Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1077: The real meaning of thunder and lightning!

Lin Zhen didn't know that the two great masters were betting because of him, and the bets were even getting bigger and bigger.

He was completely immersed in the thunder and lightning enlightenment.

If you want to understand the true meaning of thunder and lightning, you have to face two major problems, one is to master the power of destruction, the other is the resonance of thunder and lightning.

Lin Zhen tried several times without success for the resonance element. The element had no fixed place, erratic and difficult to capture.

After several failures, Lin Zhen temporarily gave up the vibes and began to try to master the power of destruction.

Lin Zhen possessed the Destroying Thunder in his body, but the harvest that belonged to chance was not his own power.

He can only say that he knows more about the power of destruction than others and has a little advantage, but not much.

"The power of destruction contains a variety of constituent factors, and belongs to a collection of negative emotions, madness, killing, hatred, resentment, destruction!"

"What's more important is the indomitable momentum and the determination to break everything!"

"Without this momentum and determination, the power of destruction cannot be grasped at all, and it is impossible to release the **** of destruction thunder at will."

Lin Zhen is very talented. He quickly thought of a set of reliable theories. He had possessed the Destroyer Thunder for so long, and he still had a lot of his own insights.

The reason why God of Destruction Thunder is more powerful than other thunder and lightning, in addition to the kind of violent elements, is the implied destructive power, which is more violent and violent.

"Since you can't resonate with irritables for the time being, you must first master the destructive power."

"My mood, momentum, determination, everything must be in harmony with the destructive force to achieve this."

Emotions are also hard to figure out. It’s not something you would have if you want to have so many emotions. This thing doesn’t come with a little moisture and can’t be faked.

Lin Zhen needs to mobilize his own emotions and let his mood enter that state.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Lin Zhen entered the state of unity of mind and mind.

He began to recall, recalling everything he didn't want to touch, the hurt in his heart.

Most of his negative memories are from previous lives.

In his previous life, how many hardships Lin Zhen has gone through, how many times he has no choice but to bow his head, watching his relatives leave, his lover parting, and how many people can understand the kind of small person injury.

A lifetime of hard work, a lifetime of tribulations, and nothing at all in the end, who can tell that kind of sadness and loneliness?

The sufferings that have been going on all the time, the self-comforting one says that it's a bit of a bravery, and the self-paralysis says that it's wise to protect oneself, but how can it end up? It's not dead yet.

Unwilling to die, the unyielding soul is reborn, the black hole that travels through time, the pain of the soul torn in the middle, who can understand?

He was reborn, resurrected, and had another chance. After he had strength, he had wanted to vent, wanted crazy killing, and wanted to destroy!

This process of recollection is not accomplished overnight. Lin Zhen’s memories are like playing a movie, revisiting the old experiences one by one, facing the wounds in his heart that he does not want to touch, he naturally needs to remember carefully, and he must not miss anything.

A whole year!

All the unwillingness, all the pain, it took Lin Zhen a full year to remember.

This is also the case, so that Lin Zhen can accumulate enough negative emotions and the destructive power can get close.

But emotions alone are not enough, he also needs unrelenting momentum and determination to break everything!

Lin really has the aura, he once mastered the invincible martial intent, as long as the martial intent is turned on, he will have the indomitable aura.

And that determination, Lin Zhen is also not lacking.

On the day he just practiced, Lin Zhen had faced Yan Qiye, the strongest person on the earth, in the illusion, and had the courage to fight the sword. He had never feared this.

Repeated accumulation has brought his momentum, emotion, and determination to the culmination.

He has a feeling of ruining everything and not spitting out unpleasantness!

When a thunderbolt was brewing in the sky again, ready to bombard it down, Lin Zhen's momentum had reached its limit.

"Destroy God Thunder, follow me to release!"

The rays of the three gods of destruction above the head flickered. In the past year, destruction ions have re-accumulated, plus the destruction of photons and atoms, all three of the gods of destruction have risen.

Seeing the lightning falling in the sky, Lin Zhen raised his hand decisively.


At the center of the three destruction gods, Lin Zhen himself released a thunder and lightning, and the four thunders lifted into the air, contacting the thunder and lightning in the sky, triggering a huge thunderstorm group!

In an instant, lightning storms are rampant, and the end is coming!

In this area around Lin Zhen, patches of sky thunder fell, and the earth trembled. A peak lower **** who had killed the beast nearby, rushed to the street without saying a word.

In this thunderstorm, Lin Zhen's body had already come to the entrance of the cave, but he was still shaking and his body was still paralyzed.

"There are also the violent elements. I can feel them scurrying in the air, but they are difficult to catch. If I can fix these molecules, I am sure to resonate instantly!"

Lin Zhen tried hard, and the Star Power's mental power was all out, but the irritable elements rushed at the speed of light, and he couldn't fix it at all and couldn't catch it.


In the valley secret realm, the Thunder Lord couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"At the beginning, I had to admire you as a disciple. It took him only one year to realize the power of destruction, without taking any detours in the middle, and pointing directly to the heart of the power of destruction. This is much stronger than mine."

"But you still won't be able to win this bet. I also had a treasure back then. I was a violent person who resonated only by chance. This is not something anyone can do. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com strength and luck are indispensable, you disciple, still lack a little luck, it seems that my top-grade weapons can be saved."

At the beginning, his expression remained unchanged, "Lao Lei, don't say it too early, my identity as a pre-selected disciple is not that simple."

"Oh! Isn't it a Terran warrior? What else is there?"

"Hehe, look carefully."

The Thunder Lord looked carefully for a while, and suddenly his face changed.

"Black Hole Beast!"


Lin Zhen tried several times to no avail. Seeing that the thundercloud storm caused by these three destructive thunders was about to pass, he finally used his last trick.

"Try this again!"

Lin Zhen suddenly shook his body and turned into a huge black hole beast with a length of 70 or 80 meters and a height of more than 30 meters.

With a mouth open, the galaxy circled in his throat and black holes appeared.

"A violent person who can move at the speed of light, I see how you can avoid my black hole that can even be swallowed by light!"

The death ripples spread out, and the thunder that was raging in the air suddenly stopped.

With a light inhalation, the space closest to Lin Zhen suddenly collapsed a little, and all the energy particles free in the air entered the black hole.

The black hole withdrew, instead of swallowing these energy particles completely, but allowing them to stay in the black hole.

Lin Zhen's mental strength swept past and saw that in the black hole, scattered lightning elements were floating and sinking in the black hole.

"That's them!"

With Lin Zhen's thoughts, lightning elements swarmed in, including the destructive power, and quickly merged with those violent elements!

In the buzzing, resonance!

The brand-new Destroy Thunder, the brand-new lightning energy, jumped on Lin Zhen.

Those lightning that continued to descend could no longer cause damage to Lin Zhen.

The true meaning of thunder and lightning, mastered!

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