Originally, Jiang Feng was a little bored with the auction of elves, after all, with his eyes, he was a little disdainful of these elves, but the appearance of this Eevee brought him a big surprise.

Eevee looks fox-based in appearance and has mostly brown hair. The tip of its fluffy tail and the hairs on its neck are creamy. Eevee 's legs are short and slender , each with three toes and pink claw pads. With brown eyes, long rabbit-like ears and a small black nose, Eevee looks a lot like a combination of fox, puppy and rabbit, and looks very cute overall.

After habitually scanning with the system, Jiang Feng discovered the reason why this Eevee could not evolve with evolution stones.

Elves: Eevee

Potential: Cyan

Gender: Female

Level: Level 5 (Elementary).

Attribute: Normal

Characteristics: Adaptability

Carry items: None

Genetic Skills: Spirit Fang, Swap Field, Juggling Space, Magic Space, Prayer, Double Kick, Yawn, Madness

Basic skills: Desire, Bump, Tail Wagging, Call, Sand Picking, Electric Light, High Speed Star, Round Eyes, Bit

Skill taught: Shadow Ball, Bite


Status: Good

Seeing this Ibu Jiang Feng's whole person was stunned, the qualification reached cyan, not to mention, this Ibu's genetic skills can be said to be stunned.

Elves like Eevee have an imbalance plus unstable genes, are susceptible to their surroundings, and thus contain a variety of evolutionary possibilities.

But this Ibu's genes are extremely stable, she has inherited four powerful superpower skills, so that her evolutionary form has been fixed early, she is not unable to evolve, but she only has one evolutionary line, she has no other choice but to evolve into Sun Eevee.

However, this is nothing to Jiang Feng, if he has Eevee, the probability is that he will evolve into Sun Eevee, Moon Eevee, or Fairy Eevee.

This Ibrahimovic is not only extremely qualified, but also inherits such a divine skill as exchanging venues, Sun Eevee cannot learn teleportation skills, but she has a certain chance of learning to exchange venue skills.

This is a divine skill that is no less than teleportation, and the exchange field can be used as teleportation in reality, this skill can be exchanged not only with elves, but also with stones, grass or other small things.

The disadvantage of this skill is that the displacement distance is short, the longest distance is only 5 kilometers, unlike teleportation, as long as there are coordinates and the elf strength is enough, you can teleport from a distance.

But the advantage of this skill is that it is fast to unleash, much faster than teleportation.

What's more, Sun Eevee, who has a slightly worse qualification in the skill of exchange venues, can't learn it with Ben, even if Sun Ievee with better qualifications wants to learn this skill without half a year, he can't learn it at all.

After all, reality is not a game, skills like this cannot buy skill machines, can only teach one-on-one, and the tuition fee is extremely expensive, and few people are willing to waste time teaching.

In addition to swapping venues, the same is true of the two spatial skills, but these two skills are slightly easier to learn than swapping venues.

So this Ibrahimovic fully met Jiang Feng's needs, so he did not hesitate and directly doubled the starting price.

"Mr. Jiang Feng has bid, do any other friends want to raise the price?"

Seeing Jiang Feng's bid, the host also eased some of the embarrassment, and then continued to ask.

Eevee, who was already in tears, also raised his little head, and his big eyes were once again full of vitality.

"This Ibrahimovic can't evolve and is useless except for being good-looking."

"That's it, I don't know what Jiang Feng bought it for."

"Who knows."

"But it doesn't matter, after all, he is a breeder, not a trainer."

"Who says it's not, you see he has a Pikachu on his good shoulder all the time."

"Yes, Pikachu's strength is too weak if he does not evolve, and after evolution, he will lose his exclusive skills, and even exclusive props cannot be used, it can be said that it is too chicken, except as a pet, he can't fight at all."


This time, although Ibrahimovic was also a little aggrieved by these words, it was far less sad than before.

She didn't care about anything else, jumped directly off the stage and ran towards Jiang Feng's box.

"Okay, enough, since Ibrahimovic has already chosen, then don't say any more, skip this and prepare to auction the next thing." At this time, Dr. Ohki couldn't stand it, and directly hammered the result.

Jiang Feng walked out of the box, squatted down, and opened his hands.

Eevee jumped up and threw himself into his arms.

"Ibrahimovic, we will be partners in the future, my name is Jiang Feng, and this is my partner Pikachu."

"Pickup, pickup."

"Bui, Bui."

Jiang Feng took out a soothing bell and hung it around Eevee's neck, and then placed it on the other side's empty shoulder.

The two little ones greeted happily.

"It seems that Mr. Jiang Feng has found a good partner again, so let's conduct the auction of the last lot."

The last auction item of this time is this - the elf egg of the quasi-god Sticky Dragon from the Carlos region.

This elf egg comes from a king-level slime dragon and a king-level double axe battle dragon, so his talent will not be too bad.

According to the test, this elf egg is still about half a year away from hatching, and now the auction of the quasi-god Sticky Dragon's elf egg will begin, with a starting price of 250 million alliance coins, and each price increase must not be less than 10 million alliance coins, and the auction will begin. "

"Take a scan."

Elf: Goo Treasure

Potential: Dark green

Attribute: Dragon

Level: Level 1

Characteristics: Herbivorous

What to bring: None

Genetic skills: Double Return, Sleep, Dream Eater, Snoring, Dragon Fluctuation

Basic skills: Impact, Absorb, Water Gun

Teaching skills: None

Status: Good

"The qualification of this sticky treasure is not as good as imagined, and the qualification has not even reached cyan."

Generally speaking, none of the quasi-god elves have the qualification to be green, even light green is rare, most of them can reach dark green or light cyan, and it is no problem to achieve cyan with good qualifications.

This dark green sticky treasure is just a middle-aged asset among quasi-gods.

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