Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1155: Strong showdown

At this time, Lin Zhen could really see the brawny man clearly.

"This person is so strong!"

Lin Zhen squinted his eyes slightly. Since he broke through to the middle god, the upper gods he has encountered have almost no one-to-one generals, making Lin Zhen even feel that the upper gods are nothing but this.

But the person in front of him obviously broke his concept and made him feel powerful.

This person stood there, as if combining the sharp world and the earth together. It was a sword and a gun, capable of bursting out the most fierce attack at any time.

And his supernatural power level is obviously higher than Lin Zhen now.

Under normal conditions, his supernatural power exceeds two million!

To know that Lin Zhen's current power of 1.51 million, it is almost difficult to meet his opponent, and this person's power is almost a million different from Lin Zhen!

This is a master of the quasi **** king level, without a doubt.

For the first time facing such a master, Lin Zhen didn't shrink back, standing in front of him, his divine power was directly maximized.

Seeing Lin Zhen let go of his supernatural power, Hedgehog was also shocked.

"Haha! It's not bad, the supernatural power can reach more than four million, but it is a pity that you are still not enough to look at it in front of me."

"Enough to see or not, you have to try it before you know it."

"Arrogant, today I will let you know what is the concept of being invincible below the **** king!"

Hedgehog lifted his hand, and a double front halberd appeared in his hand!

The halberd is five meters long, with golden aura enveloping it, and is a top-grade weapon.

Hedgehog's divine power was also released for the first time. In an instant, his divine power soared to more than six million!

"go to hell!"

The halberd slammed down, and the people behind Hedgehog had already withdrawn far away when he took out the halberd.

With a single blow, the halberd was like a clear sky and bright sun, emitting golden light, and the surrounding space showed signs of collapse.

Lin Zhen held the Jackdaw Excalibur and stepped forward resolutely!


The huge impact sound formed a shock wave, as if a stone was thrown into the water, emitting circles of ripples in the space.

Lin Zhen's body was blasted back quickly, and he flew out hundreds of meters.

The absolute strength of the two people still differed a lot, and Lin Zhen was supernaturally inferior to his opponent.

Especially the opponent's halberd was as heavy as a mountain, and Lin Zhen felt that his arm was a little numb.

"Hahaha! Know it, brat, don't be too pretentious after you die!"

The hedgehog succeeded in a blow, and looked up to the sky with a long smile, while the gods of the Dimensional Arena in the distance applauded desperately.

Lin Zhen stabilized his figure and shook his arm. Fortunately, with the leech gene, his resistance and resilience were very strong. Although his strength was not as good as the opponent, such an attack could not cause him any harm.

"Don't think you will win this way, come again!"

The gene of the chaser beast brought super fast speed, and Lin Zhen appeared in front of the hedgehog the next second.

"Buddy is pretty fast, but one hundred more times, the result is still the same."

The hedgehog's halberd waved again, and the golden aura on it became stronger, obviously the power of this blow was even greater.

The halberd swept across Lin Zhen's neck, Hedgehog's face showed a grin, he seemed to see the scene of Lin Zhen's head falling.

"Senior, be careful!" Osdo shouted in horror behind.


There was a gust of wind blowing in the back of his head, and the chill was pressing.

"how is this possible!"

Hedgehog never dreamed that Lin Zhen could teleport. He didn't have time to dodge with this blow, and he hit a sword directly in the back of his head!

A spark slashed across his head, and Lin Zhen's Jackdaw Sword directly cut off a piece of his scalp!

If it weren't for his dodge in times of crisis, this sword would bring him serious damage.

Lin Zhen succeeded with a single blow, and tweeted: "It's so hard head, it didn't make the jackdaw get all the power."

The hedgehog's eyes were full of anger, and he also realized that today's opponent is absolutely difficult.

It was the first time he had seen such an opponent to teleport in the Jinghu Continent, so it would be very difficult for him to quickly kill Lin Zhen.

"Good, good! What a ghost-faced man, really a bit arrogant capital, but you shouldn't anger me like this, it will lead to your fall, and now is the beginning of the real battle."

The hedgehog roared, and the halberd in his hand struck him like a storm. This time, he was careful about Lin Zhen's teleportation. It was almost impossible for Lin Zhen to succeed as easily as the first time.

Lin Zhen also truly saw the invincible strength below the Divine King. This hedgehog's body was as hard as steel, and his combat skills were first-rate, and his combat experience was not inferior to him.

If it weren't for teleportation to often relieve the pressure and avoid attacks, Lin Zhen would be at a total disadvantage.

Even with teleportation, Lin Zhen is still faintly at a disadvantage. After all, the divine power gap of close to two million is not a good-looking one. The opponent's hard power is indeed strong.

But Lin Zhen couldn't retreat. It was also a rare experience to be able to fight such a master. With the leech gene and the chaser gene, Lin Zhen also had enough confidence to deal with the opponent.

The battle between the two raged on.

Before the war, these people in the Dimensional Arena thought that Lin Zhen would be destroyed by a hedgehog, but they never expected The strength of this ghost-faced man was so strong that the two of them went from the sky to the ground. He hit the volcano from the ground, and occasionally rose up from the volcano, and then hit the sky.

The hedgehog's seemingly fierce attack did not cause a fatal injury to Lin Zhen. It is not easy to hit this person who often disappears and then appears from another place. Even if he succeeds once in a while, this guy can quickly recover. Come here and make a comeback.

The battle is from early morning to dusk, from dusk to late night, and from late night to dawn.

During the whole day of fighting, the surrounding volcanic area was fragmented, and the gods who started cheering on the hedgehog were a little drowsy.

"The two of them... won't you just keep fighting like this?"

"It's hard to say that Master Hedgehog is stronger, but he is not strong enough to instantly kill the ghost man. This person's recovery ability is too strong. If this continues, even a Thousand Days War will be impossible."

"It's a pity that when Master Hedgehog is doing it, no one else is allowed to intervene, otherwise everyone will go together and kill this girl."

Hearing other people's discussions, Osdo finally said: "Don't worry about it, Lord Hedgehog hasn't exerted his true strength at all until now. Look at it. When he uses his tricks, the battle is over."

At this moment, the battle between the two finally changed.

Lin Zhen sacrificed himself to attack, and unexpectedly gave Hedgehog another sword, wounding his arm.

The hedgehog did not continue this kind of attack. After two steps back, he suddenly let out a loud whistle.

A golden nebula gushed out from within his **** realm, and instantly filled a thousand li!

Hedgehog stood above the nebula with a hideous face: "Ghost face man, I am tired of continuing to entangle with you like this, this time is really over!"

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