Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 79: The Assessment Is Over, Kyushu No. 1!

Hearing about Su Yu's situation, Long Deming was quite shocked.

In the illusion, Su Yu turned into a good-for-nothing genius, but he was actually happy from the bottom of his heart?

Practice martial arts every day, be positive?

What the hell, there is such a person?

Shocked, Long Deming opened his eyes involuntarily, and suddenly the power transmission fluctuated, and the real illusion immediately became turbulent.

He hastily closed his eyes again to stabilize.

"This Su Yu can really surprise me!"

"Other candidates, facing the test of the illusion, showed all kinds of unbearable and unstable minds."

"This Su Yu is the same inside and outside. Even in adversity, he is at ease."

"With such a state of mind, it will be much easier to wait until the golden height, the will will be transformed, and the breakthrough will not be destroyed!"

Long Deming said.

He praised Su Yu's state of mind again and again and gave him a very high evaluation.

But he still underestimated Su Yu.

The real situation is that Su Yu's will has already completed the metamorphosis.

Su Yu's ability to persist in his nature in the illusion also has the effect of will transformation.

"How about the actor assigned to Su Yu? Did she target Su Li well?"

"Su Yu's cultivation is only at the blood level in the fantasy world. It's easy for a dirty actor to bully him, right?"

Long Deming asked again.

Although Su Yu's mood is very strong, but the mood cannot resist beating.

Look at the two unlucky Han Feng and Yan Huo, how they were bullied by the arranged actors?

Hearing the words, the person in charge of the network center hesitated for a moment, and said:

"It didn't go well."

"Although Su Yu in the illusion is weak, he went to the black market fighting arena in the illusion to practice actual combat."

"Now he has killed hundreds of people from other races, and he is extremely experienced in actual combat. Even if he is practicing dirty, he dares to make a move.

"As for the actor arranged for Su Yu, there seems to be something wrong with him. He is obviously set to be in the Dirty Realm, but he is afraid of Su Yu who is in the Qi and Blood Realm.

"Every time I saw Su Yu, the actor was about to make a move, but was frightened away by Su Yu's stare...

"Afraid of Qi and blood when practicing dirty? This actor is such a waste!"

Long Deming 06 was completely speechless.

"It seems that this real illusion is of no use to Su Yu?"

The two methods used to deal with candidates in the real environment were all ineffective on Su Yu.

The person in charge of the network center also laughed:

"It can't be said that it is completely useless, at least we can see that Su Yu's state of mind is perfect and does not need to exercise, which is also a gain."

Long Deming nodded: "It makes sense, even if Su Yu falls to the bottom, his heart is still firm."

"In this case, Su Yu's score in this session..."

Before I knew it, more than nine hours had passed. In the real illusion, it was more than ten months.

During this period of time, the netizens in the live broadcast room were eye-opening.

The examinees in the fantasy world have lives that are completely different from reality, making netizens seem to have watched a large-scale reality live show.

A total of 100 candidates who entered the illusion, that is, 100 shows, let the netizens enjoy watching it.

Of course, because time passes so fast in the illusion, what netizens see are all videos edited in real time with intelligence.

The virtual intelligent editing only captures key images, and cuts out many embarrassing scenes.

For example, when the cold wind and the flames are beaten, they will pass by in a flash, so that they will not make a fool of themselves too much, and they will not die directly when they come out of the illusion after the exam.

"Hahaha, these two geniuses, Hanfeng and Yanhuo, are too unlucky! Both of them were born in big families, and they are talented geniuses, but in the illusion, they have become a doormat for being bullied by others."

"Yang Feng, the life in the illusion is really nourishing, the harem is open, tsk tsk, it's really enviable. But he hasn't practiced martial arts for more than half a year, right?

Netizens watched the live broadcast and commented cheerfully.

Although they have watched the live broadcast for more than nine hours, they still enjoy it and keep their eyes on it.

I even wish I could have 100 avatars and watch 100 live broadcast rooms at the same time.

After all, this kind of great fun is rare.

"Others are fine, this Su Yu is the funniest.

"Obviously talent has become rubbish, but practicing martial arts every day is very vigorous."

"You can see that he has been training hard for almost a year, and he has just broken through the seventh level of Qi and blood, so he looks very excited."

"Furthermore, with his strength, he actually dared to fight to the death in the underground fighting arena, he is really not afraid of death.

"Su Yu's dirty opponent is a little afraid of him, so he doesn't bully Su Yu at all."

"It's really worthy of being the first genius, even if you go to the illusion and lose all your talents, Su Yu is still Su Yu.

Netizens watched the nine-hour live broadcast, and naturally saw Su Yu's special features.

The other candidates are all in the illusion, sexual weakness.

Su Yu is in adversity, but he is unmoved

"The seventh level..."

In the illusion, Su Yu practiced hard for a year, and finally broke through the seventh level of Qi and blood.

This progress is actually very slow.

If it were a real genius, in one year, he might be able to practice viscera to the seventh level.

But such an achievement made Su Yu very satisfied and happy.

"I, Su Yu, are indeed a genius!"

Such a thought flashed in Su Yu's mind, and he practiced even more vigorously.

Finally, ten hours, only the last three minutes, the illusion is about to come to an end.

As a trial, the ending is naturally impossible to be flat.

In the last three minutes, the contradictions in the illusion completely exploded!

"Hanfeng, I'm getting tired of beating you trash every day, so I'll send you to meet your damn parents today!"

In the illusion, the boy pinched Hanfeng's neck, raised one hand, and the trap became tighter and tighter.

Han Feng has been bullied for a whole year, and when he heard this boy's voice, he trembled all over.

At this time, even though the boy wanted to strangle him to death, Hanfeng didn't dare to resist.

"Yanhuo, I have decided, cut off your limbs and hang them in the woods to feed wild beasts, what do you think?"

The girl made a cruel sound and gestured at Yan Huo with a knife.

"You bastard, I'll fight with you!"

The flames that had been submissive all this time suddenly erupted.

He took out a sharp knife from his clothes and stabbed the girl hard...

"Yang Feng big brother, do you love me? Or her? Or her..."

Beside Yang Feng, there are seven young girls, each of whom is young and beautiful, and they are infatuated with Yang Feng.

During this year, Yang Feng wandered among the seven girls happily.

I thought this happy harem life could last forever.

As a result, seven girls came to the door at the same time today, forcing Yang Feng to make a choice.


Yang Feng broke out in a cold sweat and was about to explain.

"Sisters, let's divide Yang Feng's big brother..."

Those girls took out sharp knives, chainsaws and other weapons, and surrounded them...

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all excited when they saw the scene in the illusion.

"Fuck! It's almost over, and you still want to do this? The cold wind is really miserable! After being bullied for a whole year, you will be strangled to death in the end."

"Yanhuo is a good buddy, he fought back in the end, although he still couldn't beat him, but at least he resisted.

"Yang Feng, you made me laugh so hard, let you open the harem. You deserve it right for being dismembered by seven wives!"

The final eruption of the real illusion, all kinds of wonderful plots, the netizens who watched it were dazzled and talked about it with great interest.

"Ah! Don't kill me!"

In the virtual examination room, Han Feng covered his neck with his hands and opened his eyes in horror.

Memories flooded in and my head ached.

"Those are just hallucinations?"

Cold wind's tone was full of disbelief.

He woke up like a dream, recalling all the painful experiences in the illusion, he still felt unbearable.

It was like having a nightmare and finally waking up, sweating profusely, but relieved.

"Bitch, die!"

Yanhuo's eyes were about to split open, and at this moment, memories poured in, and he was suddenly at a loss.

"It was just an illusion"

His anger disappeared instantly.

"Divide me? Don't!"

Yang Feng also opened his eyes in horror, and found that he was fine.

Memories poured in, and it took him several minutes to figure out the situation.

Immediately feel lost.

The seven beloved girls suddenly went mad and wanted to dismember him. The dream turned into a nightmare, it was really unbearable.

These candidates woke up one after another, recovered their memories, their expressions changed, and they felt a lot.

In the illusion, the defects in their state of mind were exposed.

As long as they are not stupid, they will take the initiative to make up for it in the next time.

This assessment has yielded huge rewards.

But these gains, only the examinees themselves know, and those netizens can only watch the excitement.

"By the way, what's going on with Su Yu?"

Netizens thought of Su Yu.

It seems that Su Yu was not bullied at all in the illusion.

Did it just end so smoothly?

"Su Yu, how dare you trash..."

The girl in the illusion had a frightened expression and couldn't believe it.

She was on the way home, but Su Yu approached her quietly from behind, and Ridao gave her a chill.

Although she has been targeting Su Yu, she has never done anything, how dare Su Yu?

Su Yu looked at the dying girl with an indifferent expression, and pulled out the sharp knife.

He has long noticed that this girl targets him everywhere and always finds faults, that's all, but recently this girl has intensified, and even said that she wants to kill Su Yu.

Naturally, it was impossible for Su Yu to sit still and make an immediate decision to strike first.

This girl is a high-level visceral practitioner, and Su Yu in the illusion is facing the enemy head-on, not her opponent.

But Su Yu went to the underground fighting arena to practice during this year, and he has rich experience in killing, so he sneaked in and attacked, and he would kill with one blow.

"This guy, I didn't provoke her, but he targeted me everywhere. He really deserves it."

Su Yu shook his head, thinking about how to dispose of the corpse, when suddenly the world turned around and the whole world shattered like a bubble.

Infinite memories flooded into my mind.

"It turned out that it was just an illusion..."

Su Yu's will changed, and the moment the illusion ended, he recovered all his memories and understood what happened.

At this time, recalling all kinds of things in the illusion, it is like a big dream, seemingly real and unreal.

"Hehe, interesting..."

Su Yu smiled.

He did not expose his flaws in the illusion, and insisted on his own path throughout the whole process, which is another unique gain.

"Damn it! Su Yu is still fierce! The other candidates are forced to do nothing, only Su Yu takes the initiative!"

"Su Yu in the illusion of 193 is at the seventh level of qi and blood, and took the initiative to attack and kill the seventh level of viscera training, and he succeeded, strong!"

Netizens were amazed again and again.

I thought Su Yu's side would end in a mediocre way, but I didn't expect this side to be more exciting.

"Dick! The additional will assessment is over."

"Su Yu, 100 points!"

"Fire, 60 points!"

"Cold Wind, Yang Feng..."

At this time, all candidates have already exited the illusion.

The virtual examination room is smart and starts scoring immediately.


Su Yu is a perfect score! And he got an extra 100 extra points!"

"Other examinees were bullied in various ways, but Su Yu blatantly fought back! If Su Yu doesn't score, it's unreasonable!"

Netizens looked at the leaderboard and felt that it was indeed so.

Su Yu's performance in the illusion is obvious to all, and he deserves full marks.

As for Yanhuo, who ranked second, the gap was huge, with only 60 points, which was barely a pass.

Yanhuo finally came to his senses at the last moment and blatantly resisted, only then did he get a passing score of 60 points.

The rest of the candidates were even worse, basically scoring 20 or 30 points.

The assessment of this real illusion is really inconceivably difficult.

There are five or six of the examinees who behave in the outside world. They are sealing their memories and throwing themselves into the illusion. They immediately reveal their true colors and perform extremely poorly.

That's why Su Yu, a freak, got full marks for his consistency.

"Total score leaderboard! Total score leaderboard!"

When the netizens saw that the scoring of the additional assessment was over, they immediately clamored for it, and they wanted to see the total score list.

Because this represents the final grade.

The end of the illusion means that the six assessments have been successfully completed.

In the previous martial arts college entrance examination, there was no global discussion on martial arts. The six assessments are all, and the total score of the six assessments is the total score of the college entrance examination.

This total score ranking list is naturally extremely important.

"First place, Su Yu, total score, 3200 points!"

"Second place, Yanhuo, with a total score of 2300 points!"

"The third place, Long Zaitian, with a total score of 2279 points!"

"Fourth place, Shui Liuyun! The total score is 2245 points!"

"the fifth place...………"

After the examination room intelligently scored, it immediately counted the total scores of the six assessments and announced the ranking list.

As expected, Su Yu topped the list with an outrageous score of 3200 points.

900 points more than the second place!

This means that without considering the global debate.

Su Yu is the No. 1 in Kyushu this year and the number one student in the Kyushu College Entrance Examination!

"Su Yu! Su Wudi!"

Netizens, fans of Su Yu, it's boiling!.

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