The fourth auction item, four highly toxic orbs, sold for 20 million alliance coins, was auctioned by Jiang Feng!

The fifth auction item, four life orbs, sold for 28 million alliance coins, was also auctioned by Jiang Feng!

Although he spent a full 71 million alliance coins in a short time, Jiang Feng did not panic at all, his top energy cubes were not a problem to shoot billions of alliance coins, and 71 million alliance coins were nothing more than small money for him now.

Similar effects to the Flame Orb and the same Orb props, the Poisonous Orb and the Orb of Life.

Poisonous healing properties with highly toxic orbs!

Magic defensive or forced with the Orb of Life!

These fixed combinations can create an elf with extremely powerful combat power.

Moreover, these two orbs, like the flame orbs, can be ground into powder and used with energy cubes for the elves to eat, which can greatly improve the strength of the elves and help the elves quickly accumulate energy.

Among them, the life energy of the Life Orb belongs to the type that all elves can use, and the highly toxic Orb is currently in Jiang Feng's team only the Miao Frog Seed can be used.

However, Jiang Feng's successive auctions have also attracted the attention of many people.

The sixth auction item was a box of grass-based high-grade energy cubes that could be eaten by a grass elf for half a year, with a purity of 80%, which suddenly caused a crazy bidding from the trainers who had grass elves present.

High-level energy blocks can still be bought in the market, but the purity of 80% of high-level energy blocks can hardly be found, the common high-level energy blocks on the market are about 40% purity, and the purity of 80% of high-level energy blocks shows that the level of this high-level cultivator is extremely close to the top cultivator, generally speaking, most of the cultivators are helping other people's elves to make private customizations, and they are rarely seen to be sold, which shows that this cultivator has just reached this level, If you want to make a name for yourself, if anyone can buy these high-level energy cubes to have a good relationship with this high-level cultivator, maybe in the future, this cultivator can give his elves a set of custom-made energy cubes.

15 million.

20 million.


28 million.

33 million.


40 million.

In the end, this month's high-grade grass energy cube was bought by a quasi-heavenly king apprentice of the Rainbow Dojo Hall for 43 million alliance coins.

Seventh Lot Item.

On the LCD screen, a huge bag dragon is in the ice, although its face is old, but it exudes a powerful momentum that is unparalleled in the world.

"The champion-level Bagsaurus corpse, extremely intact, was dug up by an adventure team on Twin Islands not long ago, because it was instantly frozen, so the attribute energy in its body was preserved extremely perfectly, and there were no other injuries, and it was completely possible to extract the most perfect champion-level ordinary materials from it."

The host methodically introduced the origin of the auction items.

Without waiting for him to say the reserve price of the auction, he was forcibly interrupted by the people at the auction table.

"Wait, please let me know, we want to verify the value of the corpse."

"It turned out to be Master Ron, this does not need to be reported, you come up to verify, everyone can trust Master Ron's behavior, please."

The little old man named Ron walked to the frozen Paspanosaurus corpse, took out the instrument to melt some ice slightly, and then took out a silver knife, laboriously cut off a small piece of the body tissue of the Pasialosaurus, and sent it to the portable detector for testing.

In less than five minutes, the detector had already produced the results.

"Confirm that the life level of this elf's flesh and blood organization before death is a champion-level high stage, and the authenticity of the auction item is correct."

After the test is completed, Master Ron announces the test results to the audience with a miniature microphone.

For a while, the cultivation masters present and those elf doctors all stared at the complete champion-level Bagulosaur corpse on the field.

"Champion-level Bagsaurus corpse, the reserve price is 50 million alliance coins, and each price increase must not be less than 1 million, and the auction begins!"

A battle of dragons and tigers began again.

Before, it was trainers bidding, and those researchers and breeders watched lively.

Now it's the researchers and breeders bidding, and the trainers watching the excitement.

Those who engage in research are not poor in money, and cultivation masters who can make top-level energy cubes are not short of money.

Jiang Feng also came for this, before he bought those orbs after the money on his body has been spent, so he simply advanced 5 billion alliance coins directly from the person in charge of the auction house, after all, the value of his top energy cubes must be more than 5 billion alliance coins, so in order to hand over Jiang Feng, a cultivation master who can make the top energy cubes, the person in charge of Jiang Feng's request agreed without hesitation.

60 million.

76 million.


93 million.

100 million.


150 million.

In the end, Jiang Feng lost his patience and directly increased the price to 150 million alliance coins, and directly took the body of this bag dragon.

Just when Jiang Feng went to extract the body of the bag dragon, a cultivation master of about 60 years old said with a bit of yin and yang strange tone: "A little brat, why buy a champion-level material, I really think that I can make top-level energy cubes if I am a genius, there are not many skills, net some bells and whistles, it is better to study and enrich yourself when you have time, it is only right to become a senior cultivator early, don't be so ambitious here." "

This old man Jiang Feng had known in his previous life, called Zhang Universe, was a famous poor ghost among the cultivation masters, and he was also extremely unpopular in the group of cultivation masters.

How can an ordinary cultivation master be a poor ghost, but this guy called Zhang Universe is completely strange, because this guy will only do energy blocks of ordinary departments, and energy blocks of other departments will only do intermediate at most, and even advanced ones can not be done, and the top energy cubes made by this guy are scary with low purity and can only reach about 15% purity, such top energy blocks are not as good as some high-purity high-level energy blocks, so naturally no one is willing to buy energy cubes from him.

And this person's level is not very good, but he is very arrogant, often talking yin and yang strange, mocking this, mocking that, so in the cultivation of the family style evaluation can be described as poor.

For this kind of person, Jiang Feng did not speak politely with him without hesitation: "Hehe, I won't make top-level energy cubes, where do you think I got so much money to buy things, and you are a cultivator who can't even sell energy cubes, where does such a big face come from here Yin and Yang weirdness." "

"Junior, you are just a junior cultivator, who gave you the audacity to dare to talk to me, a cultivation master!" Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Zhang Universe felt that the whole person was going to explode, since he became a cultivation master, it was the first time that someone dared to talk to him like this in front of the public, it was simply the opposite of the sky, so he directly opened his mouth and drank angrily at Jiang Feng.

"Cultivate a master? Can only be a cultivation master of ordinary energy cubes? Or is it a cultivation master who made a top-level energy cube that is not even as good as a high-level energy cube? "

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