Elves: Eevee

Potential: Cyan

Gender: Female

Level: Level 33 (Advanced Advanced).

Attribute: Normal

Characteristics: Adaptability

Carry items: None

Genetic Skills: Spirit Fang, Swap Field, Juggling Space, Magic Space, Prayer, Double Kick, Yawn, Madness

Basic Skills: Aspiration, Bumping, Tail Wagging, Crying, Sanding, Electric Flash, High Speed Star, Round Eyes, Biting, Imitation, Slamming, Coquetry, Sacrificial Impact, Treasure

Teach skills: Shadow Ball, Crush, Dig, Hold, Stand-In, Steel Tail, Self-Motivation, Help, Weather Orb, Hold On, Repay Grace

Status: Good

"Bui!" Ibrahimovic also felt that his opponent was not easy to mess with, and nodded to show that he understood.

It was best to reduce the frontal physical contact with it, and a tactic gradually took shape in Jiang Feng's mind.

"Eevee, use self-motivation first, and then say hello to the high-speed stars!"

Eevee first sneaked a self-motivation to add layers of buff to himself, and then swept his tail, and a series of golden stars flung out of its tail.

Kairos, who was eating happily, was suddenly attacked, and it was an attack after self-motivation and improvement, and he felt very painful when he hit his body.

A wave of anger suddenly appeared in the heart, as a local tyrant, it has always bullied others, when it is actively attacked, let alone when it is enjoying deliciousness

Being disturbed by someone, like adding fuel to the fire, didn't see that he occupied the largest tree of the green caterpillar family, those green caterpillars were just avoided from a distance, did not dare to come and trouble him, how dare these guys do this to it?!

"Blah!" Kairos roared and ran towards Ibrahimovic, it was this little thing that disturbed his enjoyment of time.

With the running Kairos, take a deep breath, concentrate, a stream of air from the top down, from the soles of Kairos' feet, skill gathers!

Gathering gas can increase the chance of hitting the point.

It can be imagined that Kairos, who has a high attack, plus Qi gathering increases the chance of hitting the point, as long as it is hit, it may be killed with one hit!

"Eevee, use yawn!" Noticing the change in Kairos, Jiang Feng immediately ordered.

A white air mass flew out of Eevee's mouth and instantly burrowed into Kairos, who checked it and found that nothing happened, and then continued to run over without care, continuing to collect gas while running.

Eevee ignored him here, and after yawning, he continued to silently use self-motivation and added another layer of buff to himself.

Kairos, who was enjoying the effect of gathering qi, suddenly an extremely powerful sleepiness surged up, and his moving body suddenly slowed down, and then suddenly fell into sleep.

"Eevee, continue to use the steel tail, and then use the retribution."

Hearing Jiang Feng's command, Ibu rushed out, followed by a somersault, a big tail that exuded a metallic luster, slammed on Kairos's head from top to bottom, and with the power of the tail, Ibu bounced up again, and then the retribution skill was launched, under the effect of extremely high intimacy, an extremely powerful force gushed out from Ibrahimovic's body, and then converged at a point, accompanied by the power of Ibrahimovic, and slammed into Kairos again.

"Blah!" Under attack, Kairos screamed in pain, woke up, heard the sound, and Ibrahimovic instantly distanced himself from him with a flash of electricity.

Before he could understand why he suddenly passed out, Eevee's attack struck again, and a series of golden stars fell on him again, more painful than the previous attack. Kairos roared in pain, his eyes bloodshot.

Kairos, who has just woken up, faces Ibrahimovic who plays obscenely, and it is simply a son who meets his father, and he is helpless.

Being attacked but unable to hit others is a feeling that is not to mention holding back.

Helpless, he was ready to use his favorite skill, his whole body exerted strength, and his body tensed. Kairos uses the hardening skill, which boosts his defense.

Seeing Kairos's actions, Jiang Feng almost laughed, this is one of the differences between wild elves and having trainer elves, no one to command, with their own wisdom and intuition to fight, do not bully you bully anyone.

"Eevee continues to use the high-speed stars!"

Eevee has used self-motivation three times, even if the power of high-speed stars is not very high, but with the blessing of three self-motivations, it is not to be underestimated.

A series of golden stars hit Kairos again, "Bang bang bang." A burst of blows came, and Kairos found that even though he had used the hardening skill, these attacks still hurt on his body.

So he simply gave up his defense and rushed straight over, and a layer of red light suddenly appeared on his body, which was a strange power skill.

"Ibrahimovic, hold on, then Steel Tail." Jiang Feng commanded unhurriedly on the side.


I saw Kairos rushing in front of Ibrahimovic, using strange power, and slamming a punch towards Ibrahimovic. The pale green transparent barrier in front of Eevee was supported, and Kairos's fist smashed on the protective barrier, without the slightest wave at all, Kairos's fist was directly dissolved.

Immediately after the barrier disappeared, taking advantage of Kairos' old power has gone, and before the new power is born, Ibrahimovic's steel tail that has long been prepared slammed into Kairos, smashing it out at once.

"Blah! Blah! Trembling and slowly getting up, he could do nothing but roar.

This time it gave up, and Kairos turned around, pulled his legs and ran. In the face of such an opponent, it could not do anything but escape.

"Ibrahimovic, High Speed Star, give him the final blow."

Although Kairos's 85 speed race value is much faster than Ibrahimovic's 55 speed race value, the high-speed star is a must-hit skill, even if he runs fast, he is eventually caught up by the high-speed star.

"Bang bang bang."

A series of blows sounded again, and Kairos finally fell helplessly halfway to escape.

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