Era of Disaster

Chapter 195: 1 to 4

When Bai Yifei left, other people also acted, especially Shapi and Puff, and they ran fast. After all, it was such a huge thing that Jing Mi Cao had stolen, and it quickly alarmed everyone else. Now everyone knows that the quantity of Tranquil Grass is inadequate, and everyone's hopes are on this, so they are not anxious.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" Liu Lixia asked Nancy when she saw Nancy's quiet look.

"Bai Yi is really angry!" Nancy said in reply.


"We are still starting our own work, whether it is to prepare the right medicine or find a cure for the parasites, it is urgent." Nancy said to Liulixia.

"Really, don't forget, I used to be your teacher for a while." Liu Xixia said amusedly.


"Stay!" Mo Mohei's long knife pointed slantingly, and his small face said seriously. There was a little silence at the scene, no one responded, and originally thought that the powerful enough Bethes actually suffered a big loss. The rumored girl as young as nine years old would be so powerful. Although it has long been known that current strength cannot be measured by age, everyone is still very surprised.

"What a good knife!"

"Asshole, Kawada, don't you like knives? This knife is definitely for you." Bethess touched his hair, but it was estimated that it was more suitable for long hair. The hair was cut in half. At this time, heard Kawata Ryota praised the knife, I couldn't help thinking of pulling a helper.

"I want the knife." A weird man with four arms like a mantis came out.

"Then you need to work harder." Bethes nodded.

After the confrontation at that moment, these sixty people were a little surprised, but only surprised. On their side, there are also four LV2 perverts. After Kawada Ryota came out, Bethess retreated to the back. He still had some face, Momo is a little girl after all. At present, this group of people has no plans to shoot together.

"That's for sure." Ryota Kawada said, drawing four different long knives from behind him, and it looked pretty good.


Momo suddenly watched slightly after seeing this guy out. Momo can clearly see the air flow above this Kawada Ryota sword through his eyes. This guy is actually the same as Bai Yi in controlling the air.

Sidao Liufengfeng!

In a flash, Kawada Ryota rushed towards Momo, and the long knives of his four arms instantly cut Momo in different positions. Mo Mo's eyes sank, and the black knife dragged in a sudden, and then instantly struck with the four-handed long knife. The sound of Zheng's impact became a piece, and the two's movements were amazingly fast. Those guys who did not enter LV2 could not see the movements of the two at all. Until suddenly, the clang made a loud noise.

Kawada Ryota's four-handed knife hit the Momo black knife at the same time.

In the middle of the five-handed long knife, the chaotic airflow erupted instantaneously, Mo Mo's petite body flew out suddenly, and then twirled in the air and landed on the ground.

A trace of blood slowly flowed down from Mo Mo's small face. Mo Mo's left thumb gently rubbed and licked out with a small tongue, slightly salty. This guy, the knife technique is not weak, the four arms, the use of the four handle knife is more complementary, if not Momo's skills are good, it is estimated to be planted. Moreover, this guy controls the air more than Bai Yi, but the energy quality does not seem to have any special place.

‘Sure enough, just like what Dad said, evolutionary humans who can live to the present are very powerful. Mo Mo thought in his heart. Everyone fumbled from scratch, Bai Yi they can sum up something, others can. Opposite this Kawata Ryota, rì himself, I usually like knives. After New Zealand changed, I also started to summarize and hone, knives are not much worse than Bai Yi.

"Give me the knife and let you go." Ryota Kawada said to Momo.

"That's impossible, and neither of you can leave." Mo Mo said seriously. Momo is still young. At this time, he said this sentence seriously. In the eyes of this group of people, it is completely a child's stubbornness.

"I really don't know what to do, then I'll take it myself." Kawada Long said angrily.

"Kawada, since you want a knife, it's okay to leave it to you here." Another LV2 Julian said.


"We don't have time to stay here, so I will take a step first." Julian said, and then prepared to pass by. At this time, everyone knows what it means to be dragged here. It is estimated that the people behind will soon catch up.

"I said, no one of you can leave here." Mo Mo black knife flicked and flew out of the sky, flying past Julian. If Momo still needs to prepare for this kind of attack before, it is now possible to launch this kind of attack after driving the energy in the body.

"Little sister, don't know what's wrong." Julian's face became slightly cold.

"Don't kill her, watch out for Bai Yi's revenge." Alcott said quickly. Although Alcott stole the quiet grass, he just wanted to survive the transformation into LV2, and did not want to make such a feud with Bai Yi. Alcott and Bai Yi were fairly familiar before. Although Bai Yi rarely used it in other people's eyes, Alcott was fortunate to have seen it once. Bai Yi's combat ability, coupled with the inverse flower pupil, at this stage, it is simply unsolvable.

"Trouble is dead, it's about this time, and everyone is still afraid of this. Since I was afraid, why didn't I stop at first, just like you guys here, and everyone behind you came after. When you really enter Devil's Island, who Where else can I find it." The last LV2 Agnes said.

"Do it together, solve it early and set off early. Kawada, you want this little girl's black knife, then when you will divide the quiet grass, you will divide a few plants, if there is no problem, no problem, let's start together." Agni Silk sucked a black tobacco in his hand fiercely and said slightly. The tobacco in Agnes's hands is not real tobacco, but a poisonous plant found that has a slight stimulating effect on nerves.

"I have no opinion." Kawada looked at Mo Mo's black sword, and a coveted **** appeared in his eyes. If a few quiet plants can be replaced with a black knife, he made a profit. Only those who like the knife can see the preciousness of the black knife.

"So!" Agnes gave Mo Mo a greasy smile, and the colorful markings on her body gradually lightened.

Mo Mo felt calm as if he were water-stop at this moment. Hei Dao raised his left hand against the back of the knife. In the next moment, all four LV2s flew over. However, although the four people rushed up together, it can still be seen that each person's attack is still different. Compared to Agnes, the other three are slower, and the attack is not a lore.

Dancing round and round!

Momo pushed the black knife with his left hand, and his body instantly rotated twice, and the two circular waves flew out toward the outside. Not surprisingly, the four men stopped one after the other and blocked the two circles of knife gas outside. However, other places were miserable. Two laps broke off and spread 360 degrees. They immediately cut out towards the outside, and the sounds of puffing puffed away. The slower guys all around screamed and fell to the ground, and the surrounding trees fell in a circle.

At this time, other talents understood why the four captains did not let them come up to siege. The level difference is one level higher, and the strength is completely different. After the energy can be controlled by zìyóu, every attack cannot be blocked by them. The five people fought together in an instant, and the others could only hide away from them. Now they are all the kind of soldiers playing soy sauce.

However, the more you see the fierce fighting of several people, the more envious of others, this is the strength of LV2.

Kuang's sound! Mo Mo suddenly fought against Kawada Ryota's two long swords, but his body shivered slightly. At this time, Mo Mo noticed that the air he breathed had a slight sweet smell.

"Did you find it, but it was too late." Agnes smiled wildly.

At this time, Mo Mo only noticed that the colorful patterns on this guy's body were like vomiting, and there was a smell, that kind of sweet smell. Looking at the gorgeous color patterns on this guy, Mo Mo can basically guess one thing. This guy is good at using poison, so he used that poisonous plant as smoke before to smoke.

Mo Mo looked around and found that the three others, except Agnes, were not poisoned. This is not an online game, there is no setting that teammates can't hurt. Since these three people are not poisoned, it means that these three people have their own ways to filter toxins.

Burses: High temperature in the body ~ ~ Once this toxin enters the body, it will destroy the structure and cannot form a hazard.

Kawada Ryota: Control air and filter toxins.

Julian: Your own energy can filter some abnormal things, so it is not affected.

Of course, the three had known Agnes's toxins for a long time, and this was not the only toxin Agnes could use. Anyway, when these people cooperate together, they must be mutually restrained, and those who are completely restrained cannot stand. Agnes had even more severe poisons, but they were not used.

Momo took out a pill prepared by Nancy to remove general toxins and put it in his mouth.

The original Mo Mo didn't kill the heart. Even the person who was injured by Zhou Duan before was estimated to be seriously injured. At this time, Mo Mo's eyes gradually became cold, and then two transparent spirit eating butterflies gradually flew from the black knife.


"Coming soon!" At this time, Bai Yi was rushing in this direction, his face extremely cold.

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