Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 93: Escape From The Dungeon! The City Is Full Of Foreigners? All Must Die!

Long Deming in front of the screen smiled.

The overlord of martial arts is naturally extremely overbearing, how tyrannical?

Even those in the Immortal Realm flock to the Overlord Martial Arts.

How can it be measured by the strength of the blood on the surface.

Those netizens are just worrying blindly.

"Cough cough․..."

Su Yu lay on the ground, coughing up blood for several days.

There were still fragments of internal organs in the blood, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured, and he seemed to be dead.

But after a while, he stood up as if nothing had happened.

Because of the indestructible substance in his body, he is rapidly repairing his injuries.

Although his strength is only the strength of the first level of bone forging.

But for that punch just now, he used the combat skill attached to the Indestructible Body:

[War Law of Myriad Tribulations (Level 1, Battle Decision)].

This combat technique is completely different from the combat technique Su Yu used before.

Its effect is to increase the power with the fighting spirit.

The stronger the fighting spirit, the stronger the fighting power.

This kind of combat skill is already somewhat idealistic.

Only the Overlord Martial Arts, coupled with the Indestructible Matter, can activate such a miraculous combat technique.

Su Yu was tortured for several months, and his hatred for this alien race was like the water of the Milky Way, pouring out endlessly.

The strength of the fighting spirit cannot be measured at all.

So with one punch, the huge gap of ten times was directly crossed, and this alien race was directly heartbroken!


The alien race's vitality was tyrannical, and his heart was cut out, and he didn't die for a while.

He just stood there, unable to move, with an angry expression on his face. In a minute at most, he will inevitably die.

He is not afraid of death, he only hates the suffocation of death, being killed by Su Yu, who he has been tormenting all the time.

However, Su Yu chuckled, walked up to it, and stuffed the heart back.

Then I rummaged through this alien, found a can of medicine, poured some on its wound,

Its heart injury "470" actually started singing healing.

The medical technology of this snake and eagle alien race is extremely advanced, so long as the wounds of the heart are treated in time, they will not die.

Su Yu has experienced the torture of heart-gouging long ago, so he is naturally familiar with it.

The foreigner felt his heart beating again, and his face immediately relaxed, and finally he didn't have to die.

Although I am not afraid of death, I don't want to die either.

But immediately, he showed doubts.

Su Yu was tortured so badly by him, but he didn't kill him, but saved him. What's the reason?

"Hehe, don't thank me..."

Seeing the puzzled expression on the alien's face, Su Yu smiled.

"When I finish other things, I will not give you all the pain you gave me before...

Su Yu's smile turned cold and cruel.

This foreign race tormented him so hard, of course he had to torture him back.

Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill with one punch?

"kill me……………"

The alien's face changed, and his face was full of fear and despair.

He is not afraid of death, but when he thinks of those tortures.

Will be imposed on him by Su Yu, and suddenly the whole body can't stop shaking, wishing that he died earlier just now.

That kind of torture is much more terrifying than death!

"very good.………"

Seeing that this guy finally showed fear, Su Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Knowing how to be afraid is the value of torture.

He casually broke the guy's limbs, and after confirming that he couldn't commit suicide, he knocked him unconscious before walking out of the cell.

Outside the cell was a dark and narrow corridor, and on both sides of the corridor were hundreds of other cells.

Most of the cells had their doors open and were empty.

In only a few cells, there were groans and screams like slaughtering pigs.

"No wonder no one from my side came to check, it turns out that..."

Su Yu shook his head, and walked towards the cells where the screams came from.


Su Yu kicked open the cell door.

Immediately saw the tortured player inside, it was Logan.

This guy, who was being tortured, had already been cut in half, his bones were exposed, and his whole body was horrible.

His spirit has long been tortured in a trance, and he only knows how to groan in pain.

But even though he was tortured like this, at least he didn't give up surrender, and still persisted.

So it's worth saving.

"That's it?"

"I didn't even serve salt water, so at least I sprinkled some cumin, what's the point of just cutting the meat......

Su Yu shook his head in disdain when he saw Logan being tortured.

Logan's torture intensity is much worse than his side.

In the false memory infused by the illusion, Logan is theoretically Su Yu's companion.

But when Su Yu saw him being tortured, he showed no sympathy, and instead gloated a little.

"Why do I have such strange thoughts, isn't Logan my companion? Why am I happy to see him unlucky..."

Su Yu felt a little strange.

It seems that I have done something excessive to Logan...

What's even more strange is that since he is obviously from Kyushu, how could he have a blond companion like Logan...

"Forget it, why think so much, save him quickly..."

Su Yu shook his head and stepped forward.

Outside, netizens heard Su Yu's "That's it"

Suddenly burst out laughing.

"Fuck, Su Yu, are you a human being? Logan is in such a miserable state, and you're going against the grain?"

"However, Su Yu's torture was indeed much more severe than Logan's, but Su Yu never yelled from the beginning to the end. In comparison, Logan's willpower is far behind."

"Haha, Su Yu didn't show any mercy when he chopped hundreds of players with sticks and waists. Do you still have memories?"

"At that time, the degree of fidelity was not so high, and it didn't hurt much to cut people with sticks. It's not like this Overlord's trial, which simulates 100% pain, enough to kill people."

"This Logan is almost a fool after being tortured, Su Yu save him, I can't stand it..."

Netizens complained that Su Yu had already walked behind the alien who tortured him.


"Ahem! 17

no response.

This alien race is also too dedicated, concentrating on executing Logan. I don't know who came after me.

Su Yu was speechless, and directly punched, shattering the alien's heart from behind.

Then find the medicine from the alien and give it to Logan.

Although Su Yu's indestructible substance can heal, but this kind of treatment is limited to himself.

It's not impossible to treat others.

But it will lose a little indestructible matter forever, so I am not willing to part with it.

After a while, Logan's flesh and blood began to grow.

He finally regained a little consciousness, opened his eyes weakly, and looked around.

"Is it finally over..."

He thought it was the end of today's punishment,

"Hehe, I persisted for another day. I must be the only one of those companions who persisted until now?"

"I remember that our captain is called Su Yu. He is very good, but he probably won't be able to persist until now, right?"

He thought in a daze.

Although he was delirious after being tortured, he still competed with those so-called "companions" in his heart.

Especially against Su Yu.

However, the next moment, Logan saw the alien lying on the ground, and Su Yu in front of him.

Suddenly, he widened his eyes:

"Su... Su Yu?!"

"Have you betrayed!"

After Logan was shocked, he took it for granted that Su Yu couldn't stand the torture and surrendered.

She was being tortured, but Su Yu stood there perfectly, isn't this an absolute betrayal?

"Want to persuade me to surrender? Don't think about it, Su Yu, you traitor!"

"Hahaha, I, Logan, are the strongest, Su Yu, you still lose, you still lose!"

Logan laughed.

He himself didn't know why he cared so much about the so-called winning or losing.

But he still laughed instinctively.

Because I finally beat Su Yu and lasted longer than Su Yu!



Su Yu picked up a can of chili powder and sprinkled it on Logan's unhealed wound.

"Su Yu, what are you doing? Do you want to torture me too? I'm not afraid..."


The severe pain immediately interrupted Logan's laughter, but he still insisted.

"What kind of traitor? I'm here to save you."

"I practiced martial arts secretly, gained strength, killed aliens, and escaped, so I came here to save you!"

Su Yu said angrily.

"What? Practice martial arts and kill aliens? How is it possible?"

Logan's eyes widened in disbelief.

We are all ordinary people, facing the ferocious alien race, if you don't get tortured to death, you will be strong-willed.

How could it be possible to practice martial arts in secret?

Logan felt secretly lost in his heart, was he being compared by Su Yu again?

Strange, why do you say again

"I don't care if you believe it or not."

Su Yu shook his head, turned around and left the cell, and kicked open the door of another cell.



Su Yu kicked away two cells in succession.

The alien race that tortured Su Yu was the strongest.

The rest were much weaker and died instantly under Su Bao's fist.

William and Ivanov were saved again.

These two had similar reactions to Logan's, they were all questioning and unbelievable.

But Su Yu was too lazy to explain.

There is nothing left.

Of the 99 contestants, only these three remain.

The three geniuses did not gain their fame in vain. They have persisted until now, leaving the last row for the three major forces.

after an hour.

"Okay, you've almost recovered, it's time for us to escape."

Su Yu said to the three geniuses.

These three geniuses were barely able to walk after recovering for an hour, and Su Yu was about to lead them out of the dungeon.

As for the foreigner whose heart was cut out, put it there first, and torture it later.

"It is said that there is a camp of alien races outside, shall we plan first......

The three geniuses hesitated.

"If you don't go out, why don't you stay here and wait to die?"

Su Yu said coldly, turned around and walked towards the exit.

He just informed these three guys , not a discussion

"Su Yu, you used to be the captain, we listen to you..."

The three geniuses heard the words and hurriedly followed.

Su Yu had previously taken command of the fortified battle.

In the fantasy setting, Su Yu is the captain of all the players.


Su Yu punched open the iron door at the end of the corridor. Behind the iron door was an upward staircase.

At the end of the stairs, there is light passing down.

Su Yu stepped forward and walked up the stairs, followed by the three geniuses.

Finally, come to the end of the ladder.

"Today's punishment will end so soon..."

There were two alien guards outside the stairs. Seeing the figure coming out, Yi asked strangely.

However, before they could see Su Yu's face clearly, the next moment, Su Yu's two fists smashed their heads off.

"So strong..."

The three geniuses were speechless when they saw Su Yu's actions.

I can't figure it out, everyone is suffering, how can Su Yu practice martial arts?

Walking out of the staircase passage, there is a dim hall, probably this place

Prison "front desk"?

A few ragged humans, who were cleaning the floor and windows, turned their heads when they heard the movement.

Then they saw the scene where Su Yu exploded the alien's head, and they were all stunned.

"Using humans as slaves..."

Su Yu whispered and ignored these humans.

Instead, he strode to the window and looked out.

Outside, there is an alien city with a weird style, and there are aliens walking around everywhere.

In addition to alien races, there are also a large number of human beings.

These human beings are all skinny and chained, doing all kinds of heavy and dangerous work.

For example, at this time, there is an old man not far away, carrying a basket of bricks and stones, walking hard.

Behind the old man, there are several young children, also carrying bricks and stones, walking with difficulty.

In addition to these working humans, there are also some supervisors.

These supervisors all hold whips in their hands, and when they see someone who is slow in work, they whip them hard.

Those supervisors are actually human beings.

Su Yu also knew that it was the companions who had been tortured before.

These "companions" couldn't bear the torture of the alien race, so they chose to surrender and became the lackeys of the alien race.

Instead, it became an accomplice of alien races ruling mankind.

Creak! Creak!

It was the sound of Su Yu's fist clenched.


Su Yu whispered.

"What did you say, Su Yu?"

The three great geniuses also came to Su Yu's side at this time, and asked strangely after hearing his words.

Then they also saw the scene outside. Seeing so many alien races, they shrank in fright.

"There are a lot of alien races here. Let's wait here until night, then quietly escape out of the city, and then find a way to get revenge?"

Logan suggested.

"I said everyone must die!"

Su Yu said coldly.

Before Logan and others were tortured, he was still in the mood to laugh.

But now, seeing the scene of human beings being enslaved outside, he can no longer laugh, and his heart is full of anger and hatred.

Because those enslaved humans outside are the faces of Kyushu people!

"These bastards are aliens!"

"Su Yu, kill them all!" 1.7

"Yes, they all have to die! Kill them all and pass the third level!"

And the netizens outside, especially the netizens from Kyushu, were also shouting angrily at this time.

Although he knew that all of this was a virtual illusion, he still couldn't stop his anger.

How can the human race be enslaved by alien races?

"who are you?"

In the hall, the cleaning humans finally came to their senses and asked cautiously.

"We are human beings captured and tortured by aliens, but we have not surrendered, and we have persisted until now!"

Logan heard the words and said proudly.

"Then led by Captain Su Yu, they took the opportunity to escape..."

Then he added in a low voice.

"Are you the geniuses of the human race?"

"I heard that a few months ago, alien races captured human geniuses, tortured and enslaved them."

"Those supervisors outside are geniuses who surrender."

"You guys are able to endure endless torture and escape? You really are peerless geniuses and the hope of our mankind.

The people were suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Su Yu just bombarded the strength of the alien race, which greatly shocked them.

Then their expressions changed again:

"Run away! Quietly leave the city when it gets dark!

"I heard those foreign races boasting that there are tens of thousands of bone-forging foreign races in this camp! Three thousand golden bodies! The leader is immortal!"

"Run away, and never come back! Wait a few decades until you have strength, and then kill more aliens and avenge us..."

These human beings completely regarded Su Yu and others as the hope of human beings, and excitedly persuaded them to escape.

But Su Yu shook his head:

"I won't run away."

"I said...these alien races..."

"Everyone must die!"

Su Yu gritted his teeth.

The fighting spirit and hatred in his heart can no longer be suppressed...

One hundred thousand forged bones, three thousand golden bodies, no fire leader, so what?

All must die!.

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