"You win."

After seeing his spear shattered, the general knew that he lost the battle between himself and Li Yue.

Not only did he lose, but he also lost completely.

As far as the current battle situation is concerned , Look, the gap between him and Li Yue is really big.

So, since he has lost at this time, he has no idea of ​​continuing to fight Li Yue

"Haha, accepted."

After winning the general, Li Yue also had a smile on his face. To be honest, this battle was actually more difficult than he thought.

If he hadn't thought that the sword intent he unleashed was terrifying enough, If the power is strong enough, it will be very difficult for him to defeat this general.

However, since he has won now, next, this time, the final test in the Temple of the Killing God is left.

"Go up and pass another test, and you can get out of the God-killing Formation."

At this time, the general also reminded Li Yue in good faith.

Li Yue did not expect that the other party would be so kind.

At this time, he nodded towards the other party, and then walked towards the top of the palace.

The palace The corridor looked very deep and spiraled upwards. Ye Xingping was here. He felt like he could feel the terrifying murderous intent everywhere.

Although he knew that everything here was transformed by murderous intent, he still felt that There is an extremely shocking feeling.

I have to say that the person who created the Killing God Formation is really amazing.


Taking a long breath, he was finally about to walk out of the Killing God Array. At this time, Li Yue was actually looking forward to it.

He has now received countless improvements in the Killing God Array. When he leaves the Killing God Array, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. The others were shocked.

What he was curious about now was the last test in the Killing God Formation. I wonder if there would be any additional rewards after he passed it?

Li Yue quickly reached the second floor. When he got here, he found This is a very wide space. In the center of the hall paved with white tiles, stood a white-haired old man.

Just by looking at it, Li Yue felt that this old man exuded extremely terrifying murderous intent.

He had felt it before Compared with the murderous intention that the old man is erupting now, there is actually a big gap.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the old man now feels like the most terrifying monster in the world.

"You came!"

When the old man saw Li Yue coming, he smiled at Li Yue and nodded slowly.

In fact, the old man didn't know what level of cultivation Li Yue was, but he could reach this final level so quickly. In fact, he felt extremely shocked.

After all, in so many years, no one has ever been able to come here.


Li Yue nodded to him at this time, and then started to use all his strength to activate the vitality in his body, ready to fight at any time.

After all, it has reached this point. In fact, he said it seriously. He can be sure that this old man The strength must be extremely terrifying

"Take action, defeat me, and you will pass the test."

The old man said to Li Yue with a smile.

As he spoke, the murderous intent radiating around the old man became extremely terrifying and intense. It was as if the old man had become the most terrifying existence in the world..

Squinting his eyes slightly, Li Yue had no hesitation at this time. Since the strength that the old man has exploded now is so terrifying, he should quickly take action to deal with the opponent!


Thinking of this, Li Yue stepped on the ground with his feet, and then his speed exploded. His whole person turned into a terrifying lightning and rushed directly towards the old man. At this time, Li Yue would have been killed if he didn't explode. Fortunately, the sudden explosion following the performance gave people the feeling of being extremely terrifying.

But it was only a moment after seeing it. Li Yue directly flew countless distances to the old man's side, and then Li Yue directly used his ability to urge The power of the moving thunder sea was brought into full play.

With Li Yue's urging, countless terrifying thunder and lightning appeared around Li Yue's body.

Under the illumination of these thunder and lightning, Li Yue looked at It gives people a feeling that is extremely terrifying and shocking.


Then, Li Yue suddenly waved the thunder sword in his hand, and immediately, an extremely terrifying thunder sword intent burst out in an instant. In a terrifying gesture that shattered everything, it rushed towards the old man fiercely.

The sword intent that burst out at this time gave people the feeling that it had reached an indescribable level.

In fact, no matter what angle you look at it, the attack power displayed by Li Yue at this time is extremely terrifying, and it has far exceeded the limit that a monk in the spiritual realm can exert.

The attack power displayed by Li Yue was so powerful that it actually surprised the old man.

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