Era of Disaster

Chapter 1202: Is the dark part


The last two Warsaw disciples also escaped from the impact of the black hole demon explosion. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d is indeed useless, dare not have the slightest hesitation, immediately toward the companion Fly away, fearing that if you slow down, you will be attacked and assassinated from nowhere. When they fell beside other people, they were relieved. The invisible and shadowless assassination, six people fell in just a short while, it really made them feel chill.

‘He was killed by a black hole demon pit, but he also claimed to devour everything. ’

‘He’s not really a black hole. In the final analysis, it’s just an elemental creature with a shadow in the void, which is actually the same level as us. Hush, come out. ‘The two disciples, who were fairly stable, communicated carefully with their spirits, but they were always tense, paying attention to the explosion below.

Frankly speaking, the situation of Kanda Kiyoshi is not good now. Originally in the center of the black hole demon explosion, although prepared, but the hasty situation is not so perfect. After that, he forcibly carried the impact of the explosion and took the opportunity to assassinate other Warsaw members. Therefore, the current Kanda Kiyoshi's body is full of broken and shocked marks, even if he wears most of the damage, it still looks very miserable.

Click, click, click sound, Kanda Kiyoshi stepped on the broken ladder below.

Kanda Kiyoshi gradually walked upwards, but this time, he did not move forward quickly. Because everyone has gathered on it, the speed is fast, and there is no longer any raid effect. As he walked, Kanda Kiyoshi took out the medicine and swallowed it into the mouth, while beginning to deal with his injuries. The blood ran out of the broken dim sum, but there was no change in Kanda's face, as if it should have been.

A special medical bandage was fastened on the wound, and Kanda Kiyoshi bite a dead knot with his teeth.

From the beginning to the end, Kanda Kiyoshi was moving towards it without any shaking or pause. The simple movements and unchanging expressions made the people above involuntarily deterred.

Dangerous breath!

The strength is temporarily ignored, but this woman feels too dangerous. In just such a short time, six more disciples were killed. You know, the disciples of Warsaw, put in the world of ordinary people is the level of the gods, and the result is simply killed. Although it is said to be the result of a series of reasons, it cannot change this fact.

Thousands of years of cultivation, and everything was dead.

Although Kanda Kiyoshi was also injured, the broken costume and the gradually dripping blood not only made the Warsaw disciples above feel relaxed, but felt a huge pressure. Even, if it wasn't for Sejin Huazun who had been watching here, many people would not want to fight Kanda Kiyoshi. Enemy against such a person, whether it is physical or psychological need to bear huge pressure.

At this time, Wen Yin took two steps toward the front.

"It's an amazing killing skill." Wen Yin said. This is not a compliment, but really feels so. From the beginning, Kanda Kiyoshi's grasp of the battle was amazing. Whether it is a sudden exchange with the signpost position or a subsequent assassination with a shock, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

"I'm the dark part!" Kanda Kiyomi stopped and repeated quietly.

"Great momentum-Wenyin!"

"Originally, you shouldn't reveal your identity as a dark part, but I think you already know it. Bai Minglou, former minister of the dark part-Qingtian Qingying!" Qingtian Qingtian replied indifferently, even if In front of him was a big one higher than her.

"You guys, let it go." Wen Yin said to the others.

"Yes!" The others retreated immediately. After several contacts, except for a few people, the rest did not want to fight Kanda Kiyoshi. It is not that they think they are inferior to Kanda Kiyoshi, but that Kanda Kiyoshi's fighting style is too dangerous. The technique of instant killing is a technique used purely for assassination, and none of them dare to guarantee that they will surely win. And one carelessness is estimated to be the price of life.

At the moment when Wenyin opened his mouth, Kanda Kiyoshi's flash step immediately moved, and then disappeared. The incomplete stealth was like a virtual shadow, and it looked extremely fierce.

Kill the enemy!

Although it is a phantom, everyone can see that Kanda's attack is extremely dangerous. And this is the trick used to attack the present Huazun.

Wenyin was so overwhelmed that he did not dare to look down on it. Originally, he came here only as a pressure field to prevent accidents. But he did not expect that the battle would change so quickly. As soon as he was too late to rescue, so few disciples died. Should I say that Kanda Kiyoshi is too strong, or these disciples are too weak?

It can be said that Wen Yan valued Kanda Kiyoshi very much, without any contempt, so as soon as he shot, he used one of his own tricks, and even the power of LV6 and the law was completely unreserved. How to say, he is so powerful, if he still played Kanda Kiyoshi like those disciples for a long time, wouldn’t he be ashamed.

Drunk Dragon Sound!

A loud voice suddenly spread all around, and nothing could stop it. Even the elimination of the media around Kanda Kiyoshi has no effect. Sound needs media to spread, this is common sense, but it is only common sense in the low-end world. Now how can the sound inside the body sound like a shock, how can it be compared with the ordinary sound.

Kanda Kiyoshi was also surprised by this invisible sound attack, just like the prohibition of entering Wenyin Pavilion at that time.

More powerful, but the principle seems to be the same.

That's right, the principle is the same!

In itself, it is a prohibitive system that is very powerful. Kanda Kiyoshi gradually stopped towards the figure attacking in front, as if bewitched by the drunken dragon sound, and finally stopped a distance of tens of meters in front of everyone. Kanda Kiyomi stood quietly as if she had been completely controlled by Drunk Dragon Sound.

With a distance of tens of meters, this length is very suitable. Not only does it keep enough distance, so that the other party will not attack too much, and it is not too far away, so that everyone can see how Kanda Kiyoshi completely relaxed.

"Wenyin is so powerful that mystery is boundless."

"Wenyin is so worthy of being a master in this teaching, so simple to control this evil girl."

"Wenyin was so powerful that the woman finally got the results she deserved..." After seeing Kanda Kiyoe stopped, for a time, the few people beside him immediately complimented.

Frankly speaking, at the beginning, they were still a bit stunned. After all, Kanda Kiyoshi, who was just so amazing, just stopped. But then, they immediately took it for granted. After all, it's a very different level of existence than they are. It's a real state of the realm. If it is converted into the most popular simple algorithm now, it is LV6, but it is a whole higher level than the other side.

They are really struggling to deal with Kanda Kiyomizu, but for Wenyin Dazheng, it seems to be taken for granted.

Wen Yin seemed calm under the compliment of a group of disciples, as if she was not surprised. This is to make him have a chest-like atmosphere.

"The absolute strength of this woman is not higher than yours, but the technique of instant killing is indeed an extremely dangerous way of fighting. However, this also lets us know that there are people outside and heavens outside. Repair, but should use their power flexibly." Wen Yan said to several people.

"Xie Dazhi gives direction!"

"Well." Wen Yin's heart was greatly satisfied, so that's right. When Kanda Kiyoshi broke out just now, he was so scared that such a dangerous person. As a result, there is still no suppression of detachment. Under the drunken dragon sound that he really used his power, the result was still unable to resist.

Wen Yin walked toward Kanda Kiyoshi, and without taking a step, a syllable appeared from his mouth. Each syllable automatically condenses into a Tao seal in Wen Yin's hands until it converges into a complete seal.

The technique of sound ban!

Wen Yin appeared in front of Kanda Kiyoshi, and the technique of tone ban in his hand would be pressed. It’s really good that Kanda Kiyoshi stopped. The distance of tens of meters is not closer, and it doesn’t excite the danger of smelling sound. Not so far, making Wenyin feel that the enemy seems to be under his control. in.

At the moment when Wen Yin's technique of sound ban was about to be pressed, Kanda Kiyoshi's body suddenly moved. The previously stopped attack, stabbed by the enemy, stabbed in an instant.

Even if the sound was heard, under the precaution, it was also broken by the bee pattern and penetrated through the waist.

Of course At the same time, the powerful sonic counterattack instantly knocked out Kanda Kiyoshi. This is almost the instinct of all those who were suddenly attacked.

Kanda Kiyomi was bounced into the air, but his body was completely relaxed, and all his emotions were suddenly lost in his eyes.


"Everything in the world has sound; the sound is not the sound of the other, and it is the rhythm of the Tao..." Kanda Ching Ying completely lost human emotions, just like the gods who really came to the world. And the most important thing is what is slowly spoken in Kanda's mouth.

"The Great News"

Wen Yin's own practice.

After hearing the words that were originally attacked and uneasy, and then hearing these things spoken by Kanda Kiyoshi, the calm mind suddenly fell behind. In his mind, there are only three words-impossible! This is absolutely impossible, because his practice is absolutely impossible to be known by the other party. And if it is not known by the other party, then it means that the other party is more amazing than him in mastering the law of sound.

Looking at it like a deity, Wen Yin's heart raised an incredible feeling.

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