Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1431: Lin Zhen arrives

Positioning in time and space, this is Lin Zhen's unique knowledge.

This can only be achieved if they have reached an extremely high level of understanding and mastery of time and space, and have a different power from this universe.

It can be said that no one else has so many harsh conditions like Lin Zhen at the same time.

The forces of the new universe and the old universe are combined in one person, and he can go wherever he wants.

The exact principle is that Lin Zhen directly finds a position in the old universe according to the coordinate position of the new universe, and can go far, far away at once.

For example, one million light years now!

He would be there in a second if he had to travel a distance of one million years.

Suddenly, Lin Zhen left the Dark Light Realm and went directly to an unknown starry sky.

But Lin Zhen just glanced at it and knew where it was.

"The Great Nebula of the Son of Heaven, a country of intermediate civilization..."

He recites the entire universe, the universe is in his heart, there is no place Lin Zhen does not know.

Once again, the space-time positioning is another million light-years away.

For five consecutive seconds, five consecutive times, Lin Zhen was already close to the goal he wanted to reach.

"Beastmaster Prison..... I finally came!"

Teleported again, Lin Zhen had already appeared near the voice calling, only less than a hundred kilometers away.

Here, Lin Zhen has already seen the situation.

In the distance, the sky full of snake formation, trapped a little red dim light.

That was the light from the little phoenix's body, which was very dim now, proving that the master was in a very bad state.

And a serpentine snake was opening its mouth, trying to swallow the little phoenix.

Seeing his wife's suffering, Lin Zhen was furious!

When he stepped on the ground, the entire continent seemed to tremble, and a huge pit appeared directly where he stepped!

Like a nuclear bomb exploded, such a huge explosive force pushed Lin Zhen to rush to the snake formation!

The dense snake formation could not stop Lin Zhen's footsteps at all, and was torn to pieces like paper!

In less than a second, Lin Zhen had already reached the big snake that wanted to devour Feng Qingluan.

"Who is so bold...Uh!"

Seeing someone making trouble at the meal, the big snake was furious, turned his head fiercely, but was caught by Lin Zhen's neck.

As a fierce beast with a special ruler, this greedy snake has almost no opponents, except for the three dominated perfect fierce beasts, it has never feared anyone.

But the human being in front of him, with its powerful power, made the snake feel like a baby.

The opponent's hand was like iron pliers, firmly gripping its seven inches, and an incredible force lifted it fiercely.

When the snake was caught, the little phoenix appeared.

Seeing the weak appearance of the little Phoenix, Lin Zhen felt greatly distressed. When he raised his hand, a chaotic aura wrapped the little Phoenix, protecting her, and at the same time allowing her to watch for a while.

Looking at the greedy snake that was constantly twisting in his hand, Lin Zhen simply raised his arm.



Holding this snake like a whip, it slammed on the ground fiercely.

With a bang and a big earthquake, the thousand-meter-long snake smashed the ground into a deep trench.

The greedy snake was stunned by being thrown, and his mind was confused, and he could only twist his body hard to break free.

It can't imagine how this human being can be so strong. You must know that it is a fierce beast of a special dominance level. It considers itself a top ten existence in the universe, and it is treated as a rope-like wheel.

Lin Zhen didn't care about so much, no matter what special ruler he was or not, he shook him up for a while and fluttered everywhere.

The long whip waved, blurring the surrounding snakes.

It has to be said that even if the beasts of the special dominance level are used as weapons, they are very useful, and it is really enjoyable to take turns.

The top of the mountain was knocked down, and the ground was dented. This greedy snake may be the worst special master in history. The bones of the whole body were beaten out of joint, and it was struggling at first. Later, even the ability to struggle was lost. No more.

By the time Lin Zhen slapped thousands of times to kill all the fierce beasts around him, the snake was completely unable to move, and only one breath was left hanging there.

"Don't try to play dead, I know you are still alive."

Lin Zhen brought the snake in front of him, took a look, and took it to Xiao Fenghuang's side.

He hugged the little phoenix over: "Feng'er, you have worked so hard. This snake tries to hurt you. From now on, let it compensate you for the rest of your life. Is it good to be your mount forever?"

Little Phoenix was in Lin Zhen's arms, and a tear fell.

There really is a miracle in the world. Lin Zhen actually felt the call from her heart and came quickly from a distance.

At the juncture of life and death, she finally returned to the embrace of her lover, and the strong woman couldn't help crying.

Lin Zhen took out a small bell from his body, which was one of the nine purple golden bells.

The Jiugong Zijin Bell, which can lock a total of nine beasts, has already locked a dragon. With this second bell, Lin Zhen is going to lock the snake.

Anyway, it is also a special dominance level, and the strength cannot be wasted.

Hanging the bell on the snake's neck, a supernatural power penetrated, and the snake was completely locked!

As long as Lin Zhen doesn't take this bell off for it in the future, the snake will never take it off.

After being locked by the bell, Greedy Snake quickly opened his the thinking has been active with the owner, he did not dare to pretend to be dead.

"Remember from now on, take good care of this hostess, if you are a little slack, give you cramps and stew soup!"

Snake's huge head nodded frequently, and said: "Don't worry, master, Snake will definitely protect his master and mistress with his life."

Lin Zhen nodded and put the greedy snake down. At this moment, it had changed from a ferocious enemy to the most loyal subordinate, so there was no need to worry about it.

The greedy snake landed, and immediately took the initiative to walk around, guarding the surroundings to prevent those from the past comrades from coming to make trouble.

Lin Zhen was injected with warm divine power, combined with the healing of the light and water elements, with his current strength, the power of the little Phoenix was quickly restored.

In less than ten minutes, the little phoenix is ​​back to life!

The body of the phoenix lifted into the air and hovered, and after landing, it had turned into a red-robed, majestic beauty.


Lin Zhen hugged Feiyan's wife, warm in his heart.

But the little phoenix came out of Lin Zhen's arms very quickly and said urgently to Lin Zhen: "Husband, go to sister Sunflower and the others, they are all trapped in the chaos altar in the underground palace..."

Feng Qingluan spoke quickly, and quickly explained to Lin Zhen what had happened in the Beast King Prison.

Lin Zhen also sucked in air when he heard Xiao Fenghuang finish.

"Sure enough, I was skeptical at the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be Teacher Lone Star."

Little Phoenix looked at Lin Zhen's eyes: "Husband, he is your teacher, can you use force against him?"

Lin Zhen smiled and grabbed his wife's waist: "Don't talk about the teacher, it's just God, if I dare to plot my wife, I want to punch it!"

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