Era Of Gaowu: I Can Skip The Training Process With One Click

Chapter 99: Heading To Tianwu University, Alien Attacks!

"So, let's take the intercity high-speed rail to Tianwu University?"

The silver-white alloy train travels through the wilderness at high speed.

In the first carriage, Su Yu sat on the seat, a little speechless.

Tianwu University sent three strong people who are not on fire to welcome Su Yu to enter the school, and there is a lot of attention.

It can be seen that Tianwu University attaches great importance to Su Yu.

Su Yu originally thought that the three powerhouses would take him with him, fly directly to the sky, and fly all the way to Tianwu University, which would be enough.

The result is a very simple intercity high-speed rail ride.

On the train, apart from Su Yu and the Three Great Immortals, there were also many Common people and students going to other places to study.

When Su Yu got into the car, it caused a huge commotion.

Fortunately, Tianwu University has a lot of money and wealth, so it directly rents the next carriage.

Otherwise, Yinyu would have been surrounded by fanatical fans now.

"Student Su Yu, don't worry, Tianwu University has a special location and requires some special means to get there.

"Take the intercity train to the provincial capital of Nancheng, and then transfer to

Wu Qiuxian explained with a smile.

Next to him, there are two strong men, a man and a woman, named Ming Yu and Shao Yuan respectively.


Su Yu nodded, didn't pay too much attention to it, and didn't ask in detail.

Just sit on the high-speed rail.

He turned his head to look at the scenery outside the train window, just like an ordinary passenger.

Speaking of which, this intercity high-speed rail is made of high-grade alloys. It is said that the defense is so strong that even the golden body and foreign race can't break it.

So you can walk through the wilderness and lead to other cities.

The ticket price is not too expensive, and it is the best choice for Common people to travel.

But Su Yu has been traveling for more than three years, and today is the first time he sits.

Because he used to be so poor that he was reluctant to buy it even if the fare was cheap...

"Have you heard? Su Yu is about to enroll in Tianwu, the same class as us!"

"Damn it! If you meet Su Yu in the freshman exchange, you can't be tortured by blood?"

"Fuck! In this class of freshmen, there is a monster like Su Yu, and is there anyone else involved?"

Now is the start of school time, and the news that Su Yu will be enrolled in Tianwu University has already spread widely.

Common University is fine, Su Yu is too far away from them.

But those gifted freshmen who were admitted to the five prestigious schools all felt their scalps go numb when they heard the news.

These freshmen, who can be admitted to these five prestigious schools, are naturally the favored children of heaven.

They originally determined to flex their muscles in the school and become influential figures.

However, when they heard of Su Yu's reputation, everyone withered.

The strongest of these geniuses is no more than the ninth level of bone forging, but Su Yu can already kill even if he is not fired.

It's impossible to compete on the same stage at all!

Even those candidates in the second, third, and fourth grades.

Hearing that Su Yu was coming, he also trembled.

"Originally, in the beginning of the school season every year, bullying the freshmen and letting the freshmen know that the sky is high and the earth is strong, is a good entertainment.

"But it's still exempt this year."

"With a monster like Su Yu, you're still being bullied. It would be nice if you don't get bullied by him..."

These old students decided that in this year's school season, they should try their best to behave with their tails between their legs.

In order not to offend Su Yu, if he fails to bully, he will be taught a lesson instead.

However, there are still some strong students who are not intimidated by Su Yu's name.

"Su Yu, the top scorer in the global college entrance examination, the passer of the Overlord Trial? He is indeed a genius, but I'm not afraid..."

"How difficult is it for us to break through the realm of immortality? This Su Yu is a good stepping stone..."

Among the juniors and seniors of the five prestigious schools, there are some truly peerless figures.

These peerless figures are already unpopular and high-level, and they are trying to break through.

They are not afraid of Su Yu's name, but because of Su Yu's arrival, they are eager to try.

Looking forward to waiting for Su Yu to come and compete!


On the high-speed rail, Su Yu suddenly felt palpitations, as if something bad was about to happen.

"What's wrong?"

Wu Qiuxian asked.

"I feel a little bad, will someone come to kill me..."

Su Yu frowned.


Wu Qiuxian and his two companions looked at each other and smiled.

"Don't worry, the strength of the three of us is not bad, even if there are three or five indestructible enemies, we can resist them.

"And the defense of the intercity train itself is also very strong! The body is strong and can withstand the attack of the golden body."

"In the car, there are a large number of retired Wuzhu guards from Xingyu's front line.

"In the back sections of the carriage, there are more technological weapons that can harm the Immortal Realm: the Immortal Vulcan Cannon!"

"Even in the face of a foreign army, don't worry if you can resist it."

"Besides, this is not the front line of war, how can there be so many enemies..."

Wu Qiuxian laughed.

"That's good……………"

Su Yu felt relieved upon hearing this.

The train moved forward at high speed, and gradually approached the place Su Yu was familiar with.

Southern Frontier!

The train was going to the provincial capital, just passing by the front line.

At the same time, the front line of the Southern Territory, the space channel, suddenly fluctuated violently.

A large amount of flesh, true blood, and non-fire substances are burning, expanding the originally narrow passage to a very large size.


The sonic boom roared.

Su Xinghe arrived first from the sky.

Then there was Su Xingyu, his injury seemed to have healed.

" this a blood sacrifice? And it's on both sides of the passage, using the golden body and the blood sacrifice of the immortal strong at the same time!"

"There are traitors on the human side! The traitors in the Immortal Territory!"

"This is to use dozens of golden bodies and at least two immortal life forces to burn on both sides of the passage at the same time, forcefully penetrate the passage, and let the aliens from the immortal realm come over!"

"Damn it, I didn't realize it beforehand?"

"Xingyu, go back and send a report, please help! Let the soldiers of Common evacuate: I'm here to delay!"

Seeing this scene, Su Xinghe was shocked, and quickly ordered to Su Xingyu next to him.

Such violent spatial fluctuations, blood sacrifice energy.

It's not something he can stop at the sixth level of immortality.

This is a traitor who has an immortal race, and the immortal alien race on the opposite side, and the blood sacrifice is made at the same time as the inside and outside, and the passage is opened.

Immortality on both sides, even life is lost. How does he stop it?

The alien army is coming soon.

"Yes! General!"

The military order was like a mountain, Su Xingyu immediately accepted the order, turned around and flew away without delay.

"How could this happen! The Southern Territory has no strategic value at all, it's just a training ground, why would you sacrifice blood? Pay such a high price?"

"And where did the immortal traitors come from? Could it be the three major forces?"

"The power of the blood sacrifice lasts for a few hours at most, and the channel will be closed again! But as long as they come over, they can continue the blood sacrifice and maintain the channel.

"No matter what the aliens want to do, I will stop it! Try to stop it!"

Su Xinghe's heart was in a state of disarray, his body was filled with indestructible substances, and he was ready to sacrifice.

Three minutes later, the channel suddenly swelled and shrank, and stabilized.

An extremely terrifying breath came from the depths of the dark passage.


Su Xinghe's eyes froze.

The next moment, he saw a cyan claw rushing toward his face.

There was no time to react at all, and the consciousness fell into darkness.

"Is this the immortality of human beings guarding this space channel?"

"It's ridiculously weak..."

A foreign race with a dragon's head and a body covered in blue scales stood proudly in the void and shook his hand.

Su Xinghe's body fell weakly.

Behind this alien race, a steady stream of alien races are pouring out from the passage.

All are golden lights, flying all over the sky.

To be able to defend against the sky like this is because they are all at least the strong of the fourth rank of the golden body!

"Time is running out, no one will stay!"

"Then go meet that so-called Su Yu!"

The alien waved his hand and gave an order.

"Yes! Ninth Prince!"

The alien golden army roared loudly, and then rushed towards the front barracks like wolves and tigers!

Afterwards, four strong men flew out from the passage.

The aura of each of these strong men is several times stronger than that of Su Xinghe.

It is a high-ranking alien race in the Immortal Realm!

A full four!

"Master Ninth Prince, issue the king's decree! Let those subjects living in the human world test the water first, and let their humble lives come in handy..."

"Can this high-speed rail go directly to Tianwu University?"

"I heard that Tianwu University is in Tianzhou, but there is no Tianzhou in Kyushu."

On the train, Su Yu looked at the scenery for a while and asked suddenly.

It's funny to say that Su Yu still doesn't know where Tianwu University is.

Kyushu consists of Longzhou, Mozhou, Yanzhou, Haizhou, Hanzhou, Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Yongzhou, and Wuzhou.

Among them, Longzhou is the strongest and is the center of Kyushu. Wuzhou is the weakest and is the state where Su Yu was born.

But there is no Tianzhou.

Moreover, there is no specific information about Tianzhou on the Internet, and it is basically unreliable rumors.

For example, what Tianzhou is the fairyland or something, ask Yan Lao, he can't tell.

Su Yu didn't bother about it too much.

Anyway, he was there to practice martial arts, not to travel, no matter where it is.

Now that I am bored in the car, I finally remembered to ask.

"Haha, Su Yu, you are finally willing to ask!"

Wu Qiuxian laughed out loud when he heard this.

He held it in for a long time, just waiting for Su Yu to ask. As a result, Su Yu didn't mention it all the time, but he was overwhelmed.

"Tianzhou, naturally it is in the sky!"

Wu Qiuxian laughed and pointed to the top of his head.

"Heaven? Is it really fairyland?"

Su Yu was surprised immediately, and became interested, there is a state in the sky?

"The space passages for alien invasion not only exist on the ground, but also on the sea."

"Decades ago, space passages appeared even in the sky. Foreign races invaded from the sky, and it was extremely difficult to defend against."

Mingyu on the side opened his mouth to explain.

"That's why the high-level officials of Kyushu paid a big price and built a floating city in the sky to suppress the space channel of the sky, which is the so-called Wuzhou!"

"And Tianwu University is the Martial Arts University established after Tianzhou was built!"

"How about it, student Su Yu, choose Tianwu, don't regret it!"

Mingyu, a beautiful teacher, said with a smile.

In the tone, quite proud.

"It turns out that Tianwu University is really in the sky."

"To be able to establish the tenth state in the sky, the predecessors of the nine states are really powerful..."

Su Yu couldn't help sighing when he heard this.

He chose Tianwu, but he heard that Tianwu is the richest and has the most resources. But I didn't expect it to have such a background.

Gathering the resources of Kyushu and building the city in the sky, it is strange that it is not rich.

"Where is Tianzhou exactly? How do we get there? This intercity high-speed rail cannot fly.

Su Yu asked again.

Tianzhou is in the sky, you can’t see it even if you look up, and in the sky, what’s the use of taking the train that runs on the ground?

"The Celestial State is covered with a high-tech invisibility shield that cannot be seen from the ground."

"Its location is constantly moving. The specific trajectory is confidential and cannot be disclosed. Without the location, the three of us will not be able to find where Tianzhou is."

Well, it is impossible to fly over.

"The way to Tianzhou is to take the train, the sky train!"

"In the provincial capital of Nancheng, there is a sky train station. We are going to transfer trains there now."

Wu Qiuxian explained.

"Sky train?"

Su Yu was slightly surprised when he heard this.

However, the technology in this world is already developed, and it can create a virtual world, a city in the sky.

It doesn't seem strange to get another sky train.

Su Yu immediately felt that this world not only has martial arts and alien races, but also many other wonderful scenery.

Looking forward to this journey even more.

Looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, he felt relaxed.

Suddenly, Su Yu noticed that dust was flying in the wilderness far outside the window, and something seemed to be rushing towards him.

"That is......"

"That's a foreign race in the wilderness..."

Su Yu was startled and sat up straight!

"There are so many alien races? There are hundreds of thousands of them. Could it be that the alien races from the thousands of miles of wilderness nearby have gathered here?"

The three of Wu Qiuxian also discovered the abnormality at the same time.

They suddenly felt a little slapped in the face.

Just now they told Su Yu that they don't need to worry about intercepting and killing, and the alien army came in a blink of an eye.

480 "Student Su Yu, don't worry, these are some common aliens. It may be that the news of your enrollment has leaked, and they came to hunt them down."

"But it's too weak, it doesn't even have a golden body, and it can be sustained by the train's defense alone.

"Notify the warriors stationed on the train! Foreign races are coming!"

The Three Immortals were not too worried, and comforted them.

Some common alien races are nothing more than life and death, and they can be destroyed by raising their hands.

At this time, the densely packed alien race had already rushed to the side of the train!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those alien races, like a tidal wave, slammed into the train without fear of death, crashing into a cloud of blood mist, and their deaths were horrible.

But still with red eyes, go on and on.

Although it couldn't smash through the shell of the train, it shook the train again and again. If it keeps hitting like this, I'm afraid it will be derailed.

"Ah! Alien army is coming! I'm going to die! Help! Help!"

"That genius Su Yu, isn't he also in the car? Help us!"

In the other carriages, those Common people suddenly yelled in horror.

Where have these Common people seen such an army of alien races? Even the students who are studying are pale.

Although these students also have some strength, they are insignificant in such a tide of alien races.

"Don't worry, they're all Common aliens!"

At this time, the warrior stationed on the train stood up.

These garrisons are all Common warriors, and most of them are practicing dirty.

The realm is low and low, but they are all retired soldiers from the front line with rich actual combat experience.

They took out hot weapons one after another, and killed those alien races through the car window, alleviating the momentum of some alien races.


A minute later, a thick red light shot out from the rear of the train.

The red light shot out for dozens of miles, and then swept across, blasting all the alien races it encountered into pieces.

This is the immortal Vulcan cannon at the tail of the train, fired.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The artillery fire bursts, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Immediately, the alien army became thinner, and the train stabilized, without the risk of derailment.

"Hahaha! Human race technology is invincible!"

"Mere foreign races, all of them will die for me!"

The passengers in the other carriages immediately smiled and cheered.

This Immortal Vulcan Cannon is powerful and has a wide attack range.

It is really great to deal with these alien armies.

"Look, Su Yu, are you all right..."

"Immortal Vulcan Cannon, it is very easy to deal with this kind of mob alien army..."

The three immortals said to Su Yu.

They don't even need to take action, the warriors stationed on the train activated the cannons, and the matter was resolved.

"No! There's something wrong, it's a big deal......

Su Yu's expression turned cold.

He turned suddenly to look out the window.

In the distant sky, densely packed tiny black spots appeared.

"A high-ranking foreign race with a golden body above the fourth level! At least a few thousand!"

"There is still this breath, it is the Immortal Realm! Five returns!"

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