At this time, he was also a little tired, so he found a cave and began to rest and recover his exhausted energy.

While practicing, Li Yue still observed the surrounding environment, looking for suspicious targets.

There must be traces of humans here!

Um? Suddenly, Li Yue noticed that there were many footprints on the mountain wall not far from him. It seemed that a human had stayed here.

However, Li Yue did not approach the cliff rashly.

Because there are many monsters here, if you rush to see what is on the cliff, you might attract the attention of the monsters.

He decided to wait for a while. If he waited a little longer and there was no abnormality in the monsters nearby, he would go and see what was on the cliff.

Let's wait here for a while. Li Yue said to Lan Caidie.

OK! Lan Caidi said.

By the way, do you know what's on this cliff? Li Yue asked Lan Caidi. blue butterfly swaying, she didn’t know what was on this cliff. After all, this was the domain of monsters. Monsters like them didn’t know much about this place. They just followed the orders of the monster king and waited here for the monster king’s return. Know what is in this place.

If this is the case, then let's continue to wait in this valley for a while! Li Yue nodded and said.

By the way, brother Li Yue, is it dangerous if we wait here? After all, it is easy to get lost in this deep mountain and old forest. Lan Caidi said.

Li Yue smiled and said:"Don't worry about this. I have expected to encounter such a situation, so I have prepared enough food and water. Moreover, I collected a lot of herbs on the way. Among these herbs, It contains a trace of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can replenish the energy consumed in the body and make our body stronger.

I also arranged some phantom formations around the valley. The phantom formations can block all sight and senses. No matter what kind of monster, no monster can see where we are. Moreover, it can also block the sound and smell of monsters, and even the ears of monsters cannot hear our conversations. Li Yue said with a smile.

This magic array and hidden ears can isolate sounds.

After hearing this, Lan Caidi had a shocked expression on her face.

She didn't expect that Li Yue had such a method. She had never heard of such a method.

She also practices formations, so she naturally knows the importance of illusion formations.

She has also seen the phantom array, which is a treasure. She has personally studied the phantom array and learned a lot about the phantom array. However, she does not know much about the phantom array. These phantom arrays are a profound and incomprehensible subject. Only those who have practiced the magic formation can set up the magic formation, trap the enemy in the formation, and then make the opponent fall into the formation.

This is the first time we have seen these phantom formations. This is the most powerful phantom formation I have ever heard of. I didn’t expect you to be so capable. Lan Caidi said with a smile.

Haha, these illusion formations are just randomly arranged by me. I only have a superficial understanding of them. Li Yue said modestly.

After listening to Li Yue's words, Lan Caidi didn't believe it. She knew that young people like Li Yue have been practicing all their lives. They have no time to learn the knowledge of the world of cultivation, and it is impossible to learn fantasy. They only know a little about the formation, and they are just getting started. Moreover, they only know a little about it. How could such people arrange such an unpredictable phantom formation?

This is simply a fantasy.

Lan Caidi felt that Li Yue must be being modest.

However, she did not expose Li Yue. After all, this was Li Yue's own private secret. Wouldn't it be too hurtful if she exposed Li Yue at one glance.

She knew that as a man, she had her own pride. If someone exposed her, Li Yue would definitely become angry.

Don't be modest, the formation you have arranged must be very powerful. Lan Caidi said.

Haha, I just understood a thing or two just now. I only understand a little bit, so it doesn’t count. However, you have such a good sense. I can see that there seems to be someone who has been on this cliff, and he seems to be a master. , let’s go over quickly and take a look. Li Yue said.

He knew that the footprints on the cliff should have been left by the visitor. Those footprints should have been left by the visitor. If they were the footprints left by the visitor, then this person was very powerful.

Well, let's go over there and take a look. Lan Caidi nodded and said.

The two people flew towards the cliff.

However, before the two of them were far away, they saw a man in green robes leading them, followed by many people wearing masks. Their faces were all covered and they could not be seen clearly. However, they exuded a strong fragrance. The evil spirit shows that these people are not good people.

After seeing these people, Lan Caidi and Li Yue became vigilant.

These people were extremely powerful, and they all exuded a strong evil aura, which seemed to be the evil aura left behind after countless bloody battles. Li Yue said in a low voice.

Well, although the strength of these people is terrifying, we are not vegetarians. No matter what their strength is, if we join forces, I am sure that we can deal with them. Lan Caidi said.

Her strength is not weak now.

Okay, then let's join forces! Li Yue said immediately.

Lan Caidie also nodded. Both of them were stunned for a moment, and then they both laughed slightly. After this smile, Li Yue and Lan Caidie performed a set of formations at the same time.

Lan Caidi and Li Yue used a set of formations at the same time, instantly forming a giant circle and wrapping the group of people in it.

The group of people looked surprised when they saw Lan Caidie's formation.

Boy, you still dare to resist, I think you are tired of living! The man in green robe gave a cold shout and said to Lan Caidi.

His voice was very rough. Obviously, his voice was not authentic and must have been modified.

Humph, you evil sects really deserve death. I will definitely kill you, all of you, as a warning to others! Lan Caidi shouted coldly.

Haha, you, a little girl, dare to threaten us. I want to see if your magic array can withstand my iron fist! The man in green robe said.


This group of men in black burst out with powerful attacks at the same time, blasting towards Lan Caidi and Li Yue.

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