation without any deviation.

No wonder Bai Yi consumes so much.

"I don't allow any accidents!" Bai Yi said.

"So, wait quietly."

"Yes!" everyone answered in awe. This is not only Bai Yi's remarks, but also represents Bai Yi's attitude. He will give 100% of what he can do and will never bet on any luck. Many things in Baiminglou have stopped. Almost everyone in Baiminglou is waiting for the night to wake up. Whether Ye Ye can start to transform from here is crucial to the development of Bai Ming Lou.

With the fusion of the conscious virtual brain and the virtual beast brain, as well as the quantum light brain in the night body, the knowledge brain in the concept has been completed. At this time, the surface seems to be nothingness, but in fact the vast and vast brain of knowledge seems to fall into a deep sleep, and is waiting to wake up. This kind of feeling is very slow, just like a silent universe gradually changes from the center, and then becomes alive.

The first awakening is crucial.

The consciousness that had been sleeping in the center of the night gradually awakened, and then spread outward as if everything was recovering.

Soon, the place that was shrouded in the consciousness of the night, the people who originally mixed in suddenly found it wrong. This feeling is like they broke into the realm of a world master. They are insignificant and small. insect. This feeling is so obvious, the pressure is so unimaginable.

The man who happened to be in the database of Baiming Building felt the most obvious, and immediately fell to the ground.

Was found!

The man's heart suddenly flashed the thought.

Subconsciously, this man wanted to run away, still holding a bunch of selected exercises. At this time, he was still complaining, because although the exercises here can be read, they are all imitated physical entities, and they cannot be copied directly in the usual way. Otherwise, he didn't know how much to copy, and all the data memory was taken away. At this time, he can only hold a pile of selected books, hoping to take them away.

It was just that this man had just ran out two steps, and a huge force appeared in his body. He felt almost nothing, and his entire person flew out, not knowing that he was bombed for hundreds of millions of kilometers. All the exercises he held in his hands remained in place and flew back to the original bookshelf.

My exercises!

When the man flew out, he was still looking at the closed library with tears in his eyes. Although he stayed here for several days, the exercises here can't be copied, he can only read it. At his level, almost everything he read is a book of heaven. In the end, he only wrote down a few things in the "Strength Outline". As for the rest, it is estimated that only one name was remembered.

For Ye Ye, what are these people entering her consciousness, intruder?

In other words, it is almost the same as the pathogen, in short, it is something that does not belong to itself, so at the moment of awakening, these people were expelled.

Starting from the center, everyone was bombed.

This individual experienced the taste of a humanoid aircraft in the brain of knowledge. The brain of knowledge is no less than a small universe, so these people fly very far. In the end, all the people fell in the same place-the garbage collection bin.

Even the garbage collection bin is terrible.

It is even more chaotic than the normal world. After all, it is a garbage collection bin. All kinds of mistakes, delete unnecessary buildings or other entities exist, all the data exists in this place. A group of people descended from the sky one after another, and then fell in the garbage collection bin.

After falling, these talents climbed up one after another and wanted to leave the world. It was only at this time that they discovered that they could no longer leave this world. No matter how they try to log out of the Eye of the World network, they can't leave. In other words, they were unable to leave long ago, but only now that they are aware of it.

After discovering this, everyone was in a hurry. At this time, the people who fell here found out that there were other companions, and they immediately began to unite to find a way out of the garbage collection bin.

"Hey, buddy, aren't you stupid?"

"What do you know, there was a huge treasure trove in front of me, but I could only look at it and couldn't take it." The man who popped out of the database of Bai Ming Lou cried with a sad face.

"Treasure, I found the city of beautiful women, which has many templates of famous women, almost exactly like real people. And the world is very strange, no matter what you do, you will not be punished. You don’t know, in a What it's like to do whatever you want in the city of all beauties." A man said with a lewd face.

"Despise, like any woman who has never seen a woman, what evil city is actually playing here."

"Can the evil city be compared to this, this is a 100% simulated real world, I don't believe you didn't do whatever you want in this world."

"Huh, I found the stock market simulation trend chart of the Eye of the World. As long as I go back and compare it, my property can be turned at least tens of thousands of times. Unfortunately, the trend chart is too complicated, I didn't write down much. With this money I don’t want any women. You have to do what you want in the virtual world for only a few days. What I have is the permanent status of the outside world.” The refuting man said contemptuously.

"Cut, the stock market only, got into the eyes of money. Do you know the consciousness simulation game of "Xigu World"? I found the database in Xigu World. You have to know that many of the exercises in it are really achievable. It turned out that I had just read a few books, and I was bounced here. But it’s not bad, I remembered several mission paths for legendary exercises, and I have a chance to get them after I go out.” Another man was full of face Show off.

Because people in this world don't know, there is no need to worry about being fleshed out after going out, so soon after the first person speaks, other people also show off their chances.

The man who was popped up from the Baiminglou database glanced at these flaunting guys. If it was before, he might really envy or even be jealous, but when he saw the Baiminglou database and missed it again, he faced These encounters are almost inconspicuous.

Nima, where do you know what I met?

After showing off, a group of people began to find a way out of this world. Well, think about it so that you can escape from the trash.


Night by night, these guys who were swept into the garbage collection bin were ignorant, and their consciousness was awake, and they gradually began to master this huge brain of knowledge.

This feeling is as if a person suddenly changed body.

No, hundreds of millions of times more complicated than that!

Ye Ye needs to be familiar with this change in consciousness control, not only the domain, but also the scope.

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