Era of Disaster

Chapter 953: identifying

The Pluto Star system, as part of the independent Netherworld, is now estimated that only Ye Ye knows how big it is here. Sarah grew up in Hades since she was a child, so there is no discomfort to the environment here. When Sha Luo found Ye Ye, Ye Ye's Pluto Star system had been fully opened, and countless mechanical tentacles, repairmen, technical information groups, etc. were constantly busy.

The busy objects are several huge spaceships.

All these spaceships were attacked, damaged and fallen in the previous battle. Even before night, although others were staring around and chasing everywhere, there were still other puppets in action, collecting the wreckage of these spaceships. Anyway, in the solar system, it is still the home of humanity.

"Yo, Sarah, you're here." Ye Ye's voice rang, but she didn't show up. Because at this time, the night and night have been completely integrated with their own systems. The entire Pluto system is running like an orderly intelligent life kingdom.

"Master Ye Ye!" Salo said respectfully.

"How is the situation now.", Ding, Dian, the novel showed up every night.

"The cotton ball has been brought to Cheryl. In addition, an agreement has been reached with the other Starfield people. It's just..."


"The initial test by Cheryl has come out, but the results are somewhat unexpected. According to the test results, there are no special ingredients in the cotton ball. If it is not the way the test can’t keep up, it doesn’t matter. Breeding. In addition, in the cotton ball body, found the genes of several organisms, the most special one in the period is... the gene of Lord Bai Yi." Sa Luo said.

Every night I heard Sarah say this, suddenly a little silence, and then suddenly: "Poof... Hahahaha, is it really Bai Yi's gene?"

"There should be nothing wrong!"

"I'll say that the world itself is evolved from the original solar system. Even if there are any special places, it must be our original star field. How could it be somehow to give birth to a breath. If it is If Bai Yi’s genes were there, then it wouldn’t be strange at all.” After Ye Ye laughed, as if she had guessed it for a long time, it was not strange at all.

"Master Ye Ye, you already know?"

"No, I don't know. It's just some basic calculations. There's only a little speculation." Ye Ye said.

"When Wendi met the cotton ball before, only Wendi and the feather felt very kind to the cotton ball. At that time, I already had some guesses. Wendy is a descendant of Woolf and is different from others. Is a descendant of pure Woolf's blood, so it is normal to retain some of Woolf's original basic senses. In addition, I have already investigated that feather, and she is a descendant of Dorothy. Dorothy exchanged a drop of original blood with Bai Yi, so it's not surprising that she took part of Bai Yi's bloodline." Ye Ye said.

"So, it's really Master Bai Yi...!" Sarah became very excited.

Sarah has thought about it countless times, Bai Yi will not die so simple, whether it is because of personal expectations or other reasons. However, despite this expectation, no matter who it was, it clearly felt that Bai Yi had really died. After sleeping for thousands of years, although they still had this expectation, Sarah gradually became calm, and then accepted the result.

But at this time, when saying this every night, Sarah couldn't help but get excited.

"Basically, if you didn't guess wrong, it was probably Bai Yi's last hand at the time-the organism is an indestructible cell. It's just, whether it is specific or not, you need to find Felix to confirm it." Yeye Said.

"When I learned the test results before, I also wanted to ask Felix in the past, but the world is so huge now. It's not so easy to find someone." Sa Luo said. In fact, as far as Sarah knows, the people who wake up are far more aware than they are now, but because the world is too big and too strange, other than the people with four pillars, eight poles and twelve pillars Even if it is awake, it is difficult to know where they are wandering.

For example, poo poo, even the offspring have become an ethnic group, but the result is still not sure where he went to sleep.

"I will find it." Ye Ye smiled.

"The world was calm in the past. Those people just stayed somewhere and no one knew it. But now it is different. People in the alien realm have made such a huge noise. Those who have already awakened should also have paid attention. That's right," Ye Ye said.


As Ye Ye said, the previous world is very calm, and countless human races and human races continue to develop in this new world. No one knows the awakening strong men. If these people establish a country, build a religion, etc., and make the situation amazing, it may be easier to find some. But with the exception of a small number of people, many people have a different attitude after experiencing such a long sleep.

The real top powerhouse, for power and, at this time don't care much.


Perhaps, just like Sheryl felt, when the power of the individual has completely surpassed the ethnic group, the secular rights and so on have little meaning at all. In fact, Bai Yi had felt this long ago, so at that time, Bai Yi would say... tired!

Under this state of mind, if these people really live somewhere, no one knows.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people nearby, these hidden people have some mystery and some skills, but they certainly cannot really understand the true power of these awakening strong men.

But now it is different. Three battles, the first time near the volcano, the second time on the edge of the atmosphere, and the third time in the city of chaos. The three battles have exceeded the current level of the world, and the movements caused have been enough for these people who are living in seclusion to notice.

You may not be able to find them when you go to them, but they are different when they stand up.

Not only the outside world, but also in the Sifangtian, as people from various star fields enter, it gradually becomes lively. Of course, because of that agreement, although it was lively, there was no such thing as vandalism and killing. The reason why Baiminglou’s agreement is so effective is that as leaders in various countries in the Quartet days, most of them were the students that Bai Yi taught.

It's not that the Sarahs and their eight individuals gained independent autonomy, but that, like Heibao, they were originally positioned as people contacting the new generation.

Bai Yi has said long ago that they are the new hope of the whole world.

At this time, these new generations of the awakened and broken era really understood the meaning of this sentence. Bai Yi's spirit has long been passed down through them.

Therefore, the peaceful agreement that Sarah said was easy to implement in Sifangtian. Of course, it is not 100% absolute. After such a long time, everyone will definitely have a different idea. For this small group of people, of course, Salo will not pay special attention to it. The original agreement was that the people in these extraterrestrial domains would not take the initiative to kill and destroy. If they were going to die, no one could save them.


Under such circumstances, it didn't take long for Bai Minglou to find Felix. Of course, instead of Bai Fei Lou finding Felix, it is better to say that Felix found the news of Bai Ming Lou himself and found it back.

"Felix, welcome back." It was Ye Ye and Sha Luo who greeted Felix.

"No, I am, it's not too late." Felix asked. Did not see Momo, Felix is ​​still a little upset, is he not willing to receive him? Although it was said that at that time, Bai Yi had promised him to become part of Bai Ming Lou, but after all, he joined Bai Ming Lou at the last time, so he was not very familiar with others.

"It's not too late, because at this time, there are only a small number of people awakening in the Baiming Building. Except for me and Sha Luo, it is estimated that only Becky is there. You can wake up and really help." Ye Ye said .

"Really, I don't know what I need to do?" Felix asked.

"Before that, I want to ask you a question first." Ye Ye said.

"what is the problem?"

"Lord Bai Yi's organism? What about immortal cells?" Ye Ye Felix heard that Ye Ye asked, and suddenly showed a bitter smile: "In fact, even if you don't ask, I I will also say that. I woke up a few years ago, and then I walked on this world. In addition to looking for the trace of Baiming Tower, I was also looking for living organisms-immortal cells. Because when I woke up , I didn’t find the group of indestructible cells, and I didn’t know where they went."

"Really, then you go see that with Sarah." Ye Ye said.


When Sarah took Felix to Cheryl and saw the cotton ball, Felix recognized it immediately. This cotton ball was Bai Yi's inanimate cell. Felix used himself as a nutrient to gestate this guy for such a long time, and he was no longer familiar with that kind of breath.

However, there are some differences!

After the cotton ball saw Felix again, although it looked irrelevant, it also showed that the cotton ball was very familiar with Felix.

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