Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 40: You Are Considered To Be Practicing Dirty?

"Wait... wait, principal, you must have made a mistake, right? Why is it Su Yu?"

"Didn't it be agreed that the first place in the actual combat assessment of the martial arts class will get the qualification for the trial?"

Zhao Tiansheng couldn't believe it.

The principal chuckled: "Who told you, I said that only the best students in the school can get the qualification for the trial."

"And Su Yu is the best student in the whole school, but who is he?"

The principal has no scruples about bragging and hating Su Yu.

The higher you hold, the harder you fall, and then the lesson will be profound.

"I'm already in the Dirty Practice Realm, the only one in the whole school! How can I not be the best student?"

"This kid doesn't even dare to come to the actual combat assessment. How can he be outstanding?"

"Shadow! This is shady! You are engaged in black-box operations! I want to report it, and report it to someone above!"

Zhao Tiansheng was really enraged.

The precious qualification for the trial just flew away like this, and anyone who changed it would be angry.

Not only was he angry, but all the other students were also angry.

Although Zhao Tiansheng is arrogant and arrogant, at least his strength is real.

Zhao Tiansheng defeated everyone and got the qualification for the trial. Even if the students were upset, they were convinced.

But Su Yu didn't even come to the actual combat assessment. It seems that he has lost the relationship with the principal and snatched the qualification out of thin air.


"Principal, you say Su Yu is the best student? I don't agree!"

"I'm not convinced either! It's been two months, and my strength has improved a lot. I want to challenge him!"

"I want to challenge too!"

These students are passionate, no matter rich or poor, they are united front at this time, and they all want to challenge Su Yu.

They are still young and believe in justice the most, so naturally they cannot bear the "shady scene" that happened in front of them.

Even Ye Yuqing's face was ashen: "Principal, I didn't expect you to be such a selfish person!"

"Junior brother, look..."

The principal looked at Su Yu.

In order to educate Su Yu, he was regarded as a villain for selfishness.

Although this is not really unfair...


Su Yu was speechless.

The ability of this senior principal to pull hatred is too strong.

But Su Yu didn't care, and walked forward calmly: "I'm in a hurry, you two go together."

After speaking, his blood burst out suddenly.

Two months, a hundred fights to the death, and the tyrannical killing intent and aura accumulated, all released!


There seemed to be a flash of thunder in everyone's ears.

Two months ago, Su Yu only had more than 100 calories of Qi and blood, and he had never seen blood before, and he was able to use his aura to make Ye Feiyang unable to make a move.

But now, he has hundreds of lives of alien races in his hand, and he has killed all alien races in the internal organs, his blood is as high as 500 cards, and he has achieved great success in Taiji longevity...

How can this explosive momentum be taken lightly?

"This... this is!"

The principal's and Ye Yuqing's pupils suddenly shrank, and they were so shocked that they almost couldn't help but shoot!

Such murderous aura made them all feel extremely dangerous, almost thinking that there was an attack from a foreign enemy!

Then they realized that the source of the murderous intent was Su Yu, a student.

how can that be? What happened to this student? !

Ye Yuqing and the principal were extremely shocked.

And the performance of the students was even worse.

These students have never even killed a chicken, where have they seen such a ferocious killing intent?

Immediately, I felt my eyes turned red, and under the impact of murderous aura, it seemed that I had come to hell.

The whole world was dyed red, and there was a strong smell of blood in the nose.

This is under great oppression, resulting in hallucinations.


Most of the students fell limp and retched.

Only ten people could barely stand, but they were all pale.

These ten people are exactly the top ten, and they are able to secure these ten positions, they really have some skills.

"Just ten standing up... Forget it, let's go together quickly."

Su Yu shook his head, unspeakably disappointed.

Two months have passed, and these students still haven't made much progress.

"Stop looking down on people! Bastard!"


These ten people were all proud and arrogant. Although they were frightened by Su Yu's aura, they were still furious when they heard the words, so they summoned up their courage and rushed forward.

Zhao Tiansheng took the lead: "Take one move from me, and Tiankun will hang upside down!"

Zhao Tiansheng's fists were blood red, and he had already used the method of expelling qi and blood from the viscera training environment.


Su Yu didn't dodge or dodge, allowing him to punch his chest firmly.

Zhao Tiansheng was overjoyed immediately, Su Yu actually relied on his chest to hard-block the boxing power released by his blood! Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!

See how you can compete with him for the trial qualification?

But Zhao Tiansheng was a little hesitant, wouldn't he kill someone?

However, in the next moment, Zhao Tiansheng felt a strong force suddenly gushing out from Su Yu's chest.

Taiji Changshengquan, use your strength to fight!

"what happened……"


Zhao Tiansheng suddenly couldn't stand still, let out an exclamation, and flew back backwards.

He hit the classroom wall directly, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his expression looked like he had seen a ghost.

He punched someone, but he flew away by himself. What's going on?

At this time, the attacks of the other nine people were also killed.

Seeing their angry expressions, Su Yu suddenly smiled, raised his right leg, and swept lightly.

On the classroom wall, there were nine more people, sliding down slowly.

However, Su Yu did not kill them, and they were not seriously injured.


Everyone was shocked, especially those hanging on the wall.

Obviously two months ago, Su Yu and Li Mengran fought back and forth.

Now it's useless to beat ten of them one by one, and it's just a kick in the whole process.

This is not a fight at all, it is simply chasing bugs!

What kind of training did Su Yu go through in the past two months to possess such a murderous aura and transform into such an outrageous strength?

Look at yourself again, what have you been practicing these past few months?

These students are somewhat skeptical.

"How? Are you convinced?"

"If you are not convinced, you can continue."

Su Yu withdrew his murderous aura, looked at these students, and said flatly.

The students all bowed their heads.

The strength proves that Su Yu is indeed the best student in the school, and they have to be convinced.


Zhao Tiansheng was a little reconciled, but he didn't dare to continue to attack.

Su Yu's tyrannical and mysterious methods made him a little scared.

Seeing this, Su Yu shook his head in disappointment:

"Zhao Tiansheng, you are considered to be in the dirty state? A warrior should be willing to challenge when he sees a strong man. The best way to be strong is to keep fighting."

"I didn't hurt you, don't you even have the courage to strike again?"

"It seems that you rely on elixir to cultivate your viscera, and you have no energy and blood. You are not considered a warrior at all, and it is useless to participate in the trial."

Zhao Tiansheng's face turned blue and white after being told by Su Yu.

The other students were thoughtful when they heard Su Yu's words.

Su Yu turned around and left with the principal.

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