For the gold market, Jiang Feng, who was familiar with the road, soon came to the underground elf trading market. I don't know how many times this place has been here in his last life, and it can be said that he is very familiar with this place, after all, the biggest owner behind the scenes in the underground market of Golden City is Team Rocket. Needless to say, behind the scenes, the main controller of the entire underground elf trade is Team Rocket.

As the most economically developed city in the Kanto region, Jinhuang City's economic development is not only on the surface, the largest underground elf trading market in the entire Kanto region is in Jinhuang City. This black market provides almost one-fifth of the Rockets' total revenue in the Kanto region every year, except that only the underground elf trading market in Rainbow City can be slightly compared, but the Rockets' control of Rainbow City is far from comparable to the gold market.

It can be imagined how big the profits and oil are, and the actual leader of the underground elf trading market in Golden Yellow City is Nazi who sits in the Super Power Dojo of Golden Yellow City, not to mention her Heavenly King-level elf strength, her superpower comparable to the champion-level superpower and her moody personality, no one dares to provoke her authority at will.

As the largest underground market in Kanto, the Golden Yellow City Underground Elf Market can be said to have a variety of goods, from various precious elf props to highly qualified elves. Even quasi-gods and elves in various regions can be bought as long as they have money.

As long as you have enough money in hand, this will be your favorite consumption center.

After several rounds, I came to a small shop with a shabby surface, and when I entered, I could see an old man lying in a rocking chair behind the counter.

Feeling someone come in, the old man opened his somewhat cloudy eyes slightly, his gaze flowed a little on him, and slowly spoke: "What are you doing?" "

"Shopping." Jiang Feng's face was calm.

The old man's gray eyes flashed, and he pointed to the counter, "One hundred Union coins." "

Jiang Feng did not hesitate, directly took out a hundred yuan denomination of alliance coins and put it on the counter, and then took out five hundred yuan denomination of alliance coins still on the counter, and said concisely and clearly: "Cloak, mask." "

Seeing the money, the old man threw over a package, pointed to a worn wooden door behind him, and said, "Go in." "

When the package was opened, it was a wide black dense cloak and a miserable white mask.

Jiang Feng put on a cloak that could not be seen through, and put on the mask.

Lifted his foot and walked in.

Inside, there is a narrow and dim Yong Road, and only some dim lights at the end can barely see the road of Yong Road.

I don't know how long I walked.


With the appearance of a ray of light, Jiang Feng walked out of the long road and came to a place that was brightly lit like daylight.

Into the eyes.

It is a variety of shops, selling all kinds of items directly related to elves or indirectly, and there are even many shops that sell elves in an honest way, which is absolutely prohibited by the alliance outside, and direct transactions between elves.

In addition, on the street in the middle of various shops, there were a large number of people wearing the same clothes as Jiang Feng, hiding under the wide black cloak, wearing miserable white masks.

The underground elf trading market opens every night at eight o'clock and closes at four o'clock in the morning, which is also the rule set by this place, after all, this kind of thing cannot be carried out in broad daylight.

Jiang Feng roughly looked around the price he mainly looked at, and he basically counted it in his heart, and there was basically no big difference from his previous life.

The price positioning about Genie can be divided into five areas:

The first is the regional difference, this is the Kanto region, then the Pokémon in this area are a little better naturally cheaper, the Johto area will be a little higher not far away, the Fangyuan God Ohe area will be a little higher, the elves in the Carlos region and the Alora region are not here, the main reason is that it is too far, the profit and freight are too risky, so not many people will take this risk.

The second is the form of the elf, the price of the fully evolved elf is naturally higher than that of the elf without evolution, but some of the most violent final evolutionary types, similar to the circle bear, Arbor monster, tyrannosaurus and hot monkey and the like rarely appear, mainly because even if you buy this kind of elf, you may not have the ability to subdue it, and if you don't do it, it will hurt people and hurt yourself, so over time there is no market for such elves, of course, if you insist on buying, you can still find it here, However, most of these elves will not exceed level 40, and there is still a certain cultivation value.

The third is the potential and the race value after the final evolution, which is the basis for determining the price, after all, the race value and potential is still a more important aspect, the elves with high race value are generally much stronger than the lower race value, which is also one of the reasons why the price of quasi-gods is high, as for the potential value, in Jiang Feng's information base, the ranking order of potential is completely rainbow color, red-orange-yellow-green-blue-blue-purple, elves in the wild are basically red qualifications and orange qualifications, even if occasionally yellow qualification elves, will be snatched up by trainers because of its particularity. And here at most can only be divided into low, intermediate, high, top these four levels, corresponding to red, orange, yellow, green, and the next few colors can not be accurately detected before Jiang Feng crosses, so they are all divided into the top, and the elves with green qualifications can basically reach the quasi-king level, if you are willing to work hard, becoming a heavenly king is not a problem. And the blue and purple elves with this potential basically only appear in divine beasts.

The fourth is rarity, just like the green caterpillar unicorn, the elf that can be seen everywhere in the forest is naturally not the same price as a small fire dragon.

The fifth is skill, which generally depends on how many skills this elf has mastered, and whether there are any more useful teaching skills and genetic skills.

The sixth is the difficulty of evolution, such as elves like King Carp, Stupid Fish and other elves will hardly be bought, I am afraid that they are already dead and cocked It may not have evolved yet, so only the Liuli Taoist Hall in Fangyuan Place will acquire high-potential stupid fish for a long time, after all, they themselves have a way to make stupid fish evolve into Menas.

According to the elves of the Kanto region, the price of the elves in their original form can be roughly divided into five grades.

First grade: The final evolved race value is above 540, or the potential is above the advanced level, there is no price, almost will not appear in the usual merchant market, and some will only appear when there is a large auction.

Second grade: The final evolution of the race value is between 500 and 540, or the potential is between intermediate to high, this type of elves are mainly the three families, and the price of such elves is mostly around 500,000 to 800,000.

The third grade: The final evolved race value is between 450 and 500, or the potential is in the intermediate level, this type of elves are sold more, generally some people with good families but not members of the alliance line buy their children as initial elves, the price of such elves is mostly around 200,000 to 600,000.

The fourth grade: the final evolved race value is between 400 and 450, this kind of elf general elf hunter will not send for potential testing, the first is because the probability of this elf appearing high qualification is too low, the second is because most of this elf is low-level potential, the cost of detecting an elf is much more expensive than the money obtained from selling an elf, and most of these elves are bought by ordinary families as pets, and the sales volume is relatively small, after all, an elf does not eat elf food, The ordinary food required is also more than that of an adult, so except for the lonely old man, there is generally no one to sell this elf, and the price of such elves is mostly around fifty thousand to one hundred thousand.

The fifth grade: the final evolution of the race value below 400, the main purchase population of this elf is similar to the fourth grade, but the sales are much more than the fourth grade, after all, the price of this elf is mostly much cheaper than the fourth grade, the price of this elf may be only a few thousand, and the expensive is thirty or forty thousand.

After generally understanding the price situation, Jiang Feng decided to take a closer look to see if he could find high-potential elves from the undetected elves with lower race values.

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