Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1140: Break through to the middle god!

Eyaguez's words also caused some other people's repercussions.

Not only Andamandis was tempted, but even Green was tempted.

The Master Jade Seal issued a total of thirty-two pieces, and nine pieces can be used to obtain a set of Hunyuan Jia. According to Eyagos's statement, whoever gathers it first gets it first.

So, he also has this opportunity.

But Green didn't plan to do anything with Lin Zhen for the time being. After all, Lin Zhen could not miss him. What he thought was to find other brothers to start with.

No one could find the location of these brothers, but Green had his way.

Because Green’s father is himself a master!

It is also because of this that Green has such confidence that he does not put anyone in his eyes, even Andamandis.

He can use his father's power to find other people and get what he wants.

Just do what you want. The same Green from the Jinghu continent also joined the collection of jade seals.

Others had mixed reactions when they heard the news.

Some people also want to gather arms, while others feel that it is imminent.

The **** Eyagos has announced such important news, so when the sixteen of them meet again, they will no longer be the same brothers, but the enemies of life and death!

As for those who are tempted, they are targeting Lin Zhen.

How strenuous it is to kill the others one by one, it is better to find Lin Zhen directly, kill him and get eight jade seals, one success.

Although Eyagos refused to tell where Lin Zhen was, these people were all supernatural beings, and they were still able to find some clues.

At the very least, Lin Zhen is certain in the volcanic area, and the location of Eyagos is not difficult to find. It is estimated that Lin Zhen is also near this direction.

Several high-ranking gods in the same school who believed to be powerful began to move towards Lin Zhen's direction.


Lin Zhen didn't see Eyagues's actions.

After passing the fifth level of the catastrophe, Lin Zhen entered a new round of cultivation period.

There is no gene stock solution in his hand, and the sixth-level gene stock solution will not have time to practice for a while.

After Lin Zhen's black hole power suppressed the golden aura that could be chaotic at any time, he began to practice soul guard.

Lin Zhen's current process of Tongtiantai is on the sixteenth floor, and now it will take about seven years before he cultivates to the realm of a middle-level god.

This period of time was enough for Lin Zhen to make another big step forward on the platform.

After having the origin of the universe, Lin Zhen has reached a point where everyone can't reach the level of intelligence talent.

This kind of talent has brought tremendous benefits, that is, in the practice of the practice, Lin Zhen is fast and scary.

One year is equal to 144 years for Lin Zhen. Before the end of the first year, he broke through the sixteenth floor of Tongtiantai and entered the seventeenth floor.

When entering the seventeenth floor, Lin Zhen once again absorbed the divine stone.

In the second year, he absorbed the **** stone again!

At the end of the second year, he entered the eighteenth floor.

In the third year, the sacred stone was absorbed for the third time.

In the fourth year, he entered the nineteenth floor, and then absorbed the sacred stone...

Day after day, year after year, in the second half of the sixth year, Lin Zhen had reached the 22nd floor of Tongtiantai!

In seven years, it has broken through the seven layers. Of course, this is due to the yin and yang hourglass and its own twenty-four times slowdown, but if this speed is stated, no one will believe it.

However, Lin Zhen desperately gnawed down the twenty-second floor of the Tiantiantai. After passing, he knew that he wanted to continue to hit the twenty-third floor, and the difficulty rose sharply, more than ten times!

Lin Zhen's current soul strength has also reached the level of the late **** king!

And his four dark matter elements, the lowest superelectron also reached the level of three hundred and eighty, and then through the third floor of Tongtiantai, Lin Zhen can cultivate the fourth clone.

Of course that cannot be done in a short time.

And now Lin Zhen is facing a more important moment.

That is today, he will once again absorb the divine power in the divine stone.

After several years of cultivation, Lin Zhen's divine power has once again reached a critical point. As long as this wave is swallowed, his divine power will break through the limit and reach the point of a middle god!

Since Lin Zhen had cultivated to the lower gods, although he was able to fight and deal with the upper gods by some means, such a battle was not what Lin Zhen expected.

Only when he was promoted to the mid-level god, Lin Zhen had the qualifications to enter the Jinghu area and the qualifications to challenge the pinnacles of the unbeatable upper gods, instead of relying on some auxiliary means.

For this time of cultivation, Lin Zhen's sacred stones were not enough. In the later years, his sacred stones were all exchanged, and the source of points was the treasure hunting vine.

The treasure hunting vine worked diligently every day, handing over the collected things to Lin Zhen for him to splurge and purchase the **** stones and energy blocks.

However, the treasure hunting vine was strictly ordered by Lin Zhen to not go too far, nor to go too dangerous places. The volcanic atmosphere here also restrains the action of the treasure hunting The collection of things is also limited, most of the time. These are some boundary stones and chaotic rough stones.

Later, the treasure hunting vine collected were not enough. The long swords and tricolor armor he obtained from Feng Xiao had all donated points, and they were all used to exchange for the **** stone, which was considered to maintain the cultivation needs.

In the eyes of others, this kind of behavior is entirely a prodigal behavior. How can anyone exchange an armed treasure for a sacred stone?

But as long as he can break through and improve his strength, in Lin Zhen's view, everything is worth it.

Fortunately, all the hard work has been rewarded today.

After devouring this time, he will be promoted to the middle god.

After adjusting his breath to make sure that the ball of golden aura would not have an accident in the dantian, Lin Zhen resolutely swallowed these divine stones.

With hundreds of thousands of sacred stones under his stomach, a powerful divine power suddenly rose!

And the barrier that had always restricted Lin Zhen's promotion was also broken under the impact of this divine power.

What followed was an uncontrollable surge in Lin Zhen's supernatural power!

The lowest standard for the promotion of a middle **** is 400,000 supernatural powers, and Lin Zhen can't be regarded as a middle **** for a long time, he should compare and judge with the standard of a higher god.

The lowest standard for upper gods is 800,000 supernatural powers, and for general upper gods to advance, their supernatural powers are around one million.

One million is a watershed. Those who exceed one million are considered geniuses, and those below one million are only ordinary.

Lin Zhen's current divine power is 700,000, and his breakthrough this time, exceeding 1 million is a sure thing.

With the improvement of its own divine power, at the same time it also promoted the clone, and the additional layer of the realm of the gods.

Lin Zhen now knows that he must break one million. What he cares about now is how much his divine power can be improved! ?

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