Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 90: The First Level Of The Overlord Trial, Torture In Hell, Early Awakening, Su Yu Skips The

"What are you looking at, the eyeballs will be dug out for you!"


The torture continued.

Su Yu endured the severe pain and remained silent.

Simultaneously, memory began to flow in my mind.

How did you get here?

That's right! Foreign races invaded, Xizhou fell.

He and his companions were caught by these alien races and tortured.

Aliens try to domesticate them humans as slaves

"I always feel that something is wrong, as if I forgot something...

Su Yu's transformed willpower sensitively sensed something was wrong.

However, the pain of the torture disrupted his thoughts.


Seeing that the whip was ineffective against Su Yu, the foreigner took a red hot iron and pressed it hard on Su Yu's chest.

The flesh was scorched black, and the pain was incomparable.

"Just call your master and admit that you are a lowly slave, so you don't have to suffer such pain!"


The alien said viciously.

Su Yu endured the pain and remained silent.

Although the pain was incomparable, there was a voice in his heart telling himself.

Never give in!

"Damn it! Waste of uncle's time!"

The alien cursed angrily, turned around and took out another torture tool.

This time it is a hair brush, but the bristles are made of steel, which is cold and shining.

The alien picked up the iron brush and brushed it on Su Yu's freshly burned wound on his chest.

Immediately, the flesh and blood turned into mud, and was savagely brushed off.

The veins on Su Yu's forehead twitched.

Just after using the soldering iron, brush the meat with the iron.

The pain in it is really indescribable.

But Su Yu remained silent.

"Haha, I thought you were an iron man and didn't know!"

"Don't worry, I have some time to spend with you..."

The foreigner was keenly aware of the change in Su Yu's expression, he smirked twice, and changed the torture tool again.

Next to Su Yu, there are 99 cells.

Those contestants from the three major factions also had their memories sealed and suffered torture.

"I can't take it anymore! I surrender! Master, stop torturing me! Stop torturing me!"

A star alliance player, after several rounds of torture, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Crying and begging for mercy.

But the foreigner who tormented this contestant spat in disdain and continued to fight:

"Ian? You're such a piece of shit. You can't take it in an hour. What use are you for?"

"Wait for my uncle to use up this round of punishment first, and then consider whether to accept you, a useless slave!"

After finishing speaking, this foreign race tortured even more brutally.

Immediately, the cell was filled with miserable screams.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the first to succumb was Ian from the All-Star Alliance."

"He is also a strong man with a golden body, why is he so useless?"

"Hey, the Alliance of Stars claims to have the most fighters and the most powerful people, and it is the largest force in the world. But now it seems that it also has the most eggs...

Netizens outside saw this Ian gave up his dignity and cried bitterly for mercy.

The first time to send ridicule.

Anyway, it's not the netizens who hurt, and it doesn't hurt to stand and talk.

"Ian the trash!"

The high-level executives of the All-Star Alliance, now with a black face, cursed loudly.

This trial of the overlord was the first embarrassment for the Alliance of Stars.

In fact, the Alliance of All Stars has known for a long time that with so many players from the three major factions, it would definitely be embarrassing in the trial.

But as long as Su Yu can be dragged into the water and everyone loses face together, it will be considered a success.

But if you know it, you know it. Facing the ridicule from the entire network, the top management of the Star Alliance is still a little furious.

After all, this Ian is also a golden body, why is he such a waste?

"Compared to Su Yu, this Ian is really far behind."

"You must know that Su Yu is the main tester! Su Yu's degree of fidelity is 100%, and the pain is the strongest and most real! It can even kill people alive!"

"But so far, Su Yu has faced all kinds of torture without saying a word. This willpower is really strong!"

After the netizens laughed at Ian, they looked at Su Yu again.

In the picture, the eighth instrument of torture has already begun to be experienced.

In other cells, there were either screams, cursing, or snorting.

Just Su Yu's cell, very quiet.

No matter what kind of torture Su Yu faced, he endured it silently without any movement.

This made netizens admire and couldn't help admiring.

"If you can't bear this bit of pain, how can you be qualified to accept the Overlord Trial"?"

But there are also some well-informed netizens who feel that this is nothing.

Su Yu should behave like this.

"The original overlord [Zhan], but under the torture of the foreign race, endured for three full years! In the end, not only did he not die, but he also did not go crazy."

"On the contrary, in the pain of the boundless hell, he comprehended the peerless martial arts, secretly became stronger, and finally broke the cage and escaped.

"Where is Su Yu now?"

As soon as this remark came out, other netizens were shocked.

"Fuck, this kind of torture, do you have to endure Zuding?"

"It's unreasonable. Under such torture, he would die within a few days at most. How did the Overlord War endure for three years?"

Netizens feel pain when watching the torture in the picture through the screen.

I can't imagine how I endured it for several years.

Even if the will is strong, the spirit will not be crazy, but the body can't bear it, right?

And are these aliens just idle?

After several years of continuous torture, you won’t get tired of it? Nothing else?

"Haha, you don't even know this? Really ignorant!"

Those well-informed netizens immediately laughed.

"Back then, these alien races caught humans and tortured them, not for fun.

"They deliberately selected, looking for a martial arts genius with great potential and talent."

"Then through torture, make them submit, plant a brand in their spirit, and finally become a powerful lackey thug."

"So after each torture, these alien races will give these human races the best medicine to treat their injuries, so as not to leave disabilities, which is not easy to use as running dogs.

"The longer you persist, the greater the potential, the more the aliens will pay more attention to it, and the better the medicine you will use."

"Through this method, the foreign race subdued many human geniuses as running dogs, which caused a lot of trouble for human beings."

"Everything was going well, but the aliens didn't expect that there was a main battle."

"Zhan persisted for three years. Not only did he not give in, but he also absorbed the power of the healing medicine and secretly practiced martial arts."

"In three years, Zhan has changed from an ordinary person to a powerful warrior, and finally escaped from the predicament.

"He went through countless trials, and finally achieved great martial arts, and killed the group of aliens and lackeys."

"The appearance of Zhan made it almost impossible for foreign races to play like this..."

Under the science popularization of these netizens, other netizens suddenly realized.

"This overlord battle is too outrageous. After being tortured for three years, he can still secretly practice martial arts and fight back.

Netizens were amazed.

"You guys are really making a fuss. When the foreign races invaded, which one of those overlords was not outrageous? They were all unrivaled men."

"How else can we lead the human race to fight back? Without those overlords, how could we humans be where we are today?"

"Look at the history more, how many years have passed, and even the deeds of Zhan have been forgotten."

Well-informed netizens are even more disdainful.

I don't even know the deeds of the overlord, what are these guys doing on the Internet?

Many netizens were immediately speechless and deeply guilty.

The human world today is much safer and more peaceful than it was a hundred years ago.

This has caused many people to slack off and slowly forget about the cruel history at the beginning.

Only true warriors are prepared for danger in times of peace, keep history in mind, and are always ready to fight.

"By the way, since the original Overlord War lasted for three years, will the Overlord Trial last for three years?"

Netizens felt guilty for a while, then suddenly thought of this question, and hurriedly asked.

"You just thought of it? Isn't it a matter of course?"

"The Trial of the Overlord is to reproduce the experience of the Overlord. Zhan has experienced three years of torture, so Su Yu has also experienced three full years!"

"And, this is just the first level!"

Well-informed netizens sneered again.

"Damn it! You have to persist for three years? If I were to go there, three hours, no, three minutes would kill me?"

"Is this the first level?"

"Sure enough, this Overlord Trial is not for people to play..."

Netizens once again amazed at the futility.

In the real illusion, at this time Su Yu has experienced a whole day of cruel torture, his body is covered with cuts and bruises, and he is dying.

But no matter what kind of torture he faced, he remained silent the whole time, as if he was a mute.

"Humble human beings are really tough!"

The foreigner who tortured Su Yu was exhausted after a day of tormenting, and cursed angrily.

Then he laughed cruelly again: "Tough bones are good! I like hard bones, sir!"

"Even if you are made of iron, sooner or later you will be burned!"

"Come, treat this human being!"

The foreign race gave an order, and several foreign races came in with a medicine box

"It hurts! It itch!"

The medical technology of these alien races is astonishingly good.

After taking various medicines, Su Yu's body began to recover immediately.

But the recovery process was painful and itchy, and it was another kind of torture.

Su Yu spent the whole night in boundless pain and itching.

Then the next day comes, and a new torture...

Sunrise and sunset, time flies.

This real illusion has a higher standard than the last test of will. The fidelity is 100%, and the time flow rate is 3000:1.

Three hours passed in reality, but a year passed in fantasy.

In order to maintain this super-standard real illusion, Skynet Intelligence consumes a lot of precious energy every moment.

This overlord trial is extremely expensive, and it is not just a cat or a dog, everyone is qualified to use it.

Only a genius like Su Yu is worth the expense.

In the blink of an eye, in the illusion, a month has passed.

Su Yu remained silent.

The aliens paid more and more attention to him.

The result is that there are more tricks of torture and better wound medicine.

In other cells, most of the other contestants could no longer stand the torture, begging for mercy and submitting.

These contestants who begged for mercy and surrender were all taken to a temple by the alien race, and a strange ceremony was held to imprint Xia Ji's mark on them.

"This is a slave mark. Only when human beings voluntarily surrender can they be planted by a foreign race. Once a slave mark is planted, it is impossible to resist the controller of the slave mark."

"This is not only proof of betrayal, but also a spiritual shackle! These human beings who have been planted with slave marks will do anything to please their masters. The more loyal they are to their masters, the more they can improve their strength!"

"At the time when the foreign race invaded, their slave Indian army caused huge troubles to mankind. Later, in the Overlord War, they slaughtered the slave Indian army almost by themselves, and got rid of these scourges..."

"However, in fact, it is not absolutely impossible to plant a slave mark.

get rid of.

"It is said that there is an overlord [Slave], who was born in the Nuyin Army, and turned his back on the water and returned to the human side."

"However, there are tens of thousands of slave Indian troops, and there is only one overlord slave, and the chances are negligible..."

Well-informed netizens, popular science again.

"It turns out that this slave mark is so powerful, so if these players are planted with slave marks, wouldn't they be finished?"

Other netizens were amazed again and again, and then asked.

"You think too much, this slave seal is fake, it is simulated in the real illusion, and it will become invalid after the trial.

"However, although it is fake, the slave seal still has the same effect in the real illusion. Look, how well-behaved these players are after planting the slave seal?"

"Only Su Yu's side is the real slave mark. Once Cheng Su Yu can't bear it and plants a real slave mark, it is tantamount to death. This is also the cruelty of the overlord's trial.

A well-informed netizen explained.

"I see."

"These players from the three major forces are quite talented when they are dogs. Look at this..."

"Hey, after the trial is over, these contestants recalled their experience of being dogs of other races, what expressions do they have?"

Other netizens looked at the screen, after those players were planted with slave marks.

Nodding and bowing to all kinds of aliens, bowing their knees.

All of a sudden they laughed gloatingly.

"These trash!"

The high-level officials of the three major forces all looked like they had eaten shit.

A total of forty or fifty contestants chose to surrender, to be a dog to a foreign race, and to broadcast live globally. This is a great embarrassment.

"Wait, I don't believe Su Yu that you can persevere to the end! Waiting for you to plant a slave mark and become a dog for a foreign race will be even more embarrassing!"

"After all, your slave mark is real!"

The top leaders of the three major forces cursed in their hearts.

"Su Yu, you have to hold on!"

"Once you beg for mercy and are planted with a real slave mark, it will be forever, unless you can break free like the overlord slave..."

On the Kyushu side, Yan Lao, Long Deming, Su Xingyu... and countless netizens who support Su Yu are all praying for Su Yu.

They don't want their genius to become a slave of a foreign race and leave a bad reputation forever.

Fortunately, Su Yu struggled, and in the illusion, two more (Li De Zhao Yue.

There are more and more patterns of torture by aliens.

In the other cells, almost no one was there, and they couldn't stand the torture and chose to surrender.

But Su Yu remained silent.

So Su Yu received unprecedented attention, and all kinds of weird tortures were used on him.

Peeling the skin and gnawing it, roasting it in a slow fire, disemboweling and digging out the heart, cooking it in pieces......

These tortures are basically endured once, and there is no doubt that they will die. Only the top wound medicine can be saved.

Top-level wound medicine is also very precious to foreign races. Therefore, only the most valued human beings are qualified to endure these tortures.

In this way, Su Yu endured the torture enough to kill him hundreds of times.

It seems to be in the 18th floor of hell, and I can never be freed.

Under the endless pain, even his transformed will has become light.

Compared with this kind of pain, the original will test was like a play.

"it hurts…………"

Su Yu could hardly think in his mind, only an idea of ​​gritting his teeth and persevering remained.

At this moment, suddenly a fierce force erupted from the bottom of Su Yu's heart:

"These aliens torture me so much, and still want me to surrender? Dreaming!"

"I want revenge, I want power, and I want to kill all these alien races!"

With this angry will, even the pain became much easier to bear.

The trance spirit suddenly became sober.

It seems that Su Yu's willpower has changed again.

"How to take revenge?"

"These aliens can practice martial arts, why can't I?"

"I want to practice martial arts, I want to become stronger, and then take revenge!

In Su Yu's heart, a voice roared crazily!

He wants to practice martial arts!

At this time, an inexplicable message suddenly emerged from his mind.

It made Su Yu stunned:

"Is this... a martial arts technique?"

"Battle way of the Overlord: Indestructible Body?"

At the same time, a Skynet prompt popped up in the external live broadcast room:

"Reminder, Su Yu, the tester, has awakened his will, rewarding the inheritance of the overlord, and entering the second level ahead of time...".

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