Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1171: Harvest after the war

Lin Zhen grabbed the moon ring, and then took down Anda's broken arm.

Throwing away the broken arm directly, Lin Zhen's point was to take down the flamingo sword.

After taking down the flamingo, the jackdaw in his hand also shook slightly, and the soul of the jackdaw in the blade seemed to welcome the arrival of his partner.

However, the Flamingo is not as easy to use as the Jackdaw for Lin Zhen, because Flamingo's power is mainly flames. Lin Zhen has not yet understood the true meaning of flames. This sword is a high-grade weapon to Lin Zhen.

Brought the Flamingo into the God Realm, and then Lin Zhen took the moon ring.

This thing was Lin Zhen's biggest gain in this battle. He took out the sun ring and star ring, all three rings were in his hands.

The sun ring is the largest, the outer ring, the moon ring is the second, the middle ring, and the star ring is the smallest, the inner ring.

The three rings are in one, and they close together with a click!

The brilliance of the sun, the moon and the stars flashed, and this mental attack weapon instantly reached the status of a top-grade weapon!

When taken separately, they are all middle-grade. When combined together, they are top-grade. Moreover, if there is no moon ring, the sun ring and the star ring cannot be brought together. Andamandis’s vision is still very unique. Take the moon ring, Lin Zhen Armed forces are not a climate.

It's just that he didn't expect that after breaking through to the **** king, he would still be attacked by Lin Zhen, losing the flamingo and the moon ring.

With the Sun Moon Star Ring in his hand, Lin Zhen studied it and found that this thing can be worn directly on the forehead like a hair band.

He buckled it up a bit, and it fits perfectly, and he **** Lin Zhen's somewhat messy long hair, looking very neat.

This thing was supposed to be a headband. There was a pattern of sun, moon and stars on the forehead, and there was a flash of fluorescent light. The appearance was also very good, but I don't know which master made it.

Another advantage of wearing it directly is that it is more convenient to launch mental shocks and destiny, without having to float in front of your eyes, and it is easy to be attacked by others.

In addition to the harvest of the Sun, Moon, Star Ring and Flamingo, Lin Zhen's trophies this time are also countless, and they are currently in the God Realm. If they were sold for points, it would be a huge income.

It's just that Lin Zhen doesn't have time to do this now. Taking the Domination Liquid has sequelae.

The divine power doubles in ten minutes, but then there is a one-year period of weakness, and the divine power will be halved.

Lin Zhen's divine power is halved, which is the level of an ordinary high-ranking **** who reached the peak of his late stage. If he continues to stay here, he is committing a personal risk. After all, many people know the effect of Domination Liquid, and maybe someone secretly covets it. Waiting for Lin Zhen's weakness to attack.

Taking advantage of the current state of bursting, Lin Zhen mentally swept the surrounding area.

With the blessing of the sun, moon, and stars, within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, Lin Zhen quickly found many people lurking in the dark.

"These gloomy mice are still thinking about picking up cheap, so I will let you know what regret is!"

After a teleportation, Lin Zhen came to a hidden place, and with a wave of the jackdaw in his hand, a high-ranking **** who was hiding was killed on the spot!

Collecting the spoils, Lin Zhen teleported to surprise the next target.

One two, three five!

Lin Zhen made full use of the best period of time, beheading more than 20 people who were hiding in the dark.

Those who were lucky enough to think that they would not be discovered, Lin Zhen did not stay. With his current mental power, no one of the **** king could hide in the dark, and the quasi **** king could not.

Others ran out of their hiding places and fleeing far away lifelessly.

In less than five minutes, there was no one hiding in the dark within a radius of 10,000 miles.

Lin Zhen breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all this.

Next, he will find a place to hide for a year.

Lin Zhen had already thought about where to go, and that was in Jinghu Lake.

In the entire Jinghu Continent, only Jinghu was the safest place. Others couldn't stay in Jinghu any longer, but there was a mysterious yellow pagoda for protection, which was nothing to Lin Zhen.

Seeing that no one was watching, Lin Zhen teleported to the lake area of ​​Jinghu Lake, and then continued flying and teleporting, and quickly went to the depths of the lake area.

In five minutes, Lin Zhen had penetrated hundreds of thousands of kilometers into Jinghu Lake. When he felt that the power of the Domination Liquid was about to disappear, he decisively sacrificed the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and then sank into the lake bottom.

A series of mysterious yellow air was released, blocking the extremely corrosive lake water.

Feeling a wave of weakness, Lin Zhen also sank hundreds of kilometers into the lake.

This was originally a wasteland, not to mention that it was still at the bottom of Jinghu Lake. It can be said that no one has ever been to the restricted area, and Lin Zhen restored extremely safe here.

"Within this year, I can't go out, so this period of time is just used to break through the rooftops, which also happens to stabilize my current state."

After Lin Zhen understood the true meaning of the gold element, he could already condense the fourth clone, but that would require him to cultivate to the twenty-sixth floor of the Tongtiantai.

He is currently located on the 23rd floor of Tongtiantai and has to pass three passes.

But before that, Lin really had to take a good inventory of his gains from this battle.

Spiritual power enters the realm of the gods. I dare not say that there is a pile of things inside ~ but there are also a lot of things.

Divine crystals, divine stones, boundary stones, chaotic rough stones, and some colorful gems are simply a huge pile of stones.

It's just that these stones, if you take them to the outside world, one can change a planet.

In addition to stones, there are also many treasures, weapons, etc., which are even more expensive.

Lin Zhen even saw a few wood element crystals in it, which made his eyes shine.

On the side of this pile of things, there were several shuttles, and the Divine Shield was thrown aside, but there were no free satellites, which made Lin Zhen a little disappointed.

"Clone, go to sort out and classify these things for me."

Lin Zhen's clone of Thunder and Light Element was already in the God Realm, and they immediately came to this treasure pile and began a pleasant arrangement.

The beach area that Lin Zhen left before was a mess after the war.

There are even some things like God Stone World Stone scattered around, and no one is going to collect them now.

Until Lin Zhen left, a person came here from a distant volcano.

If Lin Zhen was here, he would definitely be able to recognize him, he would be his old acquaintance, and the first person he met after leaving the Metaverse, Green!

Green looked at the riddled area around him and couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"My junior, Lin Zhen, is really not easy. Even Anda, who was promoted to the King of God, was injured. This time he is well-known and developed."

"Now that Anda is out, only Lin Zhen and I can compete for the Hunyuan Jia. We both have eight dominating jade seals, and a man named Feng Manlou has one in his hand."

"Lin Zhen, I don't dispute other things, but Hun Yuan Jia I will definitely not let you. The key point now is to see who can find Feng Man Lou first."

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