Li Yue reached out and grabbed the juvenile monster on the ground.

After Li Yue grabbed the corpse of the juvenile monster, he threw it to one side. With a flash of his figure, he went straight to the corpse of the juvenile monster and caught it in the palm of his hand.

"This is a spiritual material!"

Li Yue carefully investigated and saw that the skin of this monster beast was actually covered with something called spiritual grass.

The shell of this spiritual grass showed a black color and looked like Very ordinary, nothing special

"I still need to use this thing to refine the elixir. I don’t know what effect it can produce."

Li Yue murmured to himself.

Then, Li Yue stretched out his hand and took in the body of the juvenile monster.


Just when Li Yue was about to leave, suddenly, a sound broke through the air, and he heard a strong wind coming, and then he felt a biting cold coming towards him.

Li Yue fiercely Turning his head, he saw the monster beast charging towards him quickly. Seeing the appearance of the monster beast, Li Yue's face changed slightly, and he disappeared into the monster in a flash. In front of the monster

"Swish, swish, swish~"

When the monster saw Li Yue disappear from his sight, its speed immediately increased several times, and it chased Li Yue crazily.


A deafening thunder sounded.

Li Yue also stopped at this moment. At this moment, he was only less than twenty meters away from the monster.

This distance, in Li Yue's opinion, It's not worth mentioning, but in the eyes of that monster beast, it is quite a long distance.

Even if it wants to cross this distance, it will take at least about half a minute.

Therefore, in this half minute or so, For this monster, it is very important

"Damn it, are you really going to die here?"Li Yue frowned, and his face became extremely solemn.

Thinking of this, Li Yue's figure suddenly moved, turned into a stream of light, and dodged to one side.



A muffled sound came, and along with it, Li Yue's body was swept to the ground by the tail of the monster beast and fell to the ground.


The moment he landed, traces of scarlet blood spattered out from Li Yue's mouth and nose, soaking all the clothes on Li Yue's body.


The moment Li Yue landed, the monster roared again and charged towards Li Yue again.

Seeing this scene, a bitter smile appeared on Li Yue's face He did n't expect that he would be defeated in the hands of a small monster, and that he would be defeated so tragically.

"Are we really going to die here today?"

Li Yue looked at the juvenile monster beast that was charging towards him, his face was solemn, and his heart was filled with endless worries.

This juvenile monster beast has great strength, even if he displays the power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, The power is still unable to compete with it.

If I am really entangled by this juvenile monster, then the outcome can be imagined. I will never be able to escape, and I will definitely become a delicious meal in the belly of that monster..Thinking of this, Li Yue felt a cold air rising from the soles of his feet.

In an instant, it spread all over his body, making him tremble uncontrollably. There were also spots the size of peas on his forehead. Beads of sweat dripped down his cheeks. Just when Li Yue's thoughts were in confusion, the juvenile monster had already attacked again.

"No matter what, let’s fight!"

Li Yue's eyes burst out with fierceness. He waved his palm suddenly, and a golden long knife appeared in his hand.

He held the golden long knife in his right hand and pointed toward He slashed at this juvenile monster.


There was a dull sound, and the body of the juvenile monster was immediately knocked back several steps by Li Yue's move.

After seeing this scene, Li Yue's face immediately showed There was a touch of joy in his heart, and he was about to continue attacking.

Suddenly, he felt his body light up, and his whole body was pushed far away by this force, and fell to the ground.

Li Yue's body hit the ground hard, making a dull sound.



As soon as Li Yue's body fell to the ground, he felt waves of ferocious howls from the surrounding animals reaching his ears. When

Li Yue raised his head, he saw that the juvenile animal that had been killed by him was The monster beast, at this moment, looked down at him, its eyes flashing with a cold light.

The body of the juvenile monster beast, at this moment, became extremely huge, more than twice as tall as Li Yue.

Li Yue raised his head and looked up at the juvenile monster.

Looking at that ferocious, demon-like face, Li Yue could not help but feel a chill in his heart.

This feeling was not unfamiliar. It can even be said to be familiar


As soon as Li Yue raised his head, he saw that the juvenile demon beast let out a low roar, and then it charged towards Li Yue again. The target it killed this time was shockingly It's Li Yue's neck. The claws are as sharp as a steel whip and are about to scratch Li Yue's head.


Looking at the juvenile monster beast that was rushing toward him, Li Yue's expression changed slightly.

Those giant claws, with terrifying power, struck directly at his head.


Just when the juvenile monster was about to scratch Li Yue's head, Li Yue's wrist suddenly twisted.

Then, a dark fist suddenly blasted out and hit that person. On top of the huge claws of a juvenile monster.

Suddenly, a huge force burst out, and the juvenile monster was punched by Li Yue and flew away.



The juvenile monster that was knocked away by Li Yue's punch let out an angry roar again, and saw its huge body flying back quickly.


Its body hit the ground heavily, making a violent roar.

On the ground, spider webs cracked in an instant, and the cracks spread continuously, looking abnormal. Horrifying.

The juvenile monster lay on the ground and struggled for a long time before finally standing up and looking at Li Yue

"How did your power become so powerful?"

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