Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1364: 34567, one swipe!

The battle of Falling Star Lake was completely deadlocked.

The female generals of the Lin family fought desperately with the enemy on the battlefield without the support of their husband.

This kind of battle is very conducive to their growth. No matter the six ladies of Lin Zhen, the three women like Angel, or his daughter, they are all very strong and brave.

Under the influence of Lin Zhen, they also attached great importance to protecting themselves when fighting, and never gave the enemy a chance.

Even Lin Ping and Lin An performed well in the battle.

The warriors of Falling Star Lake were led by the Lin family. Although the situation was difficult, although many people died, everyone who survived the battle advanced by leaps and bounds.

Someone constantly breaks through and advances!

The tens of billions of coalition forces just can't get past the thunder pool!

One hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years.

Time has passed so quickly, no matter what methods the coalition adopts, no substantial breakthrough progress can be made.

This battle, I don't know when it will end.

The several **** kings of the coalition army have begun to contact people who can ask for help, but they don't know when and when the real strong will arrive.

But no matter what, the coalition forces will not withdraw. They come so vigorously. If they go back dingy, it will make people laugh out of their teeth. They still firmly believe that if this continues, there will be a day of falling Star Lake.

Metaverse, orc kingdom!

The orc is a pure race, not a monster, nor a spirit beast, nor a star beast, nor is it a human being.

They are half-human and half-animal beings, which look like human beings, but have many characteristic forms of beasts.

In this way, they possess a certain learning ability of human beings, as well as the powerful vitality of beasts, which is considered a powerful race.

However, this race has great limitations, that is, the comprehension is not as good as that of humans, and the vitality is not as good as the real beasts. It belongs to the kind of race that has a strong start but a very low ceiling.

For many years, the orcs can only make a difference in those lower planetary worlds, and the more advanced the civilized world, the less the orcs can get on the stage.

There is even a popular saying in the race that orcs are no genius.

Some other surrounding countries often come back to bully the orc kingdom, catch some orcs and go back to do their best.

A natural slave material who can understand people's words and has strength.

In this situation, the grumpy and straightforward orcs have no power to change anything.

They hope that there will be a real genius in the clan to lead the orcs out of trouble.

But now, this genius has appeared.

Ten years ago, the Tiger tribe gave birth to an orc baby, which was whiter and handsomer than the average orc, and was somewhat biased towards the human race.

The baby's parents named the baby Lin Hu, because the baby was born in the forest.

Orcs have no surnames, but tigers all have a tiger character.

The Tiger tribe is the second largest tribe of the orcs, and the current ruling race is the Lion tribe.

Lin Hu was laughed at by other orcs because he looked very weak.

But just this Lin Hu, who was laughed at, brought countless shocks to the orcs after his birth.

Lin Hu was able to uproot trees at the age of one year, smash mountains and rocks at the age of two, and climb mountains at the age of three.

At the age of four, Lin Hu was able to defeat a seven- or eight-year-old half-orc. At the age of five, he would have no opponents under his adulthood.

When he was six years old, Lin Hu began to challenge the strong from all races. He rarely failed at the age of seven and was almost invincible at the age of eight.

At the age of nine, a human tribe came to capture the orcs, and the leader even reached the state of Sanhua.

The Sanhua realm is equivalent to the strength of the orc patriarch, because it is difficult for orcs to cultivate to longevity.

As a result, Lin Hu went into battle and easily killed the Sanhua tribe, making the entire tribe's eyeballs shocked!

When he was ten years old, when the orc was an adult, Lin Hu directly announced that he would challenge the patriarch.

But the patriarch of the Lion clan, fearing Lin Hu, did not dare to fight, and passed the position of the patriarch to Lin Hu.

After serving as the head of the patriarch, Lin Hu began to lead an army of orcs.

The so-called army is basically a soy saucer, a guard of honor of tens of thousands of people, thousands of people carry big sedan chairs for Lin Hu, and the rest are responsible for logistical work and waving the flag.

Wherever he went, Lin Hu faced the enemy alone and easily conquered all the kingdoms in all directions!

After the conquest, Lin Hu did not occupy, but only signed a contract with the leader of the enemy country, a treaty of a thousand years of non-aggression.

Of course, those countries that can't beat Lin Hu at all dare not say anything. They all swear by their own souls that they will not violate the orc kingdom for a thousand years.

After a whole hundred years, Lin Hu fought countless countries around him, and was basically able to completely guarantee the safety of the orc empire.

Just when the orcs were overjoyed and thought that Lin Hu could lead them to fight all over the world, Lin Hu died suddenly!

Lin Hu's death was very strange. Without any signs, he suddenly told everyone that he was going to die. He asked the orcs not to invade outside, and to concentrate on cultivation, which would be safe within a thousand years.

As for the millennium later, that is not something he is worried about.

After speaking, Lin Zhen turned into a light spot and disappeared and never returned.

This made some female orcs who adore Lin Hu extremely sad. They failed to marry Lin Hu and gave birth to him a strong little tiger, which was the regret of their lives.

Following the emergence of a genius in the orc kingdom, a genius has also appeared in the mechanical tribe, who has been invincible for a century, and once led the mechanical tribe to the peak.

But the genius of the mechanical race also left after a hundred years.

Later, in the territory of the Demon Race, a person known as the Star of Hope also appeared.

This is a demon clan, incredibly powerful, and was once considered the future patriarch.

But the future patriarch also died in a hundred years, making the demons cry loudly.

If this demon clan is given hundreds of years, if he falls into the Star Lake in the past, he believes that he can definitely break the current entanglement situation and completely defeat the Lin family.


Rock clan...

These two races had their own geniuses, and according to their records, their geniuses were extremely powerful, even surpassing the human race Lin Zhen, and surpassing the geniuses of other races.

It's just that these geniuses have a weakness, that is, they die in a hundred years.

The news came out, making their people very sad.

A genius died early, what a sad thing...

Just when all the major races wrote books to the geniuses in their own clan, when they were making great announcements, no one knew that the so-called geniuses were actually the reincarnation of a single person.

From the third to the seventh, these five lifetimes were the stages of Lin Zhen's growth.

It was when he allowed the power within Chaos Qinglian to continue to grow.

This is an accumulation process, as long as there are no accidents, it can be passed smoothly.

In this way, until Lin Zhen’s eighth Nirvana, this time, he is a pure human Want to find the latest chapter by himself? You are OUT, follow the WeChat public account: Youdu Literature or Suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really not wrong to read and tease girls!

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