Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 66: Survey Results, Su Yu's Grades Are Okay!

After the netizens were silent, there was an outburst of anger.

"What the hell, 120,000 qi and blood in the visceral realm, crushing all the geniuses of the ninth level of bone forging? Take us for fools?"

"600 points, there is no such score at all, why are you kidding us?

"Other people's qi and blood have fractions and wholes. Su Yu is good. He has a whole 126,000. No more 1 card, no less 1 card. Do you dare to be more fake?"

"Just now the intelligent system prompted data overflow and is restarting. Could it be that it was attacked by a virus?"

"This Su Yu is probably not a computer expert, but he can even break through the world's most advanced intelligent system [Skynet] and modify his grades? Don't take martial arts exams. "Be honest and be a god-level programmer!"

"Protest! Protest! Someone cheated, we demand that Su Yu's grades be cancelled, and such bad behavior of sabotaging the exam must be severely punished!"

The network of the entire Kyushu country is blown up!

Both denounced and complained about Su Yu's "cheating".

Especially Longzhou, Hanzhou, Haizhou, and Mozhou... These big states with peerless geniuses, the netizens shouted especially loudly.

After all, Su Yu took the number one position and suppressed the geniuses in these states, so they were naturally not reconciled.

They rushed into Su Yu's live broadcast room one after another, and saw Su Yu who was idly waiting for the result in the virtual examination room.

Immediately crazily sent barrage, all kinds of doubts, and even direct abuse of poor quality.

Hundreds of millions of messages were sent out like a waterfall, and the servers in the Kyushu Network Center almost went down.

Su Yu's acquaintances tried to speak for Su Yu.

But the number of people was too small, and once the information was sent out, it was immediately overwhelmed.

"An unknown situation happened just now, and we are investigating, please don't worry, all netizens..."

"Candidate Su Yu's live broadcast room is temporarily closed..."

A system announcement was released soon.

In the Kyushu Network Center, a large number of employees are busy investigating.

A high-ranking martial artist, full of glory:

"What the hell is going on with this Su Yu? Is it really a hack?"

"Quickly investigate and find out, foreign countries are watching! If this matter is not handled well, it will be a shame to the whole world, and you all pack up and leave! You have to go to a military court!"

The warrior shouted angrily.

This martial artist, named Long Deming, is the chief person in charge of this Kyushu Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.

The person in charge of this year's college entrance examination is a fat job.

If the college entrance examination is done well this time, and the Nine Provinces are allowed to prosper in the world, Long Deming will naturally have a bright future in the future.

Everything was going well at first, and a few geniuses performed very well, but suddenly there was an inexplicable Su Yu, which immediately made him very anxious.

After he reprimanded his subordinates, he asked them to make a phone call, and the number was the Governor of the Southern Territory.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello, Qing, ask me who?"

Opposite is the secretary to answer.

"I'm Long Deming, pick me up the governor of Southern Region Province!"

Long Deming said angrily.

Soon, a fearful voice came from the opposite side:

"I'm Zhang Bowen, Governor of Southern Region Province...Minister Long! Do you need anything from your subordinates?"

Zhang Bowen's body was shaking.

Long Deming, Vice Minister of Kyushu Budo Department!

In terms of position, Minister Long is even above the status of the nine state priests.

In addition to the high status and weight, this kind of big man's martial arts realm is also extremely high, and his strength is tyrannical, which must have far surpassed the golden body realm.

Zhang Bowen is also a strong man with a high-level golden body, but Long Deming estimated that he could be crushed to death with one finger.

Such a big shot is not something Zhang Bowen, the governor of the weakest province, can usually get in touch with.

Now that he suddenly called and asked for the governor of the Southern Region by name, Zhang Bowen was stunned.

"What's the matter? Disaster!"

"You have a talent in the southern region, Su Yu, right? Practicing the ninth level of viscera, 12,600 calories of blood, a total score of 600 points..."

"You'd better tell me what's going on, or I won't be able to talk so much when I find out by myself!"

Long Deming said sternly.

Su Yu was born in Jianghai City in the Southern Region, so he naturally wanted to ask Zhang Bowen, the Governor of the Southern Region, for questioning.

As for the local magistrates in Jianghai City, that kind of little people are not even qualified to ask Long Deming to question them.

When Zhang Bowen heard that it was about Su Yu, he immediately understood, and quickly said:

"The matter of Su Yu is under investigation!"

"According to the investigation information, he is from Jianghai City. He is 18 years old this year. He goes to school in No. 9 Middle School, which is the worst in Jianghai."

"In the past few years, he has been mediocre, but in the past six months, Su Yu has suddenly risen."

"First of all, you have become a martial artist, join the martial arts class, participate in the Qianlong trial with Qi and blood, and win the first place."

"Then he cultivated into the Dirty Realm and went to the front line of the southern region to try. According to the report from the front line, a foreign golden body assassinated him, but he killed him with a single sword......"

Long Deming was listening patiently, but when he heard the last sentence, he became furious and roared:

As a foreigner, do you think I'm a fool?"

"Investigate carefully, and get back to me after you think it through!"

Long Deming hung up the phone angrily.

After a while, his phone rang too.

Long Deming looked at the number and quickly answered it solemnly:

"Yes! Minister, the matter of Su Yu is under investigation!"

"The investigation results of Zhang Bowen, governor of the Southern Region, are too absurd. He actually said that Su Yu was on the battlefield in the Southern Region, and used the dirty state to fight against the golden body. I have already ordered him to investigate carefully."

"It is not ruled out that there are hostile forces trying to sabotage Kyushu's college entrance examination and attack Kyushu's prestige..."

"If the Skynet system has been tampered with, it may be possible for the other three forces to join forces..."

Long Deming was very majestic when he was talking with Zhang Bowen.

But as soon as he received the call from the mysterious "minister", he immediately bowed down and reported respectfully.

And Zhang Bowen also picked up the phone:

"Jianghai City Sheriff, Ye Yuanzhong, right? Explain what happened to Su Yu, and immediately block the examination room of the No. 9 Middle School where he is located, and don't let him escape..."

Ye Yuanzhong, the governor of Jianghai City, respectfully listened to Zhang Bowen's order, and then hung up the phone in sweat.

Jin Gao's high-ranking Zhang Bowen put too much pressure on him.

Ye Yuanzhong, as the sheriff of a weak city, even only has the Bone Forging Realm.

So Yan Lao, who forged bones, was considered a big shot in Jianghai City.

"Su Yu, there is such a character in my Jianghai City. Whether it is good or bad, he finally showed his face in the whole country and even the world......"

"By the way, I remember that my most precious little daughter, Ye Mengyu, is also in this Qianlong trial, at the same time as Su Yu.w

"I also have a distant cousin Ye Yuqing who seems to be teaching in Ninth Middle School?"

"They all have intersections with Su Yu, ask them first..."

Ye Yuanzhong thought for a while, picked up the phone, and dialed the number...

Su Yu's astonishing 126,000 calories and a total score of 600.

Make the entire Kyushu country go up and down, and make the chickens fly.

Even spread abroad.

After all, this college entrance examination is a global live broadcast.

Although it has not yet reached the stage of global martial arts discussion, most people only pay attention to domestic candidates.

But there are always some people who care about the whole world.

"What's the situation in Kyushu? There's a 126,000-calorie one... the ninth level of dirty training?"

Those foreign netizens were immediately shocked by the news from Kyushu.

"Hahaha, isn't it funny? Those bone-forging geniuses in Kyushu were actually ridden on their heads by a dirty ninth-level practitioner. It's really embarrassing!"

"Haha! Kyushu has always claimed to be an ancient country with a long history of martial arts. But at such a serious moment in the global college entrance examination, there has been such a big scandal! After the establishment of the Martial Arts League, are the people of Kyushu still proud?"

"But what's going on with this data? Is it true that Skynet was attacked and modified? This can't be done by our country..."

These foreigners, after knowing the chaos in the Kyushu Kingdom, couldn't help laughing out loud, watching a good show.

As Long Deming said, if this matter is not handled properly, it will really have a bad international impact.

No wonder the big man is so nervous.

At this time, the candidates who are in the virtual examination room are still unaware of the chaos outside.

Because during the exam, candidates are completely isolated from the outside world.

They have to wait for the end of the 90-minute exam before they can get outside information and know their rankings.

Because candidates take the exam, they need to concentrate and go all the way.

Naturally, you can't make a leaderboard and jump around in front of the candidates to distract them.

Otherwise, those ordinary examinees, seeing the data of the geniuses, might lose their minds immediately, so they still have to take the exam...

Finally, 90 minutes are up.

In front of all the candidates, an information panel popped up at the same time, on which was the national ranking.

Long Zaitian, Yan Huo, Shui Liuyun, Wu Guangming, Han Feng and other peerless geniuses have not looked carefully, but they are already thinking to themselves:

"I must be number one..."

These geniuses are all extremely confident.

However, at the next moment, their eyes widened at the same time, and they blurted out in shock:

"Su Yu? Where did this come from?"

"Ninth level of visceral training, 126,000 calories and a total score of 600 points?"

"Is there a mistake!"

These geniuses are somewhat suspicious of life.

Then they immediately saw the numerous doubts against Su Yu on the Internet, calmed down immediately, and quietly waited for the official investigation results.

From the eyes of these geniuses, Su Yu's outrageous results definitely won't count in the end...

At the same time, the staff at the Kyushu Network Center finally found out the results of their investigation and are reporting to Long Deming.

"Minister Long, after our investigation and comparison with the database of the Global Skynet Center, it is confirmed that Su Yu's data is correct, and he did not cheat."

"As for the 600 points, it is [Skynet]'s intelligent evaluation, and it is considered that 100 additional points are not enough to evaluate Su Yu's strength. Therefore, an additional 200 additional points are automatically added."

"This extra point rule is included in Article 62, the additional rule of the "Global Martial Arts College Entrance Examination (Qian Li's) White Paper" originally formulated.

"To sum up, Su Yu's results are completely reasonable and legal..."

The person in charge of the Kyushu Network Center is a technician wearing thick glasses.

Completely ignoring Long Deming's increasingly ugly expression, he reported in a serious manner.

The veins on Long Deming's forehead were throbbing. With such an outrageous result, after investigation and investigation, he found out that everything was normal?

He was about to get angry when he suddenly thought of something and narrowed his eyes: "You mean, Su Yu's results, even at the global Skynet headquarters, are completely reasonable and legal?"

The person in charge of the network center nodded and said: "Yes, it has been confirmed by the general intelligence over there."

"it is good!"

Long Deming clapped his hands and said excitedly:

"Regardless of whether this result is true or not, since the total intelligence of the Global Skynet Center is confirmed to be true, then it is true! Haha, 126,000 calories and blood, definitely the first in the world!

"Global Skynet is a joint research and development of the four major forces, and it recognizes authoritative garbage."

"Su Yu's achievement has been recognized by the global Skynet, which means it has been recognized by the four major forces. If they dare to refute, they will slap themselves in the face!"

The more Long Deming said, the happier he became:

"Send out the investigation report! Global announcement, acknowledge Su Yu's achievements!"

"Those foreigners want to see my Kyushu jokes, they think so beautifully!"

"Now Su Yu's achievements are recognized by Skynet, suppressing all the geniuses in the world. This is a great boost to our national prestige in Kyushu!"

"Look at these foreigners, can they still laugh!".

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