Era: Retired from the army at the beginning and returned home

Chapter 139 Team Leader Jiang disdains company

Naturally, everyone agreed on the matter of drawing lots, and even some weak business units were a little happy. Because coming here is all about luck, and if there is competition, there will be no chance.

Director Zhang asked Lao Wei from the Publicity Department to prepare a cardboard box, and then count the number of people. Each person would have a paper ball, and he would get places for five square cars to enter.

During this preparation period, I first found an opportunity to call Director Huang from the breeding farm to the team's office alone.

Together with Director Zhang again, the two played a double act, saying that with so many people present, there were actually more than just five repair shops that 'supported' them. Today's car may not be able to give them a breeding farm. It may have to wait until next time, but let them not worry. The next batch will definitely be released before the year, and it will be guaranteed to them at that time.

This is a joke. Waiting for the next batch, the next batch may be planned to be produced. Maybe it is better to draw lots to get the car in a short period of time.

Finally, I told him the purpose of calling him here alone. The auto repair shop wanted to raise chickens and ducks, and not only did they raise chickens in the repair shop, but they also had to join a brigade in the countryside. If they were only raised in a repair shop, a few dozen of them would be enough to lay eggs. There really wouldn't be one quota for them in these ten cars.

This request made Director Huang ponder for a while. If there were dozens of chickens and ducks in the market, it would only cost one or two yuan. If you really can get the car, you don't have to talk to them alone. They will agree to anything you mention.

But now the repair shop proposes to raise them in a large team. Their breeding farm actually has a plan to raise them. After all, the feed is also according to the plan. It is normal to raise a little more unplanned poultry, but not too much. If it is spring and the weather is warm, it is no problem to get a batch of chicks, hundreds or even thousands, because a chick is no different from an egg.

But now what the repair shop wants is to feed chickens and ducks that can lay eggs, which is not easy to do. However, one thing that is easy to operate is that whether it is a repair shop or a rural brigade for breeding, it is not of a personal nature. But it is not easy for their farm to directly buy so many chickens and ducks, otherwise other units will also ask for it, so how can they explain it.

In the end, Director Huang agreed. The repair shop wanted dozens of them so that they could be easily solved. Just take the money and go there. In the rural brigade, chickens and ducks can be given, but they are not sold. They are supported by the local government and are regarded as helping the farms to breed. The eggs laid by the chickens and ducks raised by the rural brigade must be recycled to the farms.

The purpose of doing this is to say that there is a shortage of eggs now and it is done to increase the supply of eggs in the city. Chickens and ducks cannot be eaten, and a deposit must be paid.

In this case. If you want to do it in other units or places, you can do it. Whatever work you can support, we can do it for you. It’s not that chickens and ducks are not raised in rural areas now, but that there is nothing to feed them. But Director Huang knew that the repair shop and the grain factory were now on the line. They must be taking care of them, otherwise they would not dare to join a large team.

As long as the brigade can meet this requirement and provide eggs, the farms can pay for them, which will definitely increase the farmers' income. Moreover, the farmers themselves can eat the eggs and duck eggs, and they can agree on a certain ratio at most. If this is the case, it is actually a good thing for the breeding farm.

But Director Huang also said that this time he agreed and don't let his mother do any more tricks later. They have to make sure they get the car, otherwise they won't be assured.

"Director Huang, don't worry about the car. A car will be officially installed this afternoon. Come for a test drive, or send someone over. Just write your factory's name on the car you like. The road inspection will be completed by then. Send someone directly to drive it back to your factory. And you can rest assured that this car is produced according to automobile standards. We are confident that it will pass the road inspection, and the car you get will definitely pass the test."

"Do you really mean what you say?"

"Old Huang, this is what Team Leader Luo said. If you don't believe it, I don't believe Team Leader Luo."

Director Huang became a little excited. This is a great idea. You can pick a car today and then write the name of your factory on the car in front of so many people outside. There is no way the repair shop will not recognize it.

So both parties shook hands warmly and reached an agreement.

Farewell Director Huang, the next one is the meat factory. The scale of the meat factory is much larger than that of the breeding farm, and you can raise chickens and ducks, but raising pigs may not be sustainable for a long time, because the grain station cannot always supply Rice bran and soybean meal will definitely be fine if you raise them for a year or two. In the future, if you want to eat meat, you still need to have a good relationship with the meat factory.

Therefore, even if the meat was obtained through dispatching relations last time, for the cars produced now, there is no need to pay attention to the other party. However, Director Zhang and Luo Cheng still included the meat factory in the scope of priority purchase this time.

Let Director Sun come over, and there is no need to perform a double act, because I have never used a cube car to draw cakes to the opponent before. The request is very simple. I want to raise pigs and help get some pigs that are several months old. If it's too big, it won't grow much if you raise it. If it's too small, I'm afraid it won't survive.

Knowing that the meat factory is involved, if this request cannot be resolved, they will go directly to the livestock factory that raises pigs. Those who raise chickens and ducks are poultry, and those who raise pigs are livestock. They are both raised, and they are not kept together. Otherwise, the purchase quota for one car may be solved.

In the end, a cooperation was reached, but the pigs must ensure a certain survival rate and have certain weight requirements. In fact, the so-called survival rate means that if you raise it yourself, you will eat it. Even if you are raised to death, your survival rate will be counted when the pig is handed over. And it only needs to be turned in once. Next year the pigs will be bred and the pigs you raise will give birth to piglets, so there is no need to be related anymore.

Letting the meat processing factory solve the pig problem is killing two birds with one stone, because if you go to the livestock factory, you won't be able to cooperate for a long time. When cooperating with a meat factory and unable to raise pigs, they still have to remember the friendship of this car.

This is tantamount to getting another company, and the next one is not making demands, but selling miserably. If the textile factory is promised two vehicles, it can only deliver one vehicle first.

Within a month at most, another car is guaranteed to be delivered to their textile factory. As for your concern that after formal production, the repair shop will have to plan production according to local requirements and will not be able to deliver.

Come, ask our Team Leader Jiang, if a new car factory is established, even if it is built in Nghe An. It needs to be done completely in accordance with the local plan. Those small businesses may have to follow the local supporting facilities. For example, the current repair shop was built compulsorily because of local supporting needs, and the benefits also depend on the number of local cars.

But automobile factories are completely exposed to the entire country, and there are many production restrictions, and they are not dependent on local areas. If Ngee Ann has the ability to produce engines, tires, bearings, etc. locally, it may require planned production in the true sense.

Team leader Jiang told Luo Cheng that there was definitely a planned production. But other factories dare not say that if Luo Cheng produces cars, it will not rely on local help, but the assistance of the first automobile factory.

To put it bluntly, Luo Cheng only designed the booster pump and shock absorber. For other things, he was not allowed to rely on Qiyi's assistance in purchasing them. Let’s talk about engines. If you say you don’t rely on the automaker and purchase them yourself, they say they are too busy. It’s not like they won’t give them to you. They will give you 30 units a month. Then your plan of 5,000 units makes no sense at all.

Therefore, if the units of local kings and kings make purchases, they must be satisfied, but orders from other units can be delayed as long as Luo Cheng wants. The money from the sale of this car cannot be kept in your own pocket. If you have to worry about the order every day, then don't live there.

The orders from the No. 1 Automobile Factory have been queued up until the end of the Year of the Monkey, and the factory director will not even ask about this matter. I can produce as much as I can. If I'm in a good mood, I'll ship some goods according to the planned order. If I'm in a bad mood, I won't be able to produce. If you have the ability, you can produce and be the director of the factory.

So let the textile mills rest assured that the next batch of cars will be given to them first.

There are so many people coming from the textile factory, so if you can get one first, you don't have to worry about it anymore. And the people in the textile factory have also realized that although the repair shop is not a big deal now, if it actually produces cars. Their textile factory is huge, and they may have to look up to each other in the future. The automobile factory has not yet been built, so it can be ignored by local units.

After the matter in the textile factory is resolved, the people in the garment factory and the grain factory will have nothing to talk about, and there will be no additional requirements for them. Tell them that you will send someone to test the car in the afternoon. Then write down the factory name and drive away after road inspection.

The drawing of lots was almost ready. Director Zhang asked Luo Cheng what to do after the drawing of lots. These five cars can't really be taken away by them for nothing. If you don't get any extra benefits, it's like walking without picking up money, which is equivalent to losing money.

"That's what we'll do when the time comes,!@#...%"

"It's not good to play in such a dark way."

Team Leader Jiang listened to the calculations of Director Zhang and Team Leader Luo in the office, shook his head, and left the office. A factory director, a level 7 automotive engineer, that’s the fucking type of person. Disdainful of company~~.

Drawing lots is fair. If you want to be fair, just let people catch the car and give it to them. There is no sense of generosity at all. It is obviously the work of villains, and they are still flattering each other in business. Especially Director Zhang's words, "Wonderful, this is an afterthought." In the opinion of Team Leader Jiang, such an act would not lead to great things.

I stayed up late yesterday, and originally wanted to go to bed later today, but alas, the plot was moving too slowly, so I didn’t deserve more sleep.

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