If you encounter a dojo without a quasi-king elf only a heavenly king elf, similar to the Hualan Taoist hall, then sorry, six against six all-member heavenly king battle, only by collecting eight permanent badges, can you challenge the four heavenly king champion, so sometimes this road is more difficult than the previous one, after all, most of the strongest in the World Young Trainer Competition are only three or four heavenly king-level elves, and more than five of them are rare.

Of course, there is a last way, become the dojo owner of the alliance, participate in the dojo hall master competition, and after becoming the hall owner, you can participate in the trainer attribute competition and the world championship, as long as you get a certain position in these two competitions, you can challenge the Four Heavenly Kings Championship.

These are the best ways out, and Jiang Feng plans to challenge the permanent badge of the Taoist Hall, and also plans to participate in the World Young Trainer Competition, catch both sides, in case he overturns when challenging the World Young Trainer Competition, there are eight permanent badges to the bottom, he has no doubt that he can quickly reach the Heavenly King level, and when he gets the electric ball and the Life Orb, he is sure that Pikachu will break through to the Heavenly King level within a month.

And now his first echelon has been assembled, Pikachu, Magic Frog Seed, Laplace, Sun Eevee, Kabi, Fossil Pterodactyl. There are still more than seven months before the start of the World Young Trainer Competition, which is enough for him to cultivate these six elves to the level of the Heavenly King, and he also needs to prepare the second-echelon elves, and cultivate a group of second-echelon elves to participate in the conference before the Quartz Conference, so that when the time comes, how many people can get his information when they participate in the World Young Trainer Competition.

This greatly reduces the possibility of him rolling over, and he also needs to increase the diversity of his elves to facilitate rotation in future battles.

"Then that's it, if you know it in your own heart." Yulongdu nodded, for Jiang Feng, a person who was relatively young, but had a very calm personality, he was also more relieved, and he didn't need to say too much.

"Okay, Mr. Du, I don't have any other requirements, seeing that you are also in a hurry to accept the fossil pterosaur, I won't delay you." Jiang Feng smiled, and then took out a photo to Yulongdu and said to him: "This, you see that this fossil pterosaur with a wound on the hind paw on the right side is the best qualified one besides the previous leader, the former leader is relatively old, there are many old injuries on his body, and his state has begun to decline, which is not suitable for you to accept." This fossil pterosaur is relatively young, and the qualifications are very good, reaching the top peak, and it is not a problem for you to bring it back as the main force to cultivate. "

For the sake of Yulongdu's constant reminder just now, Jiang Feng decided to give Yulongdu a little pointer, and told him the remaining fossil pterosaur with the best qualification reaching light cyan, buy a good one, anyway, he himself will not lose.

"Okay, thanks." Yulongdu was very happy to hear Jiang Feng's words, and looked at how the fossil pterosaur in the photo looked and felt satisfied. Then he said to Jiang Feng: "Where are you going next, can you tell me?" "

"I will go to the incredible garden of Miao Frog Seed, my Miao Frog seed has long been able to evolve, just to wait for which evolution festival begins, after all, where to evolve is of great benefit to Miao Frog Seed." Jiang Feng did not hide this, after all, it was not a big deal.

"Then you give me the superb gems and insect crystals that you want to exchange, I'll help you change them, and when the time comes, you will go to the incredible garden of the magic frog seed and find Miss Joy of the elf center over there, and I will say hello to that side." Yulongdu also planned to help Jiang Feng a little, and after he accepted the fossil pterosaur, he would help Jiang Feng change the things he needed, and send it directly when the time came.

"Okay, you're in trouble." Jiang Feng did not hesitate to directly take out those uncut gems. All the gems of the ultimate insect, as well as some of the gems of grass and rock, and finally Jiang Feng took out a palm-sized crystal, which was the crystal of the insect.

When he handed everything to Yulongdu, he saw that his eyes widened, he didn't expect Jiang Feng to take out such a large gem, he thought that Jiang Feng's own collection of attribute gemstones, but now it seems that people are taking the family's collection in exchange, it is simply digging a small vein.

However, he didn't say much and put it away directly, and then said: "So be it, I'll go catch the fossil pterosaur first, see you later." After that, he went directly down to the cave.

"Well, see you later."

"Dr. Ohki, I've been keeping you waiting, I have something I want to ask you." After Jiang Feng said goodbye to Yuryu Du, he turned around and apologized to Dr. Ohki.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, there's something, you say." Dr. Ohki smiled kindly and waved his hand to indicate that it was nothing.

"It's Dr. Ohki, I think when I have more elves and can't take care of myself, I want to store the elves in your research institute." Jiang Feng paused and then continued: "I don't have many elves now, so it's not time to store them, but when I accept the second or third team, I will definitely not be able to take care of them, and I am an orphan and there is no one in the family, so I don't worry about inviting other cultivators to take care of me, so I want to ask you for a favor." "

"Haha, no problem, these are trivial things, you can contact me when the time comes." Dr. Ohki smiled and said it was fine.

"Your grandson Xiaomao, you will leave for a trip in half a year, so when the time comes, I will help make the energy cubes that his six main forces need to cultivate to the Heavenly King level, and which elves will be given to at that time, let you decide for yourselves."

"Okay, I'll thank you for Xiaomao." Dr. Ohki did not refuse, but happily thanked Jiang Feng.

"So be it, I won't disturb you Doctor, you work, let's go first, bye." Seeing Dr. Ohki agree, Jiang Feng was also relieved, if he accepted other elves, but he didn't use them often, he could exist with Dr. Ohki, after all, taking care of two teams of elves during the trip is Jiang Feng's limit, more he really can't take care of it, so he doesn't dare to take the elves at will, now with Dr. Ohki in his pocket, he can accept the elves with peace of mind, and he is not afraid that no one will take care of him.

I told Dr. Ohki everything about everything!

Jiang Feng left directly!

There is no more business for him here, and he still has to train the fossil pterosaur and the Kabi beast! It had been a few days since he said that the Incredible Garden of the Magic Frog Seed had opened the Evolution Festival, and his time was now very tight.

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