Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1131: Treasure news

"Where did this ghost face come from? Is there no news?"

A large group of people from the Sakura Alliance gathered together to discuss the latest situation.

The ghost-faced attack has caused a lot of troubles, especially the Sakura Alliance, which has been attacked by the ghost-face man three times.

In the face of the Sakura Alliance, the Ghost Face not only grabbed treasure, but also killed people. Seven or eight people have been killed during this time.

"We must find out who this ghost-faced man is, so that we can deal with him!"

Feng Xiao is currently the strongest Sakura in the outlying areas, because just a month ago, he broke through to the pinnacle of the upper god, and currently the Sakura Alliance is led by him.

All around him are upper gods.

"Boss Feng, we are already investigating."

"How is the investigation?"

"That's it. The total number of people who entered the Jinghu Volcano Group this time is 420,000. Through the information of the dimensional universe, we found that the total number of missing people is 1,821. These people entered the Jinghu Volcano Group. After the lake volcano group, there is no news. It should be chosen to become a lone ranger. It is estimated that the ghost face man is one of the more than 1,000 people."

"Huh! More than one thousand eight hundred people, how to find such a general scope? Reduce the scope as soon as possible and determine the target. I got the news that several treasures were born during this period, and they must not be destroyed by the ghost face."

People around them kept putting forward their own opinions. First of all, among the more than 1,000 people, there were nearly a hundred women, and the ghost-faced people were not women, so these people can be excluded.

The ghost-faced man also showed up many times. It is generally accepted that this person is not a high-level god, so the high-level **** can also be ruled out, so that the target is smaller, only 1,400 people.

Among the remaining people, some metal beings, rock beings, and so on are obviously not in line with them. They can only be humanoid lives, so the scope is reduced to a thousand people.

"Compare the dimensional universe, and compare them one by one with the missing people based on the figure of the ghost-faced man!"

This kind of comparison is a data-based comparison. People's characteristics of tall, short, fat and thin are even more different. This is the individual difference.

The comparison of the dimensional universe began. After a round of comparisons, more than 900 people who did not fit the situation were eliminated.

In the end, only less than thirty people remained!

"Data can't deceive people. Guimian should be one of these thirty people."

When the final result was placed on the table, Feng Xiao and the higher gods all focused their attention on these people, and then expressed their opinions one by one, guessing which one might be?

Some say that knowing this, this strength is very strong, usually mysterious, it should be possible.

Some say that they know that, but this person is of average strength and has been defeated in their own hands, so it will definitely not be him.

The people were talking about it, and among the crowd, Aiyagus locked his eyes on one person.

Lin Zhen!

This person is a low-level **** and is not well-known. Almost no one discusses this person, but Ayagus believes that the ghost-faced person is Lin Zhen!

There is no other reason, because Ghost Face Man has used superimposed tactics, which other people would not be able to do.

Aiyagus wanted to express his opinion, but he held back.

There are many treasures on Lin Zhen, especially Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the Alliance will never let go. Even if Lin Zhen's situation is revealed here, after killing Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen's master Yuxi will not be able to reach his own hands.

He must think of a way to find Lin Zhen.

"Maybe we should find some people to cooperate!"


"Low-grade painting halberd...600,000 points!"

"Medium-grade war knife, 7.5 million points."

"Low-grade mental defense necklace, 5.3 million points..."

Lin Zhen donated the league points one by one, watching his points keep increasing.

For more than two months, Lin Zhen hadn't been idle for almost a moment, looking for a target every day, and then shot.

The hard work of this period of time was finally not in vain, Lin Zhen's current ethnic group points have reached as many as 44 million!

And Lin Zhen did not sell any good things, such as the Xuanhuang Pagoda and the Sun Ring.

After looking at the winged flying armament, these wings were also donated by others, and after someone saw they liked it, they could exchange it out.

There are currently two wings in the points mall of the race.

A low-quality popular wings, points 50 million.

A mid-level Flowing Fire Wing has 130 million points.

Lin Zhen's goal is this popular wings, and his points are almost enough.

"It's time to find the next target."

Lin Zhen also had some troubles in his heart.

The main reason is time.

The intermittent period of the volcano in the Jinghu Continent is only 30 years, and through this period of snatching, Lin Zhen feels that when facing some high-ranking masters, he is still a little weak.

With the help of Leiyin's cloak, he can easily approach the target, using superimposed tactics, he can even burst out a powerful attack instantly, but the fact that the subsequent weakness cannot be changed.

In the final analysis, his power is not enough.

Six hundred and fifty thousand divine power, plus two clones, and then open the domain, the divine power is still less than two million, compared to those high-ranking gods whose supernatural power is more than two million at every his strength is still insufficient .

What's more, he can't stay on the periphery all the time. After all, he wants to enter the core area. The core is the Jinghu area. At that time, it will inevitably face some high-level gods peaks, and then it will be even more difficult to play.

Even if they were exchanged for wings, they couldn't focus on running away. That wasn't Lin Zhen's style.

If he is given a certain amount of time to complete the cultivation of the fifth level of life gene and promote to the middle god, Lin Zhen has absolute confidence to obtain more and better treasures, and he can also fight head-on with any upper god. Up.

"If I have the arms to control the flow of time, coupled with my own twenty-four times slower time, the 30 years is actually a very long time, maybe it can really create miracles."

Time decelerates twenty-four times, which is already the limit of time deceleration, and Lin Zhendu has mastered that time is still.

This multiple cannot be shortened, but if there is a treasure that dominates the armed level and can have the time to slow down, then Lin Zhen means that he has a lot of time.

But where there are such treasures is a problem.

Lin Zhen thought for a while, he contacted his ethnic reception, Hai Yun.

"Miss Hai Yun, I want to consult you about something."

"Hehe, the little handsome guy is so polite. It's rare for you to ask me. Please tell me your request. If I can do it, I won't refuse."

"I need a treasure that can slow down time, and it must be within the Jinghu continent. I want to search through the Dimensional Universe, but the authority is insufficient. I wonder if Miss Hai Yun can help?"

Hai Yun was silent for a while, and then slowly replied: "The investigation can find some, but the unauthorized disclosure of information is an illegal operation..."

Lin Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard this, there is a way!

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