Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 86: True Blood Arrives, Strength Increases Again, Team Battle, Start!

The top leaders of the three major forces are discussing plots, and Kyushu is not idle.

Just when Su Yu got out of the virtual cabin, his cell phone rang.

It was Long Deming calling.

"Su Yu, Kyushu is really blessed to have you here!"

"It's all up to you today, Yinzhou can save enough face......

Long Deming's attitude this time was even more cordial than last time, and he praised Su Yu again as soon as he got connected.

"By the way, Su Yu, have you broken through bone forging?"

Finally, Long Deming asked.

At this time, Kyushu has not yet started promoting Su Yu, so Godming needs to confirm Su Yu's realm first.

"Yes, last night, after I got the exercises, I practiced a bit and successfully broke through the bone forging."

Su Yu nodded and admitted that there is nothing to hide about this matter.

But he used real blood to forge bones, so there was no need to tell Long Deming.

"Su Yu, you are such a prodigy. You have just obtained the exercises, and you have broken through overnight."

"I really don't know how you broke through..."

Although there were speculations before, Long Deming still couldn't help sighing when he heard Su Yu admit it with his own ears.

Su Yu's cultivation speed is really outrageous.

Normal cultivation, even if you are a genius, you will have to retreat for ten days and a half months if you get the exercises.

What about Su Yu? Not even a day.

"By the way, Su Yu, let me remind you that the gold-bodied players from the three major forces paid a huge price and were forcibly promoted in order to target Kyushu, but they were massacred by you

"It is estimated that they will not be willing to fail. Tonight, there will be moves, and even another promotion.

"Tomorrow's team battle..."

After Long Deming sighed, he brought up tomorrow's team battle.

He called, mainly for this matter.

In the individual battle, Kyushu has passed, but tomorrow's team battle is still difficult. After all, there is only Su Yu left, so how can there be a team?

"Forced promotion? No wonder..."

When Su Yu heard this, he understood why the three major forces suddenly had so many golden players.

Moreover, these golden body players are still quite weak, and they are not proficient in using real blood.

It turned out that it was a forcible promotion, just broke through, and the strength has not been fully grasped.

"Tomorrow's team battle depends entirely on you, Yinyu, are you sure..."

"What do you need, just say it."

When Long Deming said these words, he felt a little embarrassed and guilty.

Now Kyushu's face is all on the shoulders of a young Su Yu, it really seems that their seniors are somewhat incompetent.

I can only call, ask about the needs, and provide a little help within my ability.


"If they improve again tomorrow, with my current strength, it will be really difficult..."

Su Yu frowned upon hearing this.

Tomorrow, if the strength of those golden players increases again, they will be vigilant against Su Yu again, and besiege with weapons in hand.

Su Yu's true blood is limited, so he is probably not an opponent.


"Those despicable guys from the three major forces! How hateful!"

"If you're not sure, Su Yu, forget it, it's not your responsibility, don't put too much pressure on it.

Hearing this, Long Deming sighed helplessly, and then comforted Su Yu a few words.

Otherwise, what else can I do? You can’t learn from the three major forces, so give Su Yu empowerment, right?

Kyushu can't do this kind of thing, and he is even more reluctant to sacrifice Su Yu, a genius.

After a few words of comfort, Long Deming was about to hang up the phone, there were still many troublesome things for him to deal with.

"Wait, Minister Long, it's not unsure."

"Minister Long, you know that the exercises I practice need to consume the true blood of other races."

"I bought a lot of true blood last night. The southern region is too backward and needs to be transferred from other places."

"If this problem can be solved, there may not be a turning point tomorrow."

Seeing Long Deming's disappointed and helpless expression, Su Yu smiled slightly and said.

With his current strength, he is not sure about tomorrow.

Then increase the strength, isn't it sure?

"What? Can you still improve?"

When Long Deming heard it, he immediately understood what Su Yu meant, but he couldn't believe it.

Su Yu made a breakthrough in bone forging last night, which is an incredible progress.

Can it continue to improve today?

That's too much!

"Minister Long, as long as I have enough true blood, I'm still sure to improve my strength tonight..."

Su Yu revealed a little about his cultivation background.

"Incredible, incredible!"

Long Deming's eyes widened, and he said two inconceivable things in a row. For a big man like him, this is already a gaffe.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange it right away, and I will definitely send your true blood as soon as possible, so as not to delay your cultivation!"

Long Deming patted his chest and said excitedly, then hung up the phone.

"It's true that there are people up there who are good at handling things..."

Su Yu looked at the phone with a black screen and smiled.

With Long Deming's urging, the real blood will arrive tonight, and he can quickly improve his strength.

"Ding dong! 1 million points have been credited to your account"

Suddenly a reminder came, and Su Yu was overjoyed. This is the reward for today's first place in the individual competition.

Another huge sum of 1 million points.

"Since this is the case, why don't you buy another 100 cans of true blood, and then buy some common pills, after all, the Sword of Galaxy also needs to be cultivated..."

Su Yu thought for a while, logged into the mall, and placed an order again.

This time he not only spent the newly arrived 1 million points, but also used the 1 billion cash gifted by Zhao Fusheng to buy a lot of common pills...

At the headquarters of Nanyu Internet Mall, the customer service staff looked at the order that popped up, and opened their mouths wide: "Fuck! This big order is still a big order of 1 million points?"

As for Long Deming, he also contacted the management of the mall:

"Check Su Yu's store order...what, he bought 150 cans of true blood? How many states would it take to get enough?"

"What? He bought another 100 drops? A total of 250 drops? Is this for the bath?"

Even Long Deming was taken aback by Su Bao's big handwriting.

This is 2.5 million points, worth more than 25 billion!

"As much as you can make up tonight! Urgently use a military plane to deliver to Su Yu! It must be delivered tonight!"

"Never delay Su Yu's cultivation!"

After Long Deming was surprised, he immediately issued an order.

How much true blood Su Yu buys is his own business, all he has to do is to ensure delivery as soon as possible.

* 250 cans of true blood, Master Qianlong back then, didn't seem to use so much. "

"Could it be that Su Yu is even more talented than Lord Qianlong, with a special physique..."

Long Deming thought to himself.

At the beginning, it was said that the founder of Qianlong Nine Heavens Kung Fu consumed more than 70 pots of real blood in total in front of the golden body.

Su Yu bought 250 cans at once, which is really amazing.

"Forget it, this is Su Yu's own ability, why should I get to the bottom of it?"

"The most urgent task now is to promote the momentum and restore the support rate of Kyushu...  

After thinking for a while, Long Deming made another call, this time to the media.

Soon, the media all over the world were full of headlines about Kyushu Su Yu...

At ten o'clock that night, a huge metal box was delivered to Su Yu's servant under the strict escort of soldiers.

Inside the box, Su Yu's just-arrived true blood and elixir.

However, due to the rush of time, only 110 cans were mobilized from the mall, and the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

"110 cans of true blood, I don't know how far it can improve me?"

Su Yu came to the practice room with a big box, feeling a little excited.

The bone forging that just broke through last night has collected such a rich resource today.

He had never been so rich before.

"Dragon Dragon Nine Heavens Skills, Dirty Practice! System, skip it for me!"

Su Yu's idea, "Wolf wolf poked on the system button!

All the alien true blood in the box disappeared instantly.

110 drops of golden true blood condensed in the body out of thin air.

"Sword of the Galaxy, skip it again!"

Su Yu thought again. (agbb)

The ordinary pills worth tens of millions in the box also disappeared at the same time.

And the 110 drops of true blood in Su Yu's body condensed 10 galaxy sword qi inside.

Added up, there are a total of 1100 sword qi!

This is Su Yu's purpose, he first casts true blood with Lian Zang Pian, and then condenses Qi with Galaxy Sword.

Finally, use these true blood with sword energy to forge the bones.

While forging the bone, it can also strengthen the sword spirit possession!

"Nine Heavens of Qianlong Skill, Bone Forging Chapter! Skip it for me again!"

Su Yu thought again.


In Su Yu's body, almost all the true blood burned.

Blazing golden flames, mixed with bits and pieces of sword energy, gushed out from his body.

Turn Su Yu's whole body into a golden pillar of fire, burning blazingly!

This is because the flames of the true blood were so intense that they overflowed from his body and sprayed out of his body.


The mighty golden flame continuously burned Su Yu's bones, muscles, and skin, becoming stronger and stronger...

Under such fierce calcination, Su Yu endured the pain like a burning fire.

This is also a matter of course.

The system can skip the training time, but it is impossible to skip the pain caused by the drastic changes in the body.

Under such pain, Su Yu remained unmoved and did not even frown.

If you want to gain power, how can you not pay a price?

It took half an hour for the flames on Su Yu's body to gradually dissipate.

His body seemed to have shrunk a lot under such calcination, refined and condensed, containing terrifying and incomparable power.

【Personal panel】

【Name】: Su Yu

[Boundary]: Bone Forging Realm Warrior (Level 7)

【Qi and blood】: 48173 cards

[Gongfa]: Basic Bodybuilding Method (Consummation)

Tai Chi Longevity Kung Fu (tenth floor)

Qianlong Nine Heavens Kungfu: Practicing Viscera (Nine Floors)

Qianlong Jiutian Kung Fu Bone Forging Chapter (Seventh Floor Bone Forging with True Blood)

[Combat Skills]: Tai Chi Longevity Fist (Tenth Floor)

Qianlong Nine Heavens Fist·Viscera Training (Nine Layers Qianlong Transformation)

Qianlong Nine Heavens Fist · Forging Bone Chapter (Seventh Floor · Sword Qi Possessed with 1200 Sword Qi)

The Sword of the Galaxy (Nine Layers·Hundred Sword Qi·Returning to One)

【True Blood】: 10 drops


Su Yu opened the panel, looked at the attributes, and smiled with satisfaction.

His strength has increased tremendously!

The sixth level of bone forging with true blood! 48,000 calories of qi and blood, 1,000 sword qi possessed!

Su Yu felt that even if he didn't use real blood, his physical strength was comparable to that of a mid-level golden body!

And this is a normal combat power, there is no need to consider consumption at all, it can explode all the time!

Coupled with the upgraded sword energy possession, who else can stop tomorrow's team battle?

"However, I'm a bit reckless, I've used up the true blood, and there are only 10 drops left..."

"Tomorrow's battle, you have to save it."

Su Yu frowned slightly after laughing.

True blood bone forging, the more it consumes in the later stage. For the first three layers, each layer has 10 drops of true blood. Middle three floors, 20 drops of true blood on each floor. The last three floors, each

Layer 30 drops of true blood.

Su Yu had just forged bones and consumed a full 20+60+30, a full 110 drops of true blood.

Instantly raised to the seventh level of bone forging.

Unfortunately, there are only 10 drops of true blood left.

In other words, Yu can basically only fight normally now.

The outbreak of true blood can save the province.

"For me now, normality can crush the golden body, it doesn't matter anymore."

"When the remaining true blood arrives tomorrow, we can make up for it..."

Su Yu thought about it for a while, and then stopped being entangled.

Early the next morning, Su Yu entered the virtual cabin.

"Global discussion of martial arts, the second round, team battle!"

"Yesterday's individual battle was a test of individual strength! Today's team battle is a test of teamwork!"

"All the players of the four major teams."

"Kyushu team, 1 person."

"Stars, 45 people."

"Empires, 32 people."

"The Frozen Warriors, 22 people."

"A total of 100 players will enter the battlefield after ten minutes, and fight until the last team is left.

"The team that survives to the end will be rewarded with 1 million points.

"At the same time, this team will also get the command of tomorrow's third round, the tough battle!"

As soon as Su Yu entered the virtual world, a prompt popped up on the virtual panel announcing the rules.

He looked to the side, and there were no teammates around him.

In the Kyushu team, he was the only one left.

"In this global discussion of martial arts, the three battles are really interlocking..."

While Su Yu was quietly waiting for the start of the martial arts debate, the outside world, a large number of netizens around the world, also went online and stood in front of the screen, waiting for the team battle to start.

At the same time, heated discussions took place:

"The Kyushu team exists in name only, and there is only one person left. How do you fight this team battle today?"

Some netizens couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw a lone player from the Kyushu team.

"Yesterday, Su Yu was alone, and he still won the third place."

"What's the use of having too many people? Let's see how Su Yu killed the three teams today!"

"Kyushu Su Yu, one person is worth thousands of troops......"

There was immediate rebuttal from Su Yu's supporters.

"Come on, Kyushu Su Yu, he's actually not that amazing. Yesterday, he used the terrain to set up traps and let the players send them off one by one.

"Everyone has suffered a lot today, can they continue to be fooled?"

"Just wait, according to my opinion, the one who got killed today is Su Yu!"

Those netizens who are not optimistic about the Kyushu team are trying to argue with reason, which seems to be reasonable.

"You put P, ​​only my family, Su Yu, kills others, you guy, I'm afraid you are not the navy of the three major forces...

Su Yu's supporters were furious and quickly sprayed back.

"Hurry up, I think you are the Kyushu Navy..."

Not to be outdone, the opponent also sprayed back.

The team battle has not yet started, and a fierce battle of insults has already set off on the global network.

And in such discussions, the waiting time quietly ends.

The second session of the Global Discussion on Martial Arts begins!.

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