Era of Disaster

Chapter 906: Demon cry cat

Jinjila couldn't guess where these human-like intelligent races that had never been seen came from, but the momentum displayed in the ground instantly was really powerful.

But what Giljira did not know was that the following soldiers and several other Eastmen were equally astonished. They had no idea that they had just come to an unremarkable town, and they encountered such a powerful man. Master. Is this accidental or ordinary? If the masters of this world are really so visible everywhere, how powerful is the potential of this world?

In this state of mind, the soldiers felt that it was absolutely necessary for them to verify with the master they met for the first time.

The flesh armor that had originally faded in the body suddenly appeared, and the appearance of the soldiers suddenly changed, as if wearing mantis armor. The precise structure of the shell, the slender and powerful body and limbs, the most important thing is that around the body of the soldier, there are three pairs of hook blades like the praying mantis blade arm, five-star flesh armor-the flower blade knife insect!

At this time, several subordinates of the soldiers also put on different flesh-formed armor, with different shapes.

Before waiting for the people in the town to disperse, several people jumped out of the deep cave and exuded a powerful low air pressure.

At this time, even the least understood people can understand, these people's strength is simply terrible. After feeling the breath of a few people, those in this world? People born in the world are at a loss. Because, these newly born people in this world have basically not encountered any really powerful battle. It seems that after the spread of active cells over a large area, the activity level is gradually weakening, and even Bema has only the level of lv2, and these people are only at that level.

At this time, several people erupted beyond the lv4 breath, for these people, it is completely an incomprehensible level.

"What the **** are you guys?" Jin Gila asked gracefully and doubtfully.

In the decades after waking up, Jinjila lived alone, without Baiminglou as a dependency, and grew up a lot, mainly-mentality. Although it is only the boss of a small restaurant, it is still the leader after all, so it has a calm temperament that has not been in the past. At this time, seeing the other party's breath, Jinjila was not impulsive or scared, but just a little puzzled.

Unfortunately, the soldiers on the opposite side did not answer at all, because the language had not been sorted out at this time, and speaking was too laborious. Now he just wants to know, how powerful is this master who suddenly met, and how many such masters are in this world?

An instantaneous ejection, a pair of bladed sickles cut through the air.

"You guys, don't understand people, still say, you really want to fight me." Jin Ji La did not directly counterattack, but just biased the attack. With a snort, two powerful cutting energies flew through the town instantly, directly cutting the whole town into three parts.

Although it was cut into three parts, the person directly cut was ‘zero’. Because when he was attacking with a bias, Jinjira had already calculated the angle in the life perception field, avoiding the place where someone was halfway.

It's just that this is just the beginning. Unless the one side completely suppresses the fighting of the strong, it is impossible to have more energy to protect ordinary people.

"Want to fight, come with me." Jin Ji La said, ejected out of the instant.

This time, through the analysis of the language program and Jin Jila's gesture of turning around, several people in the military understood the meaning of Jin Jila. After knowing the meaning of Jinjila, several soldiers immediately followed up. At this time, they just wanted to know how powerful Jinjila has, so they didn't care about the ordinary people in the town.


The speed of several people was amazingly fast, disappeared outside the town in a flash, and then left the town as if it were divided into three parts.

At this time, the people who had gathered in the restaurant before were a little dumb.

"Xiaohe, what kind of person is your boss lady? It's so strong." Inside the crowd, the pig who said the shop was destroyed asked.

"Yes, Xiaohe, your boss lady is so amazing, won't it be the master of the broken age." Others also said.

The little kitten had no idea how to answer these questions. Because they never knew that their own boss was so strong.

At this time, outside the town, Jinjila had already fought with several soldiers. Although I don’t know why the other party wants to fight with himself so obstinately, but since the other party insists on trying, he will accompany him.

And after coming outside, it is needless to say that the soldiers who had already endured had already grasped the bladed knife and sickle. Jinjira, who had been slightly tempted as before, instantly popped a few claws and then fought with each other. The powerful shock suddenly swept all around. At this time, several subordinates of the soldiers could not help but retreat towards the back. The master soldiers who really fought are amazing, and they dare not get involved.

After hundreds of encounters, a sound of zheng's cutting appeared, and Jin Gila's body suddenly flicked back.

In the sky, several dark, dark claws of less than ten centimeters twirled and fell at a high speed, and Jin Gila's chest had a huge wound, and almost all internal organs could be seen.

However, at this time, Jin Gila didn't care about his injury, but just looked at his right hand, and the claw that had popped up was cut off by the strange hook sickle.

Jinjila's eyes gradually sank!

Although her claws are not a special treasure, they are definitely not so easy to destroy. Moreover, for cats, claws mean their first weapon, and Jinjila has also been specially refined. So, after seeing the claws cut off, Jin Gila was slightly stunned. The opponent's pairs of swords and sickles seem to be not just sharp, but have some kind of legal attributes like "cutting".

"Finally ask again, who the **** are you." Gingerla slowly opened, and the wound on the body healed automatically. Jinjila had been dead long ago, and his body is now a corpse.

"Don't talk, is this!" Jinjila said slowly, her pupils straight for a moment.

At this moment, the soldiers on the opposite side suddenly felt a trembling feeling, the kind of repressed and powerful breath.

Although Jinjila didn't shoot much in the era of Baiminglou, it seemed that he was playing soy sauce everywhere, but his strength was definitely not weak. It was just that at that time, the others in Bai Ming Lou were very strong, and under normal circumstances, they did not need Jinjila. In the case of shots, Jinjila's strength could not help.

As a result, it just can't keep up.

It's just that if the theory of light is true, Jinjila will definitely far exceed the elder of the slug tribe. In this nearly ten thousand years of sleep, Jin Jila has more experience.

The blood is real spirit?? Demon crying ghost cat!

In an instant, Jin Gila's body changed instantly. Although it was roughly in the form of a cat, it had become even more dire and dark. The surrounding sky became darker as Jinjira's form emerged, which was obviously influenced by Jinjila-the sky is coming. This is an attack that Bai Yi used at the beginning. Jin Jila, as the core staff of Bai Ming Lou, certainly knows the principle. Now that her blood form of the true spirit can already passively affect the environmental laws around her, this is obviously the harvest that Jinjila has slept for thousands of years.

After Jinjira showed the form of the real blood, it instantly disappeared in the same place as a ghost.

However, several of the right soldiers were immediately stunned, because the real blood form displayed by Jinjila was too similar to their flesh armor. At this time, they could not help but doubt, is this circular inner domain also related to East?

However, what they did not know is that there is an essential difference between the two.

The different blood true spirit form is the power of the user itself, but it is usually hidden. The flesh armor is an external force with the help of a powerful virtual beast specially grown and cultivated in the void.

Only at this time, it is obviously not the time to care about this. After showing the form of the real blood, Jinjira is not powerful enough. However, the flesh-formed armor on the soldiers deserves to be five-star, just as Jinjila feels, the five-star flesh-formed armor has already involved minor legal attributes. The legal attribute of the flower-edged bladed insect is to forcefully cut off. However, this rule is only a preliminary effect, and it can't do anything to the point of cutting off.

The strength level of both sides keeps improving, the other side really deserves the disciples taught by the innate spirits in the inner circle of the East Ring is really amazing.

However, Jinjila has also been sleeping in this new world for thousands of years, and his strength has long exceeded the original level.

Even, it is estimated to be stronger than Bai Yi at the end of the battle!

This is definitely not a lie, but a real strength comparison. At that time, although Bai Yi was powerful, the time was too short, and the accumulation of various forces was too hasty. So even Bai Yi can only last a few minutes when he enters the form of God. And in this nearly ten thousand years of sleep, with the formation of the new world, generally as long as the people who are alive have a huge gain. The most obvious manifestation is that people at all levels have basically reached the peak of this level.

Even, some of them realized something when the new world was formed.

Although it is not a congenital spirit, this little thing of comprehension is enough for them to use endlessly. Unfortunately, Jin Ji La is one of these people, although not a congenital spirit, but with the original strength, Jin Ji La is among the top of the top strong.

Weep weirdly! I1292

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