Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 61: Hunting And Being Hunted, Alien Conspiracy!

"They treat people differently!"

The students were very unconvinced, and the difference in treatment was too great.

"If you want to be recognized, you can't just rely on your mouth, you have to rely on your strength!"

"As long as you work hard to kill the enemy, you will be recognized one day."

Su Yu said.

"Who cares about their acknowledgment!"

The students poked their necks.

But in their eyes, there seemed to be a raging fire.

Su Yu smiled slightly, said no more, turned around and left the big cafeteria.

He helped these students once during the day, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

Su Yu returns to the dormitory of the military camp, he needs to rest well and get ready for the hunt in the future!

In the middle of the night, in the huge pit, on the other side of the space passage, is a completely different world.

It is extremely dark here, with a blood-colored earth and a dark sky.

On the earth, around the space channel, millions of alien races gathered densely, which was extremely terrifying.

The core of the alien army, several powerful alien leaders, are plotting big things:

"Not long ago, there was an order from above to hunt and kill Qianlong students from all regions and strangle the geniuses of the race, and the Southern Region is no exception."

"There is news from the inside line that today is the day for the students of Qianlong Training Camp to try out, and they have already sent their subordinates to go."

"what's the result?"

"The result was not good. All the more than 200 training organs died, and even one bone-forging level did not come back."

"What? The potential dragon students in the southern region, haven't they always been very young? How could this be?"

"Where are the other party's casualties?"

Suddenly, these powerful alien races fell silent.

After a while, the foreign race spoke again:

"It seems that this time, the Qianlong Base in the Southern Territory has also produced talents! It's the right way to ask to hunt Qianlong students. Do you know who it is?"

"Su Yu, the visceral training level is low-level, the skills are unknown, and the blood is unknown. It is said that he can fight across the border, and kill the first-level bone forging with his body. It seems that he still has more strength, and his true strength is unknown."

"According to the latest information, he has been admitted by Su Xinghe to join the hunter team."

Silence again.

"Why are there so many unknowns! What are your insiders doing? This Su Yu is so heaven-defying, such a genius is more of a threat than 10,000 mediocre people, he must be killed!"

"Since he has joined the hunters, let him forge a few more bones and let him kill him! Test his strength information, anyway, if he doesn't have a golden body, he's just trash, and he'll die if he dies."

"When the test is over, attack with all your strength and hunt down this Su Yu!"

But Su Yu didn't know that just after he became a hunter, the alien race on the opposite side was about to come and hunt him down.

On the second day, the foreign race did not attack the city and seemed to be resting.

Su Yu has nothing to do, so he can only count money in the dormitory. Yesterday he killed dozens of Lian Zang and one Bone Forging.

But they are all low-level aliens, and the military merits they get are really limited, only more than 5,000, and a pot of true blood is not enough to buy.

So Su Yu is very eager for the arrival of the battle and start his hunting career.

On the third day, there was still no fight.

On the fourth day, the foreign race finally attacked the line of defense again. Su Yu immediately carried the long sword on his back and stepped on the exclusive fighter plane of the hunter.

This is a triangular miniature fighter plane, which can only take two people, one Su Yu and one pilot.

The pilot was taciturn, silently launched the fighter plane to take off, and began to circle quickly over the defense line.

Su Yu sat in the narrow cockpit, waiting quietly.

After waiting for an hour, finally got the news.

"Attention hunters, attention hunters!"

"At the B27 defense line, there are ten visceral aliens, and the nearby hunters are asked to rescue them as soon as possible..."

Su Yu's heart moved, B27, isn't he near now?


Su Yu quickly poked on the screen in the fighter plane and accepted the task.

If you pick it up late, you may be robbed by other hunters, and you will lose your military merit.

Feels like food delivery...

The pilot immediately received the signal, pulled the joystick, and the plane made a high-speed gyration, and arrived at the sky above B27 in a blink of an eye.

The floor of the cockpit opened, and Su Yu descended silently, heading straight for the ten dirty aliens below.


"Military merit is in hand! Finish the battle and collect the merit!"

In just a short time, Su Yu killed three visceral-trained aliens, turned around and jumped back to the fighter plane. The whole process did not exceed ten seconds, and the soldiers on the defense line were dumbfounded.

"What was that just now? A new hunter? Too soon?"

"Don't you know? That's Su Yu, from Qianlong Base, who has been admitted by the general and joined the hunters! This is a strong man, he can kill even forged bones!"

"Damn it, it's so powerful! The Qianlong training camp in the southern region can produce such characters..."

And Su Yu, began his waiting again.

Thirty minutes later, he "received the order" again, hunting down two visceral aliens and getting 200 points.

On this battlefield, alien races in the Qi and blood realm pose little threat to the soldiers, and they can be easily killed with technological weapons.

But when it comes to practicing dirty, even if it is only a low level, it is very scary. The eyes of ordinary soldiers can't keep up with their movements, so they need to call for support.

It's a pity that most of the time, Su Yu is too far away, and the tasks are taken by other hunters.

He can't go to grab the head, after all, other hunters also need military merit.

It took about an hour or two for Su to receive an appointment.

Su Yu was like this until dusk, took a few more orders and earned thousands of points, but he still hadn't got enough for the first pot of real blood.

Finally came the big one.


"There are two bone-forging first-level aliens, appearing in the C07 defense segment! There are two bone-forging first-level aliens, appearing in the C07 defense segment!"

"Call for support, call for support! Hunters, please do what you can!"

A piercing siren sounded in the cockpit of the fighter plane.


Su Yu didn't hesitate.

The first level of two bone forgings is 2000 military merits, so naturally we can't let them go.

This time the fighter plane just dropped Su Yu down, and he was still in mid-air!

Ding ding ding ding!

Two forged bones, jumping high, using the sharp horns of the body as weapons, the surface is covered with blood, taking advantage of Su Yu before he landed, and attacking Su Yu crazily!

"Fortunately, I brought the Nebula Sword!"

Su Yu swung the long sword wildly in his hand, struggling to resist the attacks of the two bone-forging alien races.

If it weren't for this sword, he would have been beaten to pieces by the aliens long ago.

The Bone Forging Realm covers the weapon with qi and blood attacks, the power is too powerful, not flesh and blood can resist it.

But this Xingyun sword is made of strong material, but it can be blocked.

But it can only be resisted, but it cannot be counter-killed.

"No, in this case, there is no way to fight back!"

Su Yu was in mid-air and couldn't even land on the ground after being hacked by two alien races, so he knew it was not good, and it was just a waste of time if it went on like this.

"Use the sword of Xinghe! Two sword qi!"

Su Yu's heart felt cold, and he activated the sword energy in the true blood.


The stars and spots on the Nebula Sword are bright at the same time!

Su Yu lightly slashed with two swords, and the two bone-forging aliens in front of him were chopped into two without the slightest resistance.

And Su Yu was finally able to land at this time.

Su Yu looked around and found that the line of defense was full of blood, and there was no one alive.

They were all killed by these two bone-forging alien races.

Bone-forging aliens are so terrifying.

"Brother Su, you are so fast! Did you kill these two forged bones?"

At this time, Ji Ming also arrived, and he was shocked when he saw this scene.

The other hunters also arrived one after another, and they couldn't believe it when they saw the two alien corpses.

In just ten seconds, before they arrived, Su Yu actually beheaded the two bone-forging aliens!

What kind of strength is this!

"This is not my regular strength. I paid a big price, and I suffered a loss this time."

Su Yu smiled wryly, with a look of regret.

He consumed two sword qi, equal to 2/10 drops of true blood, worth 2000 points.

Killing two bone-forging aliens and gaining another 2000 military merits, counting it, it is actually not a loss or a gain.

However, if you don't make a profit, you lose money, and there's nothing wrong with it.

"Is it so expensive?"

Seeing Su Yu's ugly face, Ji Ming thought that Su Yu really paid an irreparable price, so he quickly comforted him:

"Don't worry, this battle will end soon, you can go back and rest for a few days."

"The next time you encounter this situation, you hold on for a while, wait for everyone to arrive, and kill them together, don't hold on.

Su Yu nodded: "I will."

He will be reluctant to use sword energy next time.

After all, a drop of true blood and 10,000 points can only emit 10 sword qi.

It is equivalent to 1000 points for one sword, and if you swing more swords, you will go bankrupt.

After another two hours, the battle was over, and the alien races retreated back to the space channel again.

Speaking of which, these alien races really have a sense of time.

Attack the line of defense every few days, nine in the morning and five in the morning, go home when it gets dark, and never work overtime.

"The foreign race has produced too many offspring, should we be used for military training?"

Su Yu secretly guessed the truth.

These aliens don't have golden bodies, so it's impossible to break through the line of defense, and they come as soon as they have nothing to do. It's really training soldiers.

"Foreigners training soldiers, we humans seem to be doing the same..."

Su Yu thought of those soldiers, hunters, and General Su Xinghe again.

With the tyrannical strength of Su Xinghe's Immortal Realm, as long as the entrance of the space passage is blocked, no foreign race can enter. Or he shot and killed those who practiced organs and forged bones, and could easily crush them to death.

But Su Xinghe never made a move, obviously because of the intention of training soldiers.

After all, no matter how powerful the Immortal Realm is, there is only one that can't kill all the alien races.

The real rise is only when the human race becomes stronger under the honing of life and death.

"Forget it, don't think about this, after three days, go hunting again!"

Three days later, Su Yu got on the fighter plane again.

In this way, Su Yu set out to hunt once every few days.

Except for the siege of many bone-forging alien races, he basically killed all other enemies with one blow, and he solved them within 30 seconds, which was incredible.

It has won unanimous praise from those who seek help.

Occasionally, multiple forged bones appeared, and Su Yu never used sword energy, but stalled for time, waiting for other hunters to arrive, kill them together, and divide the room equally.

As a collaborator, he is also very popular with other hunters. After all, he is a teammate with strong strength and online IQ. Who doesn't love it?

The name of hunter Su Yu began to be widely circulated among hundreds of thousands of soldiers throughout the defense line, and was respected by all soldiers.

The soldiers no longer regarded him as an outsider from Qianlong Base, but truly regarded him as a colleague, a comrade-in-arms.

This made other students envious and angry.

These students can only stay in a fixed defense area every day, and occasionally they can kill a few dirty tricks to earn points.

As a hunter, Su Yu was flying all over the sky, his military achievements were rising rapidly, and he was also deeply respected, which made them envious.

However, Su Xinghe did not agree with these students joining the hunters, so he went to apply, and the answer was only one "screw".

And the students actually know that people like themselves

His strength, indeed, cannot afford this hunting responsibility.

I can only stare at Su Yu's fighter jet every day.

One month later, Su Yu finally accumulated 60,000 military merits.

"Okay! Buy five cans of true blood today and break through the realm!"

"By the way, buy some elixir, and perfect the Sword of Galaxy..."

Su Yu was overjoyed, he took it for a full month to save enough.

At this time, on the other side of the space channel, the strong aliens are also discussing.

"After a month of testing! We have tested Su Yu's true strength!"

"His (money's) state is only low-level visceral training, but his blood is very heaven-defying, about 2500 calories, and he seems to have a special physique, which can explode without any scruples."

Send it out, don't worry about the broken bones and muscles!"

"There are even more rumors that he has a secret method. Once used, he can double his qi and blood! His combat power will skyrocket!"

"And he knows a powerful sword technique, which can kill forged bones with one strike, but it is said that the price is very high, I only saw him use it once, and never used it again, so don't worry too much.

"When he was hunting, there was actually a strong person in the golden body not far away who was watching and protecting him. After investigation, it was Su Xingyu, who was at the seventh level of the golden body."

The alien powerhouses fell silent again.

After a long while, a strong person said: "Low-level visceral training, 2500 calories of energy and blood, not afraid of bone shattering, and the secret method can double the energy and blood! And the tyrannical swordsmanship..."

"This is too outrageous! The high-ranking foreign race is also rubbish in front of him. Are you sure that he is only in the dirty state, and it is only low-level? He doesn't have this attribute, the general bone forging?"

The previous strong nod heavily:

"Sure! Su Yu is in the Dirty Realm, that's why he's scary! If he grows up, he will definitely pose a serious threat to us and must be eradicated!"

Hearing the words of this strong man, the other strong men also looked dignified.

Now Su Yu is still practicing viscera, if in the future he forges bones, golden body, or even scary will it be?

"Okay! This human genius must be killed!"

"If he doesn't have 2500 calories and blood, can he still double it? Let's let the stronger ones come, two high-level bone-forging, three middle-level bone-forging! Each blood is above 6000 calories!"

"At the same time, we paid a price to send three golden body realms to restrain the strong golden body Su Xingyu!"

"Shoot with all your strength and kill the genius of the race!"

The strong alien races have made a decision. .

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