After breakfast, Jiang Feng left the elf center with Erica and prepared to start heading to the wild wilderness area.

Along the way, Jiang Feng deliberately slowed down in order to take care of Erica who was traveling for the first time, while Erica was very curious about everything around him, looking here and there.

Jiang Feng didn't expect that Ariga, who was originally quiet like a purdah lady, actually had such a lively side.

Along the way, Erica has been asking Jiang Feng about this and that, Jiang Feng can't only answer her again and again, along the way, Jiang Feng told Erica the story of his trip, when Arijia heard Jiang Feng say that the honey of wild needle bees is very delicious, directly found a small large needle bee hive to hit, fortunately, the number of large needle bees here is small and the level is low, otherwise it is estimated that it is inevitable to be stung. However, to Alijia's disappointment, after she tried the honey of wild needle bees, she found that although it was much more delicious than domestic needle bee honey, it was not as amazing as Jiang Feng said08.

"Are you stupid? The leader of the big needle beehive I hit last time is an elite peak overlord elf, and this group is generally highly qualified, and there are a few large needle bees with much better qualifications than your shuttlecock cotton. Jiang Feng sighed helplessly, this Erica is too noisy, a girl who was originally quiet and quiet, how to change her outfit and start to let go of herself.

"Jiang Feng, I'll call you Jiang Feng directly in the future, it's too raw to add the word Mr. every time." Erica walked beside Jiang Feng and said with a grin: "You must also call me Arijia directly, and don't add the word Miss anymore." "

"Okay, okay, I said Erica, can't you just stop a little! Running around all the time, aren't you tired?! If you can't walk then, I don't care about you!" Jiang Feng said with a helpless face, thinking in his heart: "Oh my God! Even if you let go of yourself, you don't let go! It's a change of clothes here! It's just a different person! "

"Hee-hee, it's okay, I practice kendo and archery every day at home, so my physical strength is very good, so I won't get tired at all!" Erica put her hands behind her back, bouncing and laughing as she walked.

"Okay, okay, hey!" Jiang Feng was too lazy to take care of him, go his own, and by the way, see if he could find an elf with good strength to practice with.


Towards dusk, the two found an open space to set up camp.

"The scenery here is nice!"

Behind him is a forest, with verdant grass at his feet and a small river in front of him. The breeze blows, and a refreshing feeling comes to the face, which makes people feel refreshed.

In the nature of the elven world, such a view is very common, but this does not prevent Arika, who is traveling for the first time, to see this beautiful scenery and feel happy.

"Are you resting here tonight?"

Erica asked Jiang Feng with some curiosity, or the first time she slept in the wild, she had a different feeling, a pair of bright eyes looked at Jiang Feng, waiting for his answer.

"If there are no accidents, we will live here today in the evening."

Jiang Feng smiled slightly, which was regarded as answering Alicia's words.

"Let's start the camp."

After that, Jiang Feng didn't pay any more attention to Erica, took out the tent from his space ring and began to set up.

"That Jiang Feng, I, me, me... I can't pitch a tent, can that help me set up? Erica blushed and said with a twist on the side.

"Okay, good, I'll help you ride it when I'm done." Looking at Erica's appearance, Jiang Feng was also full of helplessness, this young lady couldn't even set up a tent when she went out to travel.

After setting up her own tent, Jiang Feng took the tent bag in her hand from Arijia's hand, and while helping her set up the tent, she taught her how to build it, and said while teaching: "This time I will teach you how to build it, next time you build it yourself, show me carefully, don't lose your mind!" "

"Hi hi."

Jiang Feng is too skilled in setting up tents in the wild, there are almost no times in his last life that he is not sleeping in the wilderness, not to mention that sometimes being able to live in a tent is a luxury, and he often can't sleep for several days when chasing and killing, even if he has the opportunity, that is, climb the tree, and squint on the branch for a while.

In order to have time to sleep in the tent, Jiang Feng's skill in setting up a tent is extremely masterful, and he can shoot a luxury tent in less than five minutes, and the two people who are not poor in money buy the highest level of tents. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) ???

Taking out the ingredients, tableware, and table prepared in advance, Jiang Feng began to prepare today's dinner for the two of them, and Miss Erica, who was not stained with spring water, could only look awkwardly at where Jiang Feng was making the dinner on a plate, after all, it was a little difficult for her to start like this.

Looking at Alica, who was a little embarrassed on the side, Jiang Feng shook his head helplessly, sighed, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there are really fewer and fewer girls who can cook this year.

Jiang Feng made just simple curry pork chop rice and mushroom soup, after all, in the wild, it is good to be able to eat a bite of hot rice, and it is not good to ask too much, after all, these two things are much better than eating instant noodles or canned food. 620

After making food for the two of them, Jiang Feng began to prepare food for the elves again! And our Miss Alica could only stand awkwardly and watch...

The food prepared by Jiang Feng for his elves was as luxurious as ever, and Erica's elves could only eat the same model of grass high-grade energy cubes made by Jiang Feng because the materials were not complete, but Jiang Feng still matched them with the powder of the ground Ultimate Leaf Stone and the Ultimate Grass Gem as ingredients, these Grass Gems and Leaf Stone Arija still had to be returned, and Jiang Feng also prepared for them his six elves' favorite desserts, Fairy Paufen and Elf Bofrey.

Compared with the food that Arijia had given them before, the food prepared by Jiang Feng was better than the food that Arijia had given them before, whether it was in terms of taste or energy absorption, I don't know how many times better.

Moreover, Jiang Feng actually prepared a small dessert for them after the meal, which was a wonderful taste that they had never tried before, and it could be said to be a royal enjoyment.

Especially the tsundere monarch snake of Alicia, who was satisfied with the food prepared by Jiang Feng, especially the small dessert after the meal, completely satisfied its girlish heart, and couldn't help but stretch out a rattan weave and patted Jiang Feng's shoulder to show encouragement.

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