Era of Disaster

Chapter 73: fighting!

Bai Yi walked towards Bensham step by step, very slowly, because every time Bai Yi now takes a step, his body has to suffer great pain. However, in this step by step, Bai Yi gradually accumulated strength. The blood in the body seemed to burn, making Bai Yi feel extremely hot.

As Bai Yi walked, the blood gradually dripped on the ground, and suddenly made a snorting sound, and a light red smoke rose.

Seeing Bai Yi's movements, Benstom did not gather by heart, and really regarded Bai Yi as the enemy of life and death.

Bai Yi rushed suddenly, several times faster than before, and Bai Yi himself understood that in this state, it was an overdraft explosion, which could have a faster speed and more powerful power than usual. However, it does not last. The opposite Benstom also slammed the remaining two fists together, preparing for a desperate battle. Even if you will be trapped in this place, you will never lose in your hands... Bensham is crying in his heart.

With one punch and one punch, they hit hard together. Bai Yizhi cut the knife towards the back as if without any force, and Bai Yi had grabbed Bensham's arm and suddenly flung himself up, and then immediately walked along the arm. Run towards Bensham's head. Bensom was slightly stunned, but immediately folded his wings, wanting to shoot Bai Yi again in the middle.


Fight down...not fall here!

Bai Yi shouted crazy in his heart, as if all his spirits were concentrated on the straight chopper in his hand. At this moment, Bai Yi's long-term practice of knife art seemed to be sublimated. At this time, Bai Yicai felt a completely different feeling from the straight chopper. Kitchen knives always deal with ingredients. That's the function that has been determined since the beginning of the creation. Straight choppers are the real knives for combat.

The straight chopper trembles slightly and at high speed in Bai Yi's hand, and suddenly swings it.

A knife!

Break me!

Bai Yi shouted furiously in his heart, and the straight chopper fell hard. When the pair of hard wings and Bai Yi's straight chopper came into contact, a tearing sound came instantly, and this time, white Yi looks even more terrible, and his eyes are almost to be chosen. The sharp blade instantly tore the original tough wings, bones, blood, feathers... everything flashed in front of Bai Yi's eyes, and then Bai Yi passed through the gap, with the determination to go back and forth, Rush to Bensham.

What does it feel... what does it feel like!

When Bensem saw Bai Yi's crazy eyes, as if his mind was drawn into it, Bai Yi's mind was crazy like Bai Yi.

With a snap, Bai Yi slashed fiercely into the arm that Bensom used to stop. Two powerful forces collided, and this arm was cut directly into the majority, while Bai Yi was also hit by this huge force on his lower abdomen, and his entire body was vacated. Bai Yi spouted a sip of blood again, and the body suddenly turned up with this force, and the straight chopper fell again.


Fight down!

I want to live, with the remaining friends to live, no matter how powerful the enemies that stand in front of me will not flinch. No matter how cruel and terrible this world has become, it will not be afraid! We will live a strong life in this world, even if we fight for our lives.

"Ah...!" Bai Yi shouted frantically, glaring at Bensum with both eyes, straight and slashing.

Bensom looked at Bai Yi's eyes, as if the whole person was shocked, and the consciousness instantly produced a moment of confusion and trance. In Benthom's mind, Bai Yizao's appearance was now fully reflected. The colorful stripes seemed to attract all his attention through Bai Yi's eyes, causing his thinking to stop.

The straight chopper fell directly on Bensham's head, making a huge incision. The dazzling blood spattered suddenly, and Bensom immediately covered his head and screamed harshly. If it wasn't that his brain was hard enough, this knife could kill him directly.

After being cut with this knife, Bai Yi also fell back to the ground and squatted on the ground.

Bai Yi covered his eyes with his left hand, blood squirted out of his mouth continuously, and he couldn't stop it. At this time, Bai Yi only felt that his eyes were tingling, as if something was changing. Looking at the fluff on his body, as well as the momentary absence of Bensom, Bai Yi raised his head. He finally understood the ability obtained by fusing the butterfly gene-biological mimicry: confused!


Mimicry: A phenomenon in which one organism simulates another organism or simulates other objects in the environment to obtain benefits.

Warning color: The bright colors and markings of certain foul and highly toxic creatures in nature, to warn other creatures.

Protective color: The color of the animal's appearance is similar to the surrounding environment, so as to confuse and avoid competitors.

The only white fusion gene is the butterfly. This is not a very powerful creature, but this weak creature also has its way of survival. Bai Yi's current color pattern fluff is to maximize this ability of warning and confusion, but this is still not enough to have a strong impact on the enemy.

But this ability is slightly stronger under Baiyi's fusion of butterfly genes and the special influence of active cells. This is the qualitative change reflected in Baiyi... Baiyi's biological mimicry Spread this warning and confusion to both eyes.

Both eyes are the window of the soul and the extension of the soul. The color patterns on Bai Yi's body are reflected in Bai Yi's eyes. When he looks at the enemy, he has already produced an effect similar to deception.

In itself, this is just the ability of small creatures like butterflies to avoid powerful enemies.

But... Bai Yi is not only able to avoid the enemy butterfly!


Bai Yi's eyes closed slowly, then he suddenly raised his head and stared fiercely at the opposite Benthom. Bensem had just seen Bai Yi's eyes, and suddenly felt Bai Yi's **** eyes in his pupils, as if exuding a confusing glory. In an instant, in this tense and deadly fight, Bensom actually lost his mind... confused and distracted!

Bai Yi rushed up, and Bensham was completely unaware, until Bai Yi's body twisted and twisted at a high speed, and the straight knife cut the stab from his left leg after cutting three knives at 360 degrees in his knee. The pain made him suddenly sober. Bai Yi's body slipped on the ground for a distance, and stopped, but Bensom suddenly broke his left leg, and then knelt on the ground.

Bensom turned around in pain, only to find Bai Yi's chest not far away panting, eyes closed.

Damn it, I was distracted by the battle!

Benstom was extremely annoyed. He still hadn't understood what was going on in the moment before. The creature's alert color and protective color do have the ability to confuse the enemy, but it is impossible for Bensom to think of it so quickly. In fact, no one knows what each person will become after the active cells are fused.

"Are you confessing!" White Yi's hoarse voice came from his ear.

Bentham was surprised, only to realize that Bai Yi had come to him again, when? Benstom instinctively punched in the direction of the sound, but Bai Yi jumped dexterously, and this time, Bai Yi jumped high. Bensom immediately chased Bai Yi's body and looked towards the sky, only to find that Bai Yi was falling from the sky, and the sky simulated by the ceiling behind him reflected the gorgeous sunlight.

In the shadow of the sun, Bai Yi's bizarre eyes with colorful patterns.

Bentham was in a trance again, but instinctively felt wrong, and immediately closed his eyes, his right fist slammed into the sky. You guys, I am the LV2 metamorphosis. I am a few of the thousands of experimental bodies in the institute who have successfully transformed... Bensom snarled wildly in his heart, and inflated himself in his heart. His right fist carried a powerful force towards the position of Bai Yi that he saw at that moment.

However, the punch fell completely into the air, and Bai Yi's left hand grabbed his dexterous tumbling of the body, and then fell on Bensham's neck. Bai Yi's eyes were unusually cold at this time, with the chill of death. Bai Yi did not rejoice because he awakened his ability to fight, because this is the ability to awaken based on the death of his companion.

The tip of the straight knife that was broken off was instantly inserted from Bensham's big ear, but only stopped when he could enter the brain. The blood slowly ran out of Benstom's ears and ran down his neck.

Bensom was motionless, and at this time, he only felt the fear of death.

"Any last words." Bai Yi asked quietly.

"Why...?" Bensom asked doubtfully, but Bai Yi obviously didn't mean to answer.

"Help me kill Yu Han!" After a while, Benstom found out that Bai Yi did not want to answer this question, and then relaxed his body, and then said his last request. With confession, Bensom could feel the sharpness of the straight knife, even if he was dying to fight back, it was nothing but a sluggish struggle. I did not expect that he came out of the Hamilton North Institute and actually died in another institute.

"It's my pleasure!" Bai Yi said lightly, slashing the knife hard and slamming it deep into Benstom's ear hole.

Bentham's body shuddered momentarily, and then slowly bleed out blood from the facial features, his head drooping heavily. Bai Yi's straight chopper turned once, and then pulled out of Bensom's head. The bright red and milky white liquid slowly flowed from the huge ear hole to the ground.

Bai Yi exhaled deeply, and then stood up again, looking towards the other side, who was struggling desperately.

Fight, fight to the end, you must live in this cruel world!

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